>still no part 5 announcement
>no jojo fridays to keep us company between JoJolion updates
what the fuck
>still no part 5 announcement
>no jojo fridays to keep us company between JoJolion updates
what the fuck
Stand name: Beat Crusader
Namesake: youtube.com
Ability: The Stand works in conjuction with the user's guitar, and is able to completely physically control anyone who hears the user's music. Works much like the folk tale character, "the Pied Piper."
Sort of like the alternate universe Akira. Pardon my autism.
Stand Name: Flavour Of The Month
Namesake: youtu.be
Ability: This Stand is not an average Stand, as it is not a combat Stand, but a Stand used in baking, it is able to analyze any pastry, bread or any other baked goods to molecular level, being able to see what ingredients where used in making it, and how to make it even better and mouthwatering.
If it has to fight, it uses its ability [INGREDIENT EXTRACTOR] to dissolve its enemy's body on a molecular level.
This is the last week so something is going to happen
I hope man, part V fags can't take it anymore
>fan made stands that aren't time/space related
i'm impressed.
Yasuho looks soo fuckable
>what the fuck
The OVA kept them busy and thus pushed Vento Aureo further back.
I thirst for it but at the same time I'm worried about the ED not being Ganster Paradise.
Stand Name: Milli Vanilli
Namesake: youtube.com
Ability: The user of this Stand is able to copy and use any existant Stand ability. The user has to know about the Stand's existence to copy its ability.
This effect works as long as no one realizes you're copying someone's Stand.
Reposting from last thread
Part 5 Stickers from UJ.
All the rest of the stickers are gone, I'm keeping the Part 5 ones because Cio got one.
All the rest here -> imgur.com
Back pages is the Rai recipe but that's already about.
MonHun getting a new game too means it's going to be in it's little hype bubble for a while.
It'll come, I love seeing the shitstorm of threads though, like the Grand festival or bizarre summer. Time has flown by.
>tfw still no Part 4-8 Manga english releases yet
>they announce more Rohan OVAs or a DMQ OVA instead of Part 5 at the end of the festival
>and after being told to take it off
>anime colors
Koume, user-senpai
>dmq ova
I honestly wouldn't mind this.
I miss Jojo Fridays. I'd get a pizza and watch the new episode. Those were some comfy days.
i'm getting worried guys
surely the announcement will be right at the end of the festival... right?
post yfw
>first ED is gangsta's paradise and second is ITCOTCK
I wasn't really paying attention to the anime when it was still airing. How did JoJo Fridays go down? Was there a stream that everyone watched, with simultaneous chat and Sup Forums general posts?
I literally did the same. Pizza with gf, watching jojo. All was good in the world
Oh I forgot to add, 9/19 is the next Tako's release according to the Recipe page. I know some people were talking about in one of the pruned threads
Same, although I'd be a bit worried if it were tonally off or were brightly coloured. Araki's colour page for DMQ it the oranges/pinks were really nice. I'd like them to keep it a little more toned down than the majority of DiU.
Is Tsumugi a he or a she?
Whatever you want him to be with an ass that fat.
Mosaicdude already updated the imgur but I don't think he posted it. Regardless this thread's already going down the purge route, I'll be damned if it survives another few hours.
what's wrong with namefagging
Shit's getting better with every part.
I thought this mosaic wouldn't be as good because of the section mostly consisting of car scenes but it was pretty good.
>tfw nothing will ever top Battle Tendency
Thanks, Ciofag!
>Tankobons says Speed King has hidden powers
>Blue Hawaii Part 3 says Speed King's hidden power is unknown to all
About 8 days before the end of Jojofes
Part 5 is not happening.
They lost tens of millions on the live action movie flopping, jojo is dead.
Guys, is there any link to download the DiU live action movie?
>literally no dick
How could we have been so blind?
>children have dicks
>adults have no dicks
Is this why all the parents and adults are usual madmen?
The Part 1 movie flopped yet we still got more jojo
Are we still doing this meme?
What? Why is that?
They changed a shit ton, like removing speedweed
I wish I could see that movie desu
Has the new Rohan one-shot been scanned yet?
Yeah. Its on batoto
thanks m80s
Aaah. That's a shame. Is there a link to download?
Its been purged completely
So how much time is left until the end of JoJoFes?
>announcement next month
>anime airs next spring
I really hope this is what happens
why was kyo's stand renamed?
What the fuck is taking the rohan OVA so long to come out
I thought it released in japan back in june
Maybe Araki saved the name for a more fitting stand.
Who wants a fresh cup of tea?
>he didn't save it for Doremifasolati Do
For shame
Abbachio is a cunt who got what he deserved.
Abbacchio was the only character who didn't fall for the Giorno meme, therefore he is the best character in Golden Wind
You mean Vento Aureo?
Abbacchio best boy.
Love him.
I see a lot of love for Kira but not that much for Kosaku. Why?
because kosaku is kira, silly
>>Sup Forums
Wrong tab, just noticed, thanks.
I don't like Kosaku's face that much.
Are you saying he's...UGLY,user?
Because this fag has shit taste. Kosaku-Kira (black hair) is great.
when is this fucking festival supposed to end? i reckon if they are going to announce something it's going to be on the last day right?
>when is this fucking festival supposed to end?
Read the fucking thread
So what do "literally everyone loves Giorno for no reason" fags think of Jolyne? It's basically the same for her
Didn't Anasui say it was when he saw her eyes? That's a reason.
NO. I just prefer Bowie!!
Didn't Fugo say it's his planning skills? That's a reason
no one said when it's actually ending
just finished pt. 5 and i recall it was because everything works out when giorno calls the shots
He also said that Giorno sees things in a bigger picture or something like that
He didn't fell for the Giorno meme because he was too busy being gay for Buccellati.
September 10th
Jolyne is actually charming though.
bless you
What did Araki intended for her and why did he forgot ?
She was the generic kid companion common in those days. Both Poco and Smokey filled that role earlier. He shoved her on a plane when he realized she added nothing to the story
I Will always be mad at her not being Jolyne's mom.
I hope Kyo and Josuke get some heartwarming moments together. She's an underutilized character.
I mean, an entire chapter dedicated to a slice of life day where Gappy just takes her to a carnival wouldn't warrant a single complaint from me.
Maybe she is
Probably slows down time for everyone around him to where they perceive Jobin as having superhuman speed
It can control the speed of everything. In order to heats up things, he only is speeding up the particles movement
I dont really feel a connection between Kyo & Kira being siblings other than just going by Kyo's word. It'd be cool if there are flashbacks of Kira being doting to her.
Nope, it flopped so badly that it never got a home release so there's literally no way to watch it other than in select Japanese cinemas several years ago.
I think he said in the JoJoveller Stand commentary or somewhere similar that he named it Going Underground originally but changed his mind very quickly after seeing the album cover art work for Born This Way which featured Lady Gaga's head mounted on the front of a motorbike, which he found more fitting. I don't mind the name change but it's a shame too since Going Underground was also pretty cool.
These threads needed to die anyway
part 7 sucks