Season is almost over. What are your top 3 picks Sup Forumsnons?

Season is almost over. What are your top 3 picks Sup Forumsnons?
Here's mine:
>1.New Game!!
>2.Princess Principal


Shows that are brand new this season?
1. Kakegurui

Shows that are running in addition to new shows?
1. DB Super
2. Kakegurui

1. Dragon Ball Super
2. Princess Principal
3. Welcome to the Ballroom

unacceptable taste.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

1. Tsurezure Children
2. Isekai Restaurant
3. New game

Meant to say:
1. Shoukoku no Altair
2. Princess Principal
3. BnHA

Those are all pretty good. I'm also enjoying Aho Girl and Kakegurui. Made in Abyss has been kind of a let down so far. Nothing else really stands out good or bad.

Who would've thought that Dragon Ball Super of all things would have more canon yuri than Princess Principal and New Game?

nice copy pasta

Ballroom e youkoso
Aho Girl

1. Owarimonogatari S2
2. Tsurezure Children
3. Princess Principal

1. Dragon Ball Super
2. Aho Girl
3. Made in Abyss

Bet you're proud of being an "oldfag" eh?

1. Gamers
2. Hajimete no Gal
3. Madein Abyss
I have to add that it took me like 20 minutes to think on the second and third spot, this season have been really disappointing.

Made in Abyss
Princess Principal

Worst season of the year. Even if fall is packed with sequels, at least they're good sequels.

Shit taste.

1. Kakegurui
2. Princess Principal
3. Jistsuryoku shugi

1. Backlog
2. Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni rip

1. Gamers
2. Isekai Smartphone
3. Knights and Magic

I have a feeling my taste is a bit off, but fun things are fun.

Hmm.. let me guess. Waifucancer human trash like you?


>while posting a cute waifu

Who is this cutie patootie?

1st Princess Principal
2nd Made in Abyss
3rd Aho Girl

1. Aho Girl
2. Gamers
3. Isekai Restaurant

Sup Forums tier taste


1. Aho Girl!
2. Gamers!
3. Tsurezure Children

Honorable mention: Princess Principle

Aho Garu
Tsurezure Children


The first episode of this was so horribly bad I stopped watching there. Just plain awful with none of the fun these kind of shows have.

Kakegurui is waots

Princess Principal
Made in Abyss
New Game!!

No particular order.

New Game. Tsurezure Children. And that's it, I dropped everything else.

New Game!!
Centaur No Nayami
Either Symphogear, Princess Principal, or Made In Abyss, depending on how the final episodes.

1. Mahoujin Guruguru
2. Made in Abyss

This season was TRASH.

>ITT: People who watch 3 shows or less a season then pretend to be anime experts

>Made in Abyss
>Princess Principal

Overall has been a pretty good season, I wasn't expecting much but it has had a lot of pleasant surprises.

>not being able to identify the garbage when you see it

>show called "Gamers!"
>all the characters are casuals
absolute cancer

hajimete no gal

Thats it

Why would I watch something if I already know it sucks?

1. Owari S2
2. Kakegurui
3. New Game!!

The two Isekais aren't bad either, but the Shokudou is taken down a few notches by its obsession with food that puts Souma to shame, and Sumaho is ruined by its sasuga MC.

>1.Princess Principal
>2.New Game!!

Honorable mention:

1. Princess Principal
2. Made in Abyss
3. Aho Girl or Kakegurui

At least there's no Fate Apocrypha to be seen in this thread.

>cheer fruits
>mahoujin guru guru
>princess prinicpal
>new game!!
>made in abyss
I usually only judge shows by whether or not I look forward to and enjoy watching them. I picked up 15 shows this season and these are the only ones where the 22 minutes seem to just fly by.

1. Classroom of the Elite
2. Owarimonogatari
3. Kakegurui

I'm not caught up on everything with Gintama being priority.

New Game!!
Princess Principal
Made in Abyss

1. PriPri
2. Isekai
3. New Game, gets replaced 18if as soon as it isnt a Nene episode

Do I enjoy any of them you ask? Not really. Quite frankly, the only reason I am still watching any of this shit is because I already committed and it doesnt take a lot of time. However, as usual I started with ~25 shows, am currently down to 5, and behind on all of them. Spring was bad but at least it had 2-3 absolutely incredible shows. This season is just fucking horrible.

>not enjoying pripri
do you hate fun?

>spring had 2-3 absolutely incredible shows
name them

tsuki ga kirei, uchouten, natsume

1. Princess Principal
2. Gamers!
3. Kakegurui

Princess Principal
Mahoujin Guruguru
Ballroom e Youkoso

Only a few of the main characters are casuals, though.

1. Princess Principal
2. Made in Abyss
3. Apocrypha

1. Made in Abyss
2. Tsurezure Children
3. Aho Girl

1. Classroom of the Elite
2. Gamers!
3. Welcome to the Ballroom

Overrated garbage this season:
1. Princess Principal
2. Fate/Apocrypha

>Princess Principal
why do people like this gay little girl shit?

>2.Princess Principal
kek, no.
People run like Naruto there. It is retarded.

They believe that bad writing is DEEP.

>Top anime that I'd recommend to anybody who watches anime:
Made in Abyss
Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul
New Game!!
Princess Principal
Tsurezure Children

>Runners up:
Fate Apocrypha
Tenshi no 3P!

>I also personally enjoyed:
Isekai Smartphone
Aho Girl
Centaur no Nayami
Knights and Magic

Whenever there are more than 10 good shows that I can recommend, I consider it to be a great season, but there were a few surprises. I have been really disappointed in Isekai Shokudou, Hajimete no Gal, and a few others that were dropped early on. Kakegurui, Isekai Smartphone and Tenshi no 3P! came out of nowhere for me.

>1. Classroom of the Elite
This anime has a single gimmick: torture high school students vicariously. Why do people watch it? Doesn't that shit get old?

>3. Welcome to the Ballroom
Terrible animation, predictable writing, cliche characters. You have no taste if you list this in your top three.

I'm a gay little girl

>I usually only judge shows by whether or not I look forward to and enjoy watching them.
That can be a little misleading in cases where you're just watching something because it's unique for you, or it tickles a certain fetish, but it's generally a pretty good gauge of how good an anime is.

I thought I asked to unsubscribe

He just got his thread deleted and you are giving him (You)'s here. Good going.

I'm a generous man

Yikes, no need to get so defensive my dude. Also, Classroom of the Elite does not have that gimmick, so I doubt you watched past the first episode.

1. Aho Girl
2. Mahoujin Guru Guru
3. PriPri

If Aho Girl, Kakegurui, or New Game is in your top 3: promptly fuck off to >>>/Reddit/anime

Why isn't Teekyuu in any of these lists? Should I assume it's just implied at this point?

>Classroom of the Elite does not have that gimmick
It is literally the premise of the anime.

It's shit, bro.

0. Owari s2
1. Kakegurui
2. Virgin Soul
3. Classroom of the Elite

Re: Creators
Aho Girl
Princess Principal

Truly a cultured man.
How would you know what reddit likes?

1. Sakura Quest
2. Princess Principal
3. New Game!!

>torture high school students vicariously is the literally the premise
No, all the students live pretty normal high school lives. Only a select few in each class try to meme behind the scenes to increase their class rank.

Uh-huh. Right.....

0. Owarimonogatari
1. Sakura Quest
2. Aoyama-kun
3. Aho Girl

I wish I could watch Symphogear

1. Owarimonogatari S2
2. Made in Abyss
3. Mahoujin Guru Guru

>Princess principal
>Vatican gays
>Sakura Quest

Rip Re:Creators, you kinda sucked

>1. Gamers
>2. Isekai Shokuhodou
>3. Nothing, already dropped everything else

1st Made in Abyss

That's it, that's all I'm watching this season, summer is for the backlog.

1. Tie between Made in Abyss and Aho Girl. I enjoy both immensely for very different reasons.
2. Princess Principal
3. Owarimonogatari

Special mentions for Tsurezure Children and 18if (for episode 7.)

1. Bahamut
2. PriPri
3. Kakegurui

>and 18if (for episode 7.)
The period goes outside of the parentheses.

Also, is this really worth watching? I dropped it at the second episode?

>How would you know what reddit likes?
I know that Reddit is an english website with an upvote/downvote system. This type of voting system promotes conformity and punishes extremist / dissenting viewpoints. I therefore deduce that the types of people attracted to this site are western centrists / populists. From this point of deduction, we can understand the appeal of certain anime to the Reddit demographic:
Low-brow "comedy" anime. Jokes consist of repeated situations involving the titular character being a retard. Akin to the "Big Bang theory", the anime never strays from this formula to ensure populist appeal
Low-brow shonen anime. Fights consist of the Mary-sue MC out-keikaku-ing a cheating opponent. The plot always conforms to this formula for maximum appeal to centrists.
Comedy anime. It is not "low-brow" comedy because the jokes relate to typical office culture and the plot relies on tropes of office politics. However, season 2 has essentially been a repeat of season 1. The same character misunderstandings and office politics repeat themselves. The Nene subplot / character development is the only thing you can be forgiven for enjoying.

>reddit is bad because of their elitism
>proceeds to explain why he's an elitist

>The period goes outside of the parentheses.
Oops, but whatever. It's late and I'm not trying to write a paper here.

>Also, is this really worth watching? I dropped it at the second episode?
I mentioned the seventh episode specifically for a reason. The show isn't something I'd recommend because the only reason I've been watching it is because a different director works on each episode which immediately makes the show a mixed bag of "meh" or "that was okay." Episode 7 is where the show suddenly became amazing for 24 minutes.

Since you've already watched the first and second episode and if want to see what I'm going on about, then just skip ahead to episode seven.

Literally one line in the first episode, but okay, you got me dude, that's what the entire anime is about.

Despite being tremendously flawed, there is something about Apocrypha that keeps bringing me back.

Is it the cuties?

Ctrl+S for spoiler tags, newfriend.

Why I'm not surprised?

1. Aho Girl
2. Aho Girl
3. Aho Girl

1. 18if
2. Made in Abyss
3. Princess Principal.

Noraneko is GOAT though.

>Noraneko is GOAT though.
I think you misspelled goatse.

Number of votes
Princess Principal 25
Made in Abyss 18
New Game!! 14
Aho Girl 14
Kakegurui 13
Gamers! 12
Tsurezure Children 8
Ballroom 6

Might not be perfect. Tried to exclude anything that was negatively mentioned and just half assed it and went for ones I noticed being frequently mentioned. Tried to make sure to include variations like MiA or PriPri too.