Kill the fucking KIKES.Lets discuss about the ways we can remove the Jew out of our system


Outlaw bagels

ITT we fedpost and share our social security numbers.

Ban circumcision

Scare them all off to Israel.And then nuke the shit out ugly Jewish rats

Banning circumcision is an easy way to keep Jews out.

Create Jewish extremist group similar to ISIS.

Then terrorize the liberal shitholes all across Western Europe

Would that really keep them out?

They could just do it secretly


Kill the kikes

Kill the Kikes.

yep stick to the easy stuff to start out with, ban kosher, dont recognize Jewish holidays at work/school etc.

That takes time.

The reason why Nazis failed was because they waited for too long and by doing that, gave the Jew an escape route.

Either way kill the kikes.

I am gonna single handedly keep this thread on the frontpage just to fuck with the Jew shills

Kill the kikes

Kill em all

It's best to ignore the JQ for now, especially in the United States, at least publicly. The elite in this country is strongly Jewish, and the elite who are not Jewish are Jewish-approved. Saying anything about the Jews is career suicide. If you actually want to supplant the Jews as the elite, you have to be somewhat philo-semitic. This doesn't mean you have to support Jewish causes, but rather simply not say anything against them. Play the long con here people. You won't make any strides against the Jewish power structure by shooting yourself in the foot before you even get started. Just internalize your feelings and knowledge until you have the power and the shekels to make moves.

That's rubbish mate.

We don't have enough time to wait for the long con.

We all know that if all Jews don't get murdered, we have solved nothing, only delayed it

They're already doing it themselves

be a bit more fucking subtle for starters....

>They're already doing it themselves
yes goyim, don't take any action they are seriously going away on their own guys really

As a female please no.

>Lets discuss about the ways we can remove the Jew out of our system
Posting edgy pictures from Holywood movies on an anonymous internet site is not one of them.

fuck off cunt

Is that U Shlomo or UR FBI buddy?

I am from Balkan.Being subtle is not our strongest point.

Anyway, why are you so scared of the Jews? Who cares if they're monitoring this thread.They know whats coming anyway


Did someone deliberately turn this picture into poorer quality to make it appear real?

Hello, Kike

This is good advice.

Get help

Nah, i am fine

Don't report crimes against Jews.

Argentina is pretty far tho

>Follow your leader
Ok. Holocaust 2.0 it is.