Haha, time for a school SOL episode
Princess Principal
There's supposed to be a duel so I doubt it's all SoL.
Will this get better in the last 4 episodes?
>a duel
>noble man's son gets his ass handed to him in 2.4 seconds thanks to superior nippon technique
Here you go, now let's get back to wacky hijinks of spies attending a Victorian school.
>Chise gets a love letter from a boy with yellow fever in a nearby school.
>Ange secretly starts applying cavorite to her hockey stick and leads the school hockey team to victory in a national tournament.
>Another pupil finds proof of Dorothy's real age and threatens to reveal it if she doesn't regularly buy her alcohol.
>Beato uses her robot voice to do funny impressions of the teachers and becomes the most popular girl in the school.
>The school's headmistress falls ill and the Princess volunteers to step in to cover her, truly becoming Princess Principalâ„¢
It would be fun
I'm hoping so. The show has lost its focus in recent episodes, so we can hope for an on point finale.
>nearby school
Why not the same school?
Main boss will probably one of those girls after George gets destroyed.
>nonlinear episode structure
>lost focus
what did you mean by this
i want to see chise aggressively scissor beato
For some reason I thought it was an all girls school, I guess not.
Isn't it?
The boys didn't clue you in?
I meant I forgot if I'd seen any boys, because the focus is on the girls.
Can't blame you, it's like the boys in the sakura trick anime. I only remember dorothy's slaves.
Princess is not a lizard!
She's a gay lizard from space.
Why did she call her Ange at this particular moment?
>Sorry girls, things got a little rough last night
>In this work, the character Princess is the most believable spy. In episode 2, there is the part where the Princess manages to avoid having her body searched [for the key], and using a privileged social position in that way frequently happens in reality. One thing that's particularly common is to use cover as a diplomat is order to have diplomatic immunity.
That's interesting.
two girlfriends
And Beato
Would Princess gain lesbianism and mahjong powers if she lost half of her flippy wiglers?
Beato's harem
She'd lose her homosexuality.
Beato never had any chance to begin with.
Fuck, someone has the article about that nipon war histoly expert who got into pripri?
Teru breastfeeding Awai!
Yeah I was under this impression too I only realised it wasn't an all girls school when I read Okouchi tweet earlier saying "by the way did you know it isn't an all girls school" so they are obviously aware viewers might have missed that.
It is the same interview they are translating just ten years late like every article ANN puts out.
Happy birthday, Beato!
Someone there probably just thought "shit this is getting pretty popular we should probably do some coverage"
>two girlfriends
Beato has sex with Ange but makes love to Princess!
What if this episode has more plot relevance than any before it? What if Chise "accidentally" kills someone in a duel who just happened to be ahead in line for the throne?
Does plot ever happen in this series?
No one can stop Beato, Chise is next
Not going to happen because otherwise there would definitely be people at school treating Chise differently in episodes like case 13, also you can't just get away with "accidentally" killing a noble.
Beato should be grateful, even if Princess is already taken at least she can drink her sadness away from Dorothy's nipples.
Yes, it's just not in-your-face most of the time
Also, last ep was completely a plot ep
The fuck is wrong with Ange's skin, is she reverting to her lizard for or something?
Yes, and episode ends with a silent shot of Ao playing with Gourai and new Lizard shaped toys.
How are those niconico streams going?
>time for a school SOL episode
Can't fucking wait.
If they don't follow trough with the plot I at least hope for a beach episode
I've been saying we need a beech episode forever. I'm glad someone agrees
>Apparently, Koizumi thought that the character Ange was most suited to being a spy
The debate's over. Ange is the MVP.
What would their mission be?
I only want it if they wear period-appropriate swimwear.
to have fun
>drunk tits
>gay robot
>autistic chink girl
>supai desu
I'm not really surprised, tough I think he got the wrong impression of Ange
He said that because he got rused by her facade and thought she was cold and unfeeling, which is the perfect personality for spy work. He was wrong.
They can have fun when they're dead.
Watermelon smashing.
Who is this autist?
That's me.
My wife.
Homu went too far back in time this time.
Gayest gladiator match in the history of the world.
>didn't even watch Joker Game
>muh russians
Shit researcher.
>plays chess
>clearly high IQ
She represents someone who understands Princess Principal episodes
A rival to the throne, she's here to give checkmate to the current Queen.
Don't bully not-Homu.
Is this show actually yuri or is it just something that people say is yuri?
My botfriend~
They all have dicks, so it's yaoi.
It's one of those plausible deniability shows.
It's spy action/SoL with some yuri undertones on the side.
I'd call it spy yuri-bait sol.
can we at least bully not-Ryuko
It's not bait.
But that's not what yuribait means, you brainlet.
It's not a yuri show same way shows like flipflop, uarara, or alice and ojisan ain't yuri. You get your overtones but it's not the main focus. Nono a shit
Maybe like the Alice show, but Urara and Fliflap are yuri.
how is it not bait when everyone's gonna end up sucking dick?
They're not your self-inserts, user.
Because this isn't a show about your own life.
>being this deluded
Talking to yourself is weird.
Great post.
Stop taking the bait.
Doujins when?
I really like this Ange cat picture
I acknowledge they are queers but meant urara's mostly sol and flip flap's about cocona growing up and uexkull bullshit. Same with pripri .
She can't cross her legs. Bullies.
I want to spread her legs.
Are these characters from a mobile game or something?
Urara focus more in their relationships than divination stuff though, and Cocona is growing up into realizing her feelings, but whatever.
What in the world would make you think that?
I haven't kept up with PP threads because they're too intellectual for me, please don't bully.