Is joseph joestar the last hamon user in the series?

is hamon ever used again after joseph uses it in part 2 after a long time against one of dio's stand users? i mean, will hamon ever be relevant again later in the story at some point?
i just watch the anime and cant be bothered to read the mango to know atm. but i know there are several arcs after diamond is unbreakable.
pls no spoilers

Gyro uses hamon to control his balls.

>hamon users stay healthy and look young even when they have become really old
>Joseph becomes an old useless retard

>anime only
read the manga
it's cause he wasn't actively using and training with hamon after part 2

honestly even though all the vampires are gone Hamon can still be useful for
>allowing you to stay in your prime longer
>do some crazy shit with water and other objects
>got walk on water.
but imagine combining hamon with the spin with a stand

I like to believe Jotaro used it involuntarily at the end of the DIO fight, makes more sense than the stand just shattering out of the blue because of a shin blow anyway.

That's not Hamon.

He wanted to grow old with Suzy Q. Until he fucked Tomoko but whatever

Joseph uses Harmon in part 3 a little bit

Hamon was specifically tailored for vampires, useless in battle for anything else. Zeppeli spells it out for you when he punches that frog.

So, where is LisaLisa and the Hamon monks?

Most likely dead? Lisa Lisa was 50 in part 2 so even with Hamon she has to be over 100 now and I doubt Hamon can keep you alive for much longer than that

>will hamon ever be relevant again later in the story at some point?
Read the fucking manga to find out

I'll read it when quality scans and translations exist

did the last episode of part 4 even have a part 5 pre-view?

What the fuck are you talking about? Don't you trust JJCA?

No, nothing of the sort. I think the only season which showed a preview for the next part was season 1 with Jotaro in a cell and DIO's coffin. I think the Stardust Crusaders anime wasn't even confirmed at that point, but I don't know where I got that from.

They do and have done for a while.

No, but they only did previews for 2 and 3 specifically because 1 and 2 were adapted in a single season and the teaser for 3 at the end of 2 was already in the manga though they extended it slightly. 3 didn't tease 4 except for showing the Bow and Arrow in some shots in the background during DIO flashbacks and 4 didn't tease 5 except for a sign saying 'GW 2001' in the background of the third OP.

you mean like they've done for months if not years at this point?
You lazy cunt

You type like a retard and your shit is fucked up, Jotaro dies in part 6

Lisa Lisa was still alive and well during Part 3-4 and most likely 5-6 as well. Lisa Lisa was a Hamon Master and prodigy, unarguably one of the best users that ever lived.

>good and quality scans