Best Girl Thread

Best Girl Thread

Is it worth to read the manga?

I wouldn't call it amazing or anything but it was a pretty fun read.

beter than anime?
I want to jump into it

Only because she calls out the MC for being a spineless piece of shit, if I recall right.

I-i can s-see y-y-your pants-su...

op here, it is my favorite manga all time, but it is different then the anime, a lot more action and emotional story

the manga is acutally good

Considering I hated her in the anime, it's funny that I think Kurumu is undoubtedly the best girl in the manga.

Inner > Outer.


>not Mizore


>used goods

Yeah, it basically turns from harem comedy into action harem. All around pretty good imo

D-Delete this

>kurumu and mizore devise a couple attack made specifically to take down vampires
>they also enter tsukune's dreams every night where they fuck his brains out

the bests

Mai > *

I want to fuck her mom in front of her.


>Tfw your waifu gets raped in Canon

I want off this ride now


Inner Moka? She doesn't get raped.



Ah, at least he didn't go any further than a kiss.

Fuck this artstyle. I can't hold back a smile whenever I see it?

it still bummed me out man

All Mokas are best Moka.


I understand. My waifu gets molested by a monkey in canon but she gets over it enough to reminisce about it with her friends later.


Who is that slut and where is MY MOKA?!

man Tsukune was really a cuck bitch


He's not a cuck. He stole another man's wife.

Nah that doesn't make up for the fact he's a little bitch

Sorry, I don't ship my wife Mai with Haru, user. Especially when she has the least romantic development in the novels.





The anime is cheap and shit.

Should have been handled by a studio that did ecchi better. Either that or it was way ahead of its time.


The manga is massively superior, also Inner Moka is a lot more fleshed out and developed into the best girl over time.


>oh no he stole my first kiss now I can't give it to my crush

That was a pretty retarded chapter

winner winner


>or it was way ahead of its time
This. I once thought that it is a most shameless degenerate piece of shit that can ever be created. Now it's just your average TV show.

But in the manga he was the opposite of a bitch. Also it was Moka and Moka's father who got cucked.

I can't decide if Moka is better or Moka.

I never got past the Snow temple
Does he really cuck Moka in the end?

>two seasons of literally nothing

I don't understand why this happened, why would they take a battle harem and turn it into mindless tits and shit

>Tsukuno fell in love with Moka's mother over her
>Tsukuno only settles for Moka, and only after she loses her own identity and becomes more like her mother

It was obvious that she was meant to be raped, but the author pussied out at the last moment. All the characters in the manga handle that situation as if it was rape, not a kiss.

Moka? more like Cucka

Outer Moka is Moka's mom, Inner Moka is the actual Moka. Tsukune is in love with Inner but more in love with Outer but Outer dies at the end. So Moka gets cucked by her mom, a 700 year old vampiress who basically lived the past 10 years of her life for her. Then in the last/bonus chapter her dad appears and of course we have to note that he cucked Moka's dad as well. Also there was some weird thing where Inner Moka was becoming "more like" Outer at the end and her hair was some kind of streaked pink-silver mash up so people have to wonder if she's somehow fusing with what remains of her mother's soul or something weird like that.


I never really liked the Sliver haired bitch
*breathes in


I thought there was some retarded in-story excuse for it like "in her species they can only have kids before 25 so kissing is extra serious".

It wasn't really his fault, it was all because of her mother. She NTR'd Moka and at the end started to slowly steal her body as well. Terrifying, if you think about it.



She was kind of dead at the end though so it was more like residual effects, like the body realized the only want to get Tsukune's dick was to become superficially like her mother.


I really only stuck around for Mizore after the Snow temple thing I couldn't keep going

fuck off kirito dont you have another guild to go get murdered or something

or are you still mad you got your ass BTFO'd


Moka's dad had like a million wives though, so it's not that much of a big deal

Asuna is vastly better than AIDS-chan. It's not fair given that AIDS was a single arc character but best girls don't need to be fair.


The manga is way better then the anime.

I'm amazed how fucked up this situation is. He fell in love with Moka's mother before he started loving the real hard-assed Moka. The moment he found out Moka's personality was fake he was straight up heartbroken and didn't even think what the real Moka felt.

Good taste, user.

How could the anime cut-out Gin going all out and destroying a division of that Dracula cult? Not to mention all the development Tsukune goes through and his increasing feeling of uselessness. Shit was fucking cash.

I think if you asked Nanoha, she would also agree.

Jesus Christ, those predatory red eyes turned my dick into diamonds.

I wish season 3 has her be cold and standoffish with everyone else but bubbly cute around Tsukune.

Fight me kallenfags.

Yes. Just look at the fucker. He fucking DENIES the existence of the real Moka for the duration of that whole scene! And she's standing there looking at him helplessly and crying. When Akasha tells him, that Moka is standing beside him, Tsukune IGNORES IT and tells her that SHE IS MOKA. And the real Moka is forced to watch it and will remember it for the rest of her unlimited life. What was the author thinking?

Shirley is better than both.

>ywn watch her die for the first time ever again


I think I take back what I said about Tsukune being a cuck

How to write a good fucked up moment. He succeeded.

Best of their respective series.



It's been a while since I did a re-read, but what's the Cliff's notes on how we got from "wacky normie kid in monster of the week shit" to "Bishounen fights vampire Cthulu"?

From memory wasn't there also a part early on where Outer Moka tells both him AND Inner Moka that they need to start getting along? Was that just dear old mum trying to wingwoman her daughter?


>Especially when she has the least romantic development in the novels.

Oh really? I've always seen her as a 'bro' to Haru for some reason.

After the fight with the tailed fox guy Moka gave him her blood which became a major thing in the next arc which had him go berserker ghoul before almost getting killed by a secretly distraught Inner Moka. After that serialized plotlines became a thing.That's how we slowly progressed until Tsukune went up against Vampre Cthulu and straight up became a bonafied vampire through fully synchronizing with its blood.

The Fox man did nothing wrong

He was a gigantic asshole tho.

Yes, I'd give it a solid 8/10


Okouchi and Sunrise knew what we Sakifag wanted but still remind so fucking stubborn and won't change the ending. For fucking christ, Saki deserved a much better ending than that PoS ending.

She has some romantic feelings but she mostly keeps her role as a sister figure in the LN. The anime does seem to try to entertain the possibility of her being the main love interest though, specially since Reina and Koito's romantic development is almost nonexistent in the anime.
