So I just finished hacksign (absurd slowpoke...

So I just finished hacksign (absurd slowpoke, I know) and I have to say - this is exactly what they were going for and missed with Shinji. Why is this series not better-known?

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It was pretty popular like fifteen years ago then they just stopped making new shit for a decade and people stopped caring.

been ages since I watched it, but I wished more trapped in a mmo anime would use the fact that anyone can be behind the monitor as a twist, I remember how much since it made when that green haired dude turned out to be a kid

I stopped watching halfway through because MC was a faggot.
seriously - he gets TWO 10/10s lusting to take his dick in every hole they have back to back and he just mopes about it.
does he get better?

>I remember how much since it made when that green haired dude turned out to be a kid
And you get to play as him in G.U, which gets a remaster with a whole new game.

At least there's hope for the franchise still.

>Why is this series not better-known?
>thinking quality has anything to do with popularity
I would remind you that the Call of Duty people basically have their own fucking mint in the US.

I only ever rent .hack and never got into them, although I did manage to buy the first a vidya pawn shop type thing, but I never got around to playing it and my ps2 broke atm

but I think i'll grab the GU remaster when it drops

also, //sign may have the best opening theme in any anime ever


>tfw you're waifu is in what's considered a 'niche-series'

No modern waifus.

MC is a girl.


The modern otaku world cannot accept such a plotline.

>lusting to take his dick
Yeah... there's actually a rather good reason why they can't do that in this case.

>also, //sign may have the best opening theme in any anime ever
The whole OST is superb imo. (the lyrics here hit too close desu).

To date, Subaru's confession has been the only animu-confession which has made me tear up.

The dothack franchise in general never really took off in the states and I've never been sure as to why.

I thought it was super obvious. Only someone mentally/physically a kid would do all the stupid and obsessive things he did with that tone of speech.

I didn't realize until yesterday that the OP was actually English.

I've had Kajiura's music from .hack series downloaded and played for the last 15 years and it's sad to see how much it's deteriorated since then. Her music in the last 3-5 years have been nowhere as impactful or innovative.

Well the show explicitly outs him as like a 12 year old in the last episode after he gets data drained.

It's basically a deconstruction of isekai before isekai even became super popular.

that's what i'm saying made since

You mean sense?


yeah my bad man, didn't even notice my mistake I feel like a retard now

Fun fact. The OST was so beloved that the dvds had an option to just play the episodes without any sound. Just the music.

I fuckin loved this show's aesthetic.

Tried to find an image of that night time city but couldn't after 5 seconds.

liminality OP are fucking great too (best)

>animu-NEET then
>animu-NEET now
What the hell happened?

Bullshit it never took off. It was one of those shows every western fan who only watched cartoon network stuff talked about.

Wait, was Tsukasa a NEET? I thought she kept going to school - just you know, getting starved and beaten and whatnot in the meawhile. Am I misremembering?

I hope .Hack Remaster bring huge sales then Bamco will have renewed interest for a crossover .HackXSAO game series.

Yeah, Tsukasa wasn't a neet. She was just an abused child who used the game for escapism before becoming trapped.

fuck , I want to play the games now

>Why is this series not better-known?

Because most people go in expecting more action and are turned off when it's mostly a character introspection show that points out how many people turn to MMOs as an escapism from their dysfunctional lives.

Please shut up

She wasn't. But her whole journey was kind of a metaphor for escapism.

I kinda wanna play too.

Shame the game becomes pretty grindy as it goes along.

Kinda like an actual MMO I guess.
I never actually beat part 2 because I got sick of core hunting right before the final dungeon. That last core evaded me for too long.
Well her escapism was unhealthy on multiple levels. Not only did she want to escape real life, but she wanted to escape personal interaction in general. Thats why she was such an asshole to everyone she met initially. She just wanted to find some place where she could be alone forever.

That's why the part where she gets datadrained and recovers is such a turning point. She finally has a place where she can be alone forever, but she decides that she'd rather be back with her friends.

Not him but, .HackXSAO would make a very interesting crossover game. Kirito & Asuna would get smashed hard in The World.

>wanting SAO
>in anything
>with THIS
That's like getting a basket of rare truffles and mixing in a dead plague-rat.

Man, the show's OST was top tier.

It's gonna happen whether you like it or not

I think the Crossover would make huge dosh for Bamco and brand name.

Honestly I'll admit that I don't really care what happens to .hack.

I haven't actually seen anything after the first games chronologically, I didn't really care for GU and I guess I don't really care what happens to any of the newer characters.

All I need to know is that the G1 characters are alright. And I hated what they did with Elk in G2.

>tfw Bear adopts Tsukasa at the end of the series

I dunno why, but that just makes me happy

>Looked up that .hack fighting game
>Only like 7 characters
>3 are Kite, female kite, and sexy female kite

For what purpose?

This is the rare example of a depressed protagonist who actually had a good reason to be depressed. I keep wanting to hug her every time she's onscreen.

it was given out for free with a movie

I am not head-over-heels for Eva, but unlike hacksign the characters in Eva do things.

The characters in this series have levels, guilds, and fighting gear simply to mock the audience, because all they actually ever do is chat.

> Because most people go in expecting more action and are turned off when it's mostly a character introspection show that points out how many people turn to MMOs as an escapism from their dysfunctional lives.
I suppose when MMOs were new, this was uncharted territory, but even so, surely a couple of OVAs could have done the trick. A whole season's worth of chatlogging seems overdoing it.

Because it's trash.

No user the radio said, you are the trash.
And then user was trash.

>Why is this series not better-known?

Back in the day is was very well known, perhaps even popular. Anyway, its just newfags like yourself dont watch anime before 2012, the year SAO came out.

The problem is she keeps working with the same people. Fate/Zero, SAO, Boku dake ga inai machi, and Princess Principal all have the same music director. Tons of ambiance, main theme repeated over and over, short and underdeveloped pieces.
Listen to her Hanako to Anne soundtrack, and you'll see she can still do a great job. Rebellion was really good too.

I rather liked it in the day. It played on TV too.

Games were fun and the books were nice and you got a filled out view of the world through different perspectives both the game World and the outside world. I liked that you kinda glimpse the real goings on through a keyhole view, but you can put it together.

The fact most of the series are largely disconnected and the games being in parts with time in between hurt it. And it is a very slow pace show that was sharing time with Yu Yu Hakushou, DBZ, and Kenshin.

And if you are wondering about what happens to them post the show here is a spoiler since I'm not sure the book ever got a translation (probably fan by now not checked in years):
Tsukasa and Subaru do indeed end up in lesbians together..


This fucker gave me nightmares as a kid.

Its a shame they kinda peaked with Skeith in terms of boss designs.

All the other phases were just wierd shapes. I guess they were supposed to be corrupted data, but Skeith actually looked cool.

Peaked musically, too.
Skeith's theme is intense, ominous and pretty memorable. I figure they wanted to keep a similar motif between the phases, but all of them after Skeith just sound boring and derivative.

Liked Sign, hated how stretched the episodes were,
and they are dragged out in a manner that you can't really crop them to resolve it- no less the background music would get cut up