The absolute state of white women
The absolute state of white women
what a catch!
Well at least she knows what she likes.
she is an ameri-she-goblin tho. "Izabella" is a latino name too.
I got banned from tinder for mentioning ODED YINON and TINY YELLOW DOTS as a joke in my bio. ((they)) are literally cock blocking me
>I catch big black stds
T. Octopus stinkhorn
What a slut. Hope she gets aids.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a worthless whore.
la abominacion de las americanos...
lmao it's a fucking polak
We actually have places called "middlesex" here in the USA too dude. Most of our towns are actually named after places in Britain and Europe.
But if she's not an Ameri-She-Goblin, then she's a regular She-Goblin. either way, it's a She-Goblin
woman hate thread?
Is this suppose to be a bad thing? They are both educated and that isnt their kid obviously.
She'll end up with a fatherless or pay the toll. Who the fuck cares about these so-called White women. Let them fucking die off.
What does that even mean
I wonder if she goes from car to car doing that.
And which state is Middlesex University in?
She'll be catching her toll being paid soon.
We'll all be S'ing at her grave.
That's a Brit not an amerimutt, as evident by her bulldog like face and jowls.
I dont mind trashy girls advertising they are trash.
It is covert trash you have to worry about.
>dyed hair a lighter shade than what it naturally is
Honorary jew
And big black eyes!
Fucking Americans...
show your flag.
looks to be an island mongrel of gyppo, arab, pakistani and (((italian)))
Britts love the bbc, their state funded network has been training them their entire lives to love it
Fucking Americans...
>Izabella with a Z
mommy was a trendy dumb
Izabella is a polish spelling, it's a polak with dyed hair
Shill thread
That's it, I'm fucking done. I'm leaving the white race and this earth without breeding because it's not even worth it anymore. Good luck, lads...
it's always the trashiest girls that take nigger dick. baka
get the nooses.. we need three
i got banned from tinder for using various swastikas as my images and telling every match "WHITE POWER 14/88 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW"
I feel sorry for all the poor niggers with small black cocks reading her headline
White girl holds black kid. Ok
That kid isn't mixed so its not hers.
>both educated
A damn monkey can graduate high school/university nowadays. All you have to do is repeat whatever liberal shit your professor spews out in order to pass
>meme flag
>probably did /sarcasm
>Middlesex University
>looked it up to find out this is an actual university
Holy shit.
It isn't
*nukes you again*
im eating, this is worse than gore >:^(
who cares, what do you got autism or something?
nice memeflag.
She's polish
what is Middlesex university?
Holy fuck, why are american women such dirty sluts?
>cock blocking
They must be working in cahoots with Whole Foods !
until you can completely knock out all media and propaganda, you have lost, women are propaganda sponges, It is essentially to stop the music and media industry , you not going to ever win any other way. Its all about brainwashing the women into cultural suicide.
You seem to have posted in the wrong thread.
some say she is still out there
longing for a car that never existed
To be honest, you can blame your media for this shitshow. Last time I was in the US I saw many ads featuring niggers and white girls, even Pizza Ads! That shit's disgusting, just stop .
I guess in the middle of Sex
only screenshot i have left
>The absolute state of white women
that meme perfectly describes the inception of the mutt meme.
What is it with this fuckin app?? is it like a contest to see which white bitch can write the most degenerate and disgusting tag?? Soon they'll be telling the world they eat black men's shit.
This kind of stuff really isn't productive anymore.
pol should be full of action plans.
White women have failed us.
Politicians have failed us.
the whole leftwing has exposed itself and- failed us.
There is nowhere left to go.
Conservative Europe and USA is dying right before your eyes.
What do?
>Bitching about woman
>Like a woman
>Instead of fucking woman
next stage is eating rottten toes
Because their fathers didn't discipline them enough.
it's literally a hookup app
I don't know why people expect to find girls who aren't interested solely in hooking up with strangers
Instagram whores travel all the way to Saudi Arabia and Dubai to eat shit from arab men, it's true look it up.
They are but shes from london england and the fact op a brit should have gave that away. Second the correct question is why anglo saxon women are such dirty whores
God this one always angers me the most.
Amerimutts btfo
At the end she'll marry a white guy
You realize she's not aging well, and she's 20. Just avoid women like these, it's a race thing to them and you both because you're both insecure.
I've gotten hookups and I've also been on a lot of fun dates with some cool women, couple of them turned into something more. It's whatever you want it to be desu
Bend over
Closing yourself off to love will only lead you to doom.
Do not worry she will seek you out once she hits 30.
This is why the fact that there is not a 'coalburner' database is beyond infuriating
>but muh privacy
I should have the fucking right to know if the mother of my possible future child was trying to turn the world into Zimbabwe in her younger days.
>mfw the greatest civilization known to mankind dissapears because of sub 80 iq niggers with bigger cocks
Just lmao, this is even worse than Rome theory where they all gone crazy cuz of drinking from toxic metal cups.
>be white woman
>choke on black dick
This is what happens when you let animals like women run society, they will run it like any animal would.
you guys do realize these are fucking bots phishing dumb nigs.
There are like 30 red flags in this image.
You know who loves it more than anyone is the French
>coalburners exist
whoa stop the presses
Considering your average Sup Forumstard believes white women are traditional conservative angels brainwashed by jews, then yeah this would be news here.
More like Jizzabella
She doesn't see the difference between black and white guys.
I hope she works herself out of the gene pool.