Is he a Logia or a Paramecia?
One Piece
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Didnt he said he was a Logia?
He's a jobber
Luffyfags will never recover
the beta stretch
the chad mold
It's a "special" paramecia
It's a Logia but needs to be called a Paramecia to appease all the autists who think Logias have to be natural disasters, similar to Trebol
How the hell is Luffy gonna beat him? It's retarded how haki attacks don't seem to affect high-tier users. Akainu pretty much tanked haki attacks from Marco and Vista without bleeding.
Fuck Luffy, I hope Katakuri kills him so the story can follow him from now on
Gonna need to get creative like with the first commander.
I want to believe Cannonman was something Luffy came up with on spot cause him training that form during timeskip is just silly even for one piece.
no it's a "super" paramecias
Oda already hinted at them when he introduced Mach Vice, who was a "super" weight human
His mochi is weak against water. It will take Jinbe + Luffy to beat him.
>How the hell is Luffy gonna beat him?
Mizu Luffy: Tankman Version
Luffy will retrain his haki on wano with the help of the legendary samurais.
>tanked haki attacks from Marco and Vista without bleeding.
He did bleed but Haki doesn't cancel the logia's ability to regenerate, so punches would actually do more damage, like when Garp punched Marco.
He's a dwarf.
>How the hell is Luffy gonna beat him?
he's going to realize the Katakuri's power is edible then fucking him up worse than Cracker
saliva is wateer
I'm super triggered that he never used that again, when for example in Skypia Mantra was pretty much mindreading, so it couldn't predict proper chaotic attacks.
fucking employ of the year right there fellows
his name is katakuri not katakuriko (potato starch). And like I said, until we see this fucker's mouth, i'm going to keep calling him Dogtooth. It sounds cooler and he just MIGHT have a mouth full of dog teeth. Oda has a pretty good grasp on English so it could a pun
>I'm super triggered that he never used that again,
Snake Gun is pretty much the improved Shotgun
You faggots are ALWAYS fucking wrong.
>le edgy xDD
>How the hell is Luffy gonna beat him?
Either Haki or water. Or not at all.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Nami and Jinbe will douse him.
>People actually think Pedro is going to die
Everybody gets one massive explosion survival.
Pedro used his on Lord Cockadoodle.
The Will of P get that. Pagaya, Pell, and now Pedro. You know it to be true.
How many Bellamyfags became Carrotfags?
>inb4 they both survive
Perospero has two Ps so it cancels out. Perospero is kill.
First thing since like Marineford to catch me off guard. I wonder if Oda decided to focus more on katakuri after fans raged over his initial appearance as a jobber?
Luffy is the Chad, right?
>guy who can't pop a boner without Usopp there to let him know he should
I am honestly disappointed by this fag.
After seeing what Jack did and how he pillaged and beat the ass of the Minks, got into a fight with 1 admiral, 1 retired fleet admiral and 4 marine ships and still lived after it.
I expected Katakuri to be even stronger than Jack, but all he did was panic at the wedding and go beat on Chopper and Brook. And now he's getting steamrolled by Luffy + Jimbe.
Or they'll just escape without Katakuri being able to do anything.
I want to fuck Carrot
He is stronger than Jack. Even Cracker is stronger than Jack.
He has been as impressive in his own way as Jack if you actually examine it. Also, I don't call exchanging blows and then making Luffy cry out while Jinbe wasn't involved "steamrolled by Luffy + Jinbe". Jinbe only stopped Katakuri temporarily earlier on, and honestly Jinbe's water abilities seem intimidating for devil fruit users in general.
As for Jack, Jack's thing so far seems like what Kaido is being built up as but on a smaller scale. He doesn't seem particularly skilled and his level of strength at least didn't seem to overwhelm Inuarashi or Nekomamushi let alone Fujitora, he's just incredibly durable and resistant.
He's apparently a special Paramecia. They exist. He's not the first. Magellan's DF acted somewhat like a Logia too. He can produce unlimited amounts of poison like a Logia but he wasn't intangible. Then you have BB. A special Logia. He can produce his element but he can still be hit. Something like that. He's a Paramecia that can act somewhat like a Logia.
Cracker was ridiculous in all honesty, I actually was annoyed at how effective he was against the supposedly intimidating Gear Fourth. Like this guy who has a biscuit ability that he coats in haki not only competes with Gear Fourth, he deals with it easily and with a smile.
He's definitely worthy of being a Yonko commander.
Why are you disappointed? I'm actually fucking impressed with him. He's probably the most competent fighter we've seen in One Piece. He's the glue literally holding the BM Pirates together. The rest of the family are jobbers. BM is a powerful retard. If not for him, the SHs would have safely fled the island by now while BM was still in autistic scream mode. He may not have strength feats like Jack but the guy curbstomped the Vinsmokes, was genre savvy enough to block the SHs escape by being on their fucking ship. And from this chapter it seems like he's good enough to go toe-to-toe with Luffy. And let's be honest, we haven't seen Jack fight the SHs yet. He used Gastino's poison to beat the Minks. Fuji and Sengoku raped his ass. Zushina knocked him underwater. Katakuri's racking up wins so far. I guess we'll see next chapter, but I'm betting he's going to give Luffy serious trouble.
I feel like Katakuri should be strong, but if he becomes vulnerable and Luffy goes Gear Fourth and can't deal significant damage with no more than minimal help (like maybe Jinbe getting Katakuri wet at one point or something to speed up the process) then Luffy is seriously in a strange place in the series power wise heading into Wano.
Cracker's absurd haki biscuit spam was one thing, Luffy looked less impressive but at least there was a reason he couldn't fight Cracker straight up.
If Luffy can't fight someone who is more straightforward like Katakuri now then I don't even know how Wano will work out and frankly I'm not really interested at what Luffy will do if he encounters Kaido. If there really, seriously is going to be a Yonko confrontation arc coming up than Luffy could really use a strong showing beforehand. I'm not saying he needs to throttle Katakuri, but if he goes Gear Fourth he needs to show real strength like he did on Dressrosa. Tankman was him using his ability creatively, now he needs to show raw power.
Luffy couldn't do shit to cracker without Nami countering his power with rain either
I think rather than brute force, Luffy might actually get a win over these monsters with pure creativity. Like you said yourself, Tankman was more of a on-the-spot creative thinking thing that won him the fight. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Luffy will ever be as strong as the Yonkou. Not without another timeskip at least. BM and Whitebeard so far were shown to be complete monsters. Kaidou trashed 3 Supernovas with ease. Shanks stopped a war by just being there. So with all that considered, I think Luffy will need creativity more than power to win. So with Katakuri, maybe he can creatively use G4 in another form. Like Tankman but one that's tailored to Katakuri specifically. Also, with Wano, remember he still hasn't awakened his fruit. There's potential for a huge power up with that. Unlike this arc he'll also have a lot of allies in Wano. Law, Kidd, the samurai, maybe Moria, Drake and Hawkins too. Also the Minks. Maybe Marco too. Law also had prep time. Their chances in Wano are a lot better than here where they rushed in blindly and got fucked.
it's pretty clear luffy will never beat a yonko 1v1 besides blackbeard in the final arc
kaido will definitely fall next arc but most of the supernovas seem to be there plus a bunch of other people are going to gang up on him besides some plot shenanigans that will make kaido vulnerable
Delusional Katakurifags are about get utterly BTFO.
>god fucking damnit perospero I've fucking had it with you and your fucking bullshit everytime we corner a crew. Couldn't you just execute them properly? But no, you have to run through your bullshit routine complete with countdowns to death. Do you enjoy this? Sitting all smug dressed as a pedophile whilst the mugiwara get away again. I hate you so fucking much brother.
>Shut up, MOM! Oh! Not YOU mamma... peroperoin
He must be so exasperated by now dealing with his retarded family crew. He's the only one doing anything right. Mom's a literal autist. Brothers are jobbers and showoffs. Sisters literally betray the family for men they've known only a short while. I bet he wishes he could be a Mugiwara instead. At least they're competent enough to get shit done.
I mean he also did absolutely nothing while Chopper and Brook were on the ship
I'm well aware he can't compare with the Kaido and Big Mom now, all I'm saying is it would be nice if he could do ~something~ to Kaido to at least have him take notice. With how he looks now, Luffy seems like he'd get embarrassed all across the board even with help. The point about Awakening is good, the seed has been planted for that so who knows where it will go. It's the only known way Luffy has to power up within reason at the moment since it seems Gear Fourth alone is pushing his body to it's limits.
If Luffy hadn't mouthed off about wiping the floor with the Yonko and not running at Dressrosa I'd be more fine with it, the fact that he did say these things compared with what we've seen of him versus the Yonko's powers makes it look far worse. Gear Fourth on Dressrosa made it seem like Luffy had finally bridged the gap in strength that was so daunting until that point, at least giving him a path to competing with the strongest given time, but Whole Cake Island, and particularly Cracker, deflated that transformation in my eyes significantly.
Pedro is going to survive the aloha snackbar explosion because good guys aren't allowed to die anymore.
Luffy always mouths off. He's done that against Aokiji and he's done that during Marineford. He's done that against Magellan. You shouldn't take that seriously. Of course he'll eventually win because this is shonen. But that doesn't mean he's miraculously at their level or above now. The timeskip wasn't meant to make him top tier. It was meant to make sure they don't get wiped like they did at Sabaody again. The crew won't be scattered again. But it didn't really make him top tier. Even with Doffy, he needed quite a bit of help to beat him. I know One Piece isn't really about powerlevels, but I'd say he's just slightly under Doffy at the moment. Of course, awakening his fruit will seriously power him up and maybe make the Yonkou take him seriously. I actually doubt he can beat Katakuri too at the moment. Not without Nami or Jinbei's help at least. They need to drench him with water so his mochi loses its stickiness.
Luffy is a cuckold canonically. He needs usopp gain a boner.
Luffy is retarded and was trying to fit in because he had know idea why everyone was getting nose bleeds seeing Nami naked.
luffy is running right now because he promised to avoid fighting this arc, his goal was to get sanji and get the fuck out
the yonko are the strongest beings in the op universe so it makes sense luffy can't put a fight with them or the story would be pretty much over, he can beat any yonko commander most likely and that is more than enough for now. even blackbeard being a yonko I doubt he is close in power to kaido and big mom with they having such ridiculous feats and being in power for so long
>generals being deleted faster than holocaust denial
>forced to discuss OP topics already covered
>still rampant shitposting and hackposting
>can't post pictures of my OP waifu and how much I love her with other bros
>no /comfy/ lounge to hang out in
This is fucking shit. What is the point of Sup Forums in general now?
>natural disasters
It has to be inorganic.
>appease all the autists
You actually believe a mangaka would change something in his manga because four or five nerds on the Internet didn't like it?
>very big fat woman flying at incredible hihg speed
Jesuchrist how horrifying
post One Piece may mays
Awakened Paramecia
Next Nakama after Jimbe
Semen demon
Kill yourself, crossboarding trash.
Blackbeard is probably the weakest Yonkou right now because compared to the others he's still pretty much a newbie. He's got the power but he still lacks the experience or the crew to back it up. Burgess got trashed by Sabo with ease. I doubt Sabo can do the same to Katakuri or Jack for example. He's got hax fruits but Whitebeard still fucked him up rather easily too. He's not BM or Kaidou level yet. Also, I doubt Luffy can beat 'any' yonkou commander. He beat Cracker but he needed a HUGE assist from Nami. Katakuri also captured him during the wedding and he only escaped thanks to Jinbei's water sprout. Right now they seem evenly matched, but who knows how the fight will go next chapter. I still hold that Katakuri is a bit above Luffy's level right now. He seems stronger than Cracker after all. And if Cracker gave Luffy in G4 trouble. Katakuri can only be worse for him.
Damn, this actually came out to be true.
Why does no-one listen to katakuri?
Maybe because he never talks
>It has to be inorganic.
And this is stated where exactly?
>katakuri is interesting because of the contrast between his edgy appearance and his calm, strong, and kind demeanor
>draw him as an average angry edgy antagonist complete with random red lens flare in his eye
>my art do not steal, better make it so the watermark eats away a quarter of the pic just to make sure
Because no one listens to reason in the One Piece universe.
I hope Oda makes his outfit pink and gives him Streusen lips.
>no Boney mention int he whole arc
My patience has a limit, Oda
Merging it back with Sup Forums, what else?
Jack is such a jobber it's almost hilarious. He's supposed to be one of Kaidou's best yet he can't beat the Minks without using Caesar's poison. I mean, the general consensus is that he might've been able to but it would've taken days. That's still pretty underwhelming for a top Yonkou commander. Then he gets his ass beat by the Marines. I'll excuse this one because there are two Admiral level fighters on board. But then he picks a fight with a giant sea monster elephant and gets BTFO'd. He's lucky he's a Fishman or Kaidou would have lost a Calamity for no good reason.
Purging faggots out of the board and it looks like it's working
Jack would have won eventually because the Mink Leaders were getting exhausted while Jack continued fighting 24/7.
Jack used Ceaser's poison because he was ordered to go after Dofla while he was on Zou.
I like those updates.
Because Morgans and CP0 are there, Carrot might get a bounty mistaken as a Strawhat member. How high could it be?
Not higher than Chopper