Is the TTGL dub any good?
Is the TTGL dub any good?
watch it and find out.
The only good dubs are these, now fuck off, newfag.
I've seen it before a couple times but I never bothered to check out the dub. Now I'm trying to show it to a friend who says he'll watch it, but I know he'll pay more attention if it's dubbed, and I want him to like it.
If the dub is notoriously awful I'll just make him suck it up, but if it's fine I'll slog through it. I remember hearing something about it before but I can't remember whether it was good or bad.
it's actually pretty good
I can't fucking stand people who make "Is this good/bad? Please think for me!" Watch it and form your own opinion.
>What should I expect?"
Posters are just as bad on any board.
To me, no, the dub lacks commitment from the the voice actors. TTGL is made for subs.
Fair enough
It's okay. Anti-Spiral has a great voice and sounds kinda like a younger, ethereal Colonel Campbell from MGS.
hearing a whiny faggot shout "bro" over and over got annoying very quickly, so I switched to the original audio and never watched a dub ever again.
No dub is good, fuck off.
The dub is fine except for "Sea-moan"
Since you should just watch the movies it doesn't matter if the dub is good or not.
Stop TTGL posting
The movies instead of the series? Didn't even know there was a movie.
Yeah. Im in the minority when it comes to this opinion but i feel like the movies are way better than the series, even on the first watch. The changes/new content in it are great additions and the content they skipped are the least entertaining parts.
The first film is an absolute dogshit edit of like 16 episodes with no sense of pacing. It sucks the impact out of everything and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. I prefer the TV handling of the second part because I think Rossiu's arc is genuinely amazing but I'm definitely a minority opinion on that, so the second film is fine replacement for most people.
Antispiral and adult simon made the dub worth watching.
The Russian one?
Heck yeah.
japanese dub> french dub>>>>>>>others
>french dub
Just watched a couple of clips, it's literally the same 3 voices that dub all french shit.
I preferred the south east Asian one
Doesn't match up to the original, as usual. But credit where credit's due, Steve Blum did Leeron and pulled off the camp gay tone nobody expected him to be able to do, what with him being typecasted into the gravelly-voiced bald space marine types he usually voices.
No, Dub voices have minimalist vocal inflection and intensity
>muh grorious nip VAs are much better than those baka gaijin! they're shit!
Fuck off, weebs. The dub for TTGL is fantastic because it's fun. TTGL isn't meant to have deep characters or complex plots, it's just supposed to be a roller coaster ride of fun and the English VAs convey that pretty well. So to answer your question OP, yes, the dub is good.
>TTGL isn't meant to have deep characters or complex plots, it's just supposed to be a roller coaster ride of fun
This. It pisses me off so much when Gen Z babbies go on about some deep message in TTGL and how it inspired them to live life to the fullest or whatever bullshit. It's deliberately cliche and over the top with its themes, that's part of the whole fucking point of the show.
Yet another case of dubfags obsessing over Japan, while all subfags care about is the country of origin. Stop projecting.
Simon's name is supposed to be "See-moan" but the Japanese don't have a "See" syllable, only "Shee" し/シ.
So the only reason it's not "Seemoan" in the Japanese version is that they wouldn't normally pronounce it that way, though we absolutely would.