WN has importantant lovemaking scene

>WN has importantant lovemaking scene
>Adapted LN has it too, even has illustration
>Manga just skips it entirely
Fucking manga adaptations.

Everyone knows the manga version is always thw worst version

Post the illustration then

>expects the manga to faithfully reflect source material


is there a light novel where big guys rape or try to rape the cute boy MCs?

like Donovan with Guts. I love Donovan. Biggest fan.

They did the same thing with Maken No Daydreamer.

Lets see if MT does it. Eris scene should be coming up soon in the manga.


Go watch some HBO shit then you pleb.

When it has no other redeeming features yes it does. Now go back

Was it rape?

>Dumbfuck chuuni LN about a dumb gary stu and his loli fuckhole is adapted and they skip a dumb sex scene

Cry me a river.


still cant believe this is getting an anime so fucking soon.

>importantant lovemaking scene

Just read some porn.

>most popular isekai after mt
>cant believe this is getting an anime
And want that just some drama cd?

It's heavily implied they had sex, that's good enough
If you are so horny then go to sadpanda or something

>It's heavily implied they had sex

they have sex regularly.

Nothing is implied in manga

wait, why is his left arm still there?

Try to look at picture a tiiiny bit harder.



It's not yet time