Post end game couples

Post end game couples

Oh hell no

I have a friend that made me watch one episode of this show dubbed, I wanted to kill myself more



Really I found the dub far more tolerable than the sub. For one I like the dub for the mc to be better than the original. And for Blondie has the lady that dubs the tomboys.

She really eto etos my desu desu


>8man ending up with worst girl
He deserves it.

I want to throw her on the bed while she ano anos and fuck her until she iku ikus


>the only genuine girl in 8man's life










She's canon mid-game. Have you even read it?

Good taste there, friend.

user, please.

>good taste


Damn meme shippers.


Is this an Onii-sama for ants?

Such a great end to the series. The misunderstandings were resolved so cleanly and I felt each character had a proper arc.


Shitty pic but true.

>tfw can't watch this anime because the MC will ruin it somehow

fuck man, I hate this.

On the other hand not everyone was happy.



The girls confess to him and he returns both their love. Not everyone's favourite ending because some don't like bigamy.

Damn Kamachi and his teasing. Just do it already and make it canon you faggot!