Shingeki no Kyojin

More Reiner in a few days!

Reiner a shit. So is BRA. ZPG is where it's at

Paradis a shit

Reiner >>>>>> LAME

None of them will ever be this happy ever again.


I hope SnK flops and Isayama moves on writes something new that won't be as bad as SnK. It was good but after serumbowl, it has turned into pure shit.

I hope we see more Floch shitting on Armin when we go back to Paradis

Why does Connie sit so close to Sasha? Doesn't he have enough self awareness to realize he's a frail, bald, ugly manlet who Sasha has no romantic interest in? Jease, talk about beta orbiter.

I hope Mikasa kicks his ass.

What a shitty art.

Would you read this spinoff?

Hanji is the perfect wife for him

go suck a dick, fag, snk is only getting better and better

Mankasa a shit

no, it's not

Wow, even Tumblr agrees EH is canon.

I wonder if it will be another full flashback or half and half. At this point is does look a little like Isayama is either stalling for time so that he can do a big reveal at 100, or just slowing things down in general to make the story longer and secure an income.
Concerning the flashback though, I wonder what new information Isayama can offer us? He did say in a recent interview that he feels disappointed that he didn't spend more time building up Eren's relationship with BR before the reveal. Maybe he will use the continued flashback to show more scenes of that.



Shit art

>That stealth EH, JAM triangle and SC

Endgame right here, brothers.

Fuck off, this is not tumblr, stop being so butthurt for everything.


EH is canon.



Eren already pumped and dumped Historia. RE is the new canon.

I'm so happy.

I swear if we have another chapter of nothing but flashback I'm done with SNK

>Discussion should be centered on series and characters, not the posters or communities that discuss said series and characters.
No wonder these threads got purged all the time
They can rest in the timeskip. Somewhat. At least they drove the warriors off

Mods should ban cryfags desu because they are undeniably underage shits who are trying to fit in but then nobody would suck on their dicks

But Hisu is a cuter wife.

>Eren slurped up Reiner's milk
>Reiner sucked Eren's phantom dick
It is known.

Isayama agrees YH will always be canon.



Why is Historia smiling at that ghost?

And a cute mother.

Chinkmir and chubbystoria a cute

Fucking hell they look like potatoes there. Somehow this is much cuter

"all the times manlet was being a sadistic cunt he was actually just being awkward xD"

It's easy to rewrite a character however you want when you can make up headcanon this delusional


To Ymir's child

Suck my dick

Stinkmir is so ugly

>they look like potatoes there

Calm down, Sasha.

I will for spoilers

More like Eren's child.

Not just this chapter, but the next one as well.

She has a Ymir tulpa now.

I hope Isayama stops the chubby face phase, although Shitmong is destined to be a whale.

trips confirm

See you next month.

More like Armin's child.

Kill yourself

Armin a cute.



Well she has enough time to do that.

>user gets on their knees and starts to suck Isayama's penis
>Isayama laughs as he informs user that the chapter will be full of his least favourite characters showing the worst aspects of their personality and traits
>absolutely zero plot progression
>all flashbacks of things we knew before
>"huh huh hoo... there's still next month right user?"

And cute.

His parents thought otherwise.

Sorry, user. Love yourself.

They didn't even take a few seconds to name him and just quickly tried to escape.

They knew they had to escape this thing the moment they laid eyes on it. Death by MP was preferable.

I hope we see FT arc from Annie's perspective. Would be really interesting to see.

Him fantasizing about killing civilians and blaming it on the MPs makes me think he'll be worse than Erwin ever was.

I hope the next time we see a decent amount of Annie, apart from in Reiner's flashbacks, will be her torture and death.


Mikasafags are so edgy.

So do I. I get the feeling that something Reiner said to her before she separated from BR is the reason she was so callous when wiping out the Scouts.

too risky to torture a shifter. Just kill or eat them instantly.

so anyone think the serum rod had was actually reiner's?

What's the point of seeing the FT arc from her perspective?

True. I hope she has already been fed to someone.


Hello Mrs. Smith

Shit art. Also good

That's a really good point. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.

Reunion when?


Hello! Nice Levi. Series needs more DILFs.

does anyone have a officially translated version of this?

Shit thread. Saged and reported

no u

kill yourselves cancer

Will we get more cameos from EMA then? The flashbacks left off in the training camp so if they must continue it would be nice if they pick up there.


No worries. Based mods will delete /snk/ generals.

Not everyone like little girls fanservice, relax user.

Good, I was worried about your feelings.

>What's the point of seeing the FT arc from her perspective?
It was already discussed in last thread
most people are divided on her thoughts and actions, giving answers would be good for understanding the characters, and besides too much reiner is boring

Kek, butthurt snk threads are deleted?

Warhammer Titan when


I´m not the one crying to mods everytime I see something I don´t like. Not even other threads have this level of cryfags. You have to be less insecure.

That's you though, this is funny as hell. Stay mad when this thread gets deleted :^)


>No porn of Gross fuck her yet

Is that period blood from slutty and rayray?