Why do Americunts spend so much money on shit that kills people, but spend no money on healthcare, education and poverty?
Why do Americunts spend so much money on shit that kills people, but spend no money on healthcare...
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Because jews
I don't know. It'd make sense if we used to conquer other countries and steal their shit like the Romans. Then again I guess we kind of do in a really roundabout way.
I like a TV show called Car SOS. It's from the UK and they fix cars for people who are unable to. It cracks me up when they tell the stories of how they became disabled and were you aware that leaches and blood letting are not modern methods of treatment?
Because we're not pussies. We're the alpha males of the world and no one has a dick as big as ours. Fuck you.
This is the correct answer, jews control the USA and use it as an attack dog against their enemies
cause everyone hates us
I think it's jealously
Because damn near every major technological advance has, in some relation, come from the military. From the internet to agriculture, militaryf R&D has played a role somewhere along the line. It's also a massive business, that employs millions of Americans and foreign resources. The American military is probably the single most important entity on planet Earth for stability, technological advances, and economic security.
because you thought it was a good idea to fuck with our tea... you are reaping the rewards of being a total dickhead for no reason. ta ta and fare well, good chap
Because JEWS owns them all 100%
It starts with boomers and is even worst in the future with soyboy millenials.
USA must be wiped off the map.
Literally a satanic shithole.
RIGHT NOW a shitface called HOGG is headed forward into a propagandistic bluff and MILLENIALS are following that jewish shit.
Look it up, connect the ... wake up,
Best, most succinct answer I've seen in awhile. Hope you don't mid if I quote you, user. I would add that we spend a shit ton of money on education and health care because (in the case of health care) public sector unions are a cancer upon us all and (regarding health care) we bear the brunt of r&d costs for the entire world with the crazy drug prices we pay. Will conclude with a time-honored statement; OP is a massive faggot and this is a bait thread.
>1 post by this ID.
>1 post by this ID
war creates scientific advanced that filter into nonviolent sectors. without war you wouldn't have
the internet
have a (You) friendo, these Euro Pe-Ons just don't get what it's like.
>(regarding health care) we bear the brunt of r&d costs for the entire world with the crazy drug prices we pay.
This, but hospitals are fucking money grubbing dickhead institutions (mostly). They're the "shady-garage" that says something is always wrong with your car... And as far as I know, drug institutions get to write a lot of R&D off if the drug is unsuccessful (not to sure about that though).
Maintaining an empire.
Brits would not know about things like that, wouldn't they? Kek, ironic and sad.
Why you guys spend money on welfare for shitskin immigrants?
Top 1% of America (i.e., the capitalist class) get healthcare, education and no poverty. The US spends so much on the military because the US is the protectorate of the global capitalist regime, which ensures that the current system stays in place (i.e., the rich keep getting richer while the poor getting poorer).
Because our system of liberty holds 6000 years of human progress together at the seams and if given the chance the dregs of the planet would rip it all apart at the foundations. Ironically the path to the stars is littered with the bodies of regressivists.
Cause pic related
>the US is the protectorate of the global capitalist regime
Why does everyone have such a fucking issue with the US? We have done nigger-jew shit, but the fact of the matter is that we also do a lot of good things too, including getting fucked on trade deals so other countries can have a come up.
Canada would be an absolute shit-hole if it wasn't right next door to the US faggot. You make all your money off of us to continue you're socialist dogblowing utopia.
We spend waaayayy more money on education, poverty, and healthcare. The pic is just the federal budget. Most of the welfare spending is at the state level.
We spend an assload on all that bullshit at the state and federal level. Half of the federal budget is just an apology to niggers. Probably half of each state budget as well. It’s trillions of dollars we’ve given toward all that shit and haven’t gotten a fucking thing for it.
that which doesnt kill you makes you stronger
They don't get that because their countries are the size of our States and are europoors. But hey we're mutts
>spends no money on education
Because we are not cucks like you.
>spends no money on poverty
USA has some of the best learning institutes in the world so I wouldn't say that. In Sweden education is more or less free but it generally is not so great.
We also have pretty much no armed forces but we have free healthcare. Up to you if you think that tradeoff is worth it.
>spends no money on healthcare
Because we are owned. Is that why europoors say we suck zionist cock all the time? why do you guys keep acting like their arent people secretly making all important decisions in our country right now?
>spend no money on healthcare, education and poverty?
we live in a wellfare state you shithead
Because of Jews.
USA spends a lot on its military because it's the largest economy.
OP btfo
Yea, plus, so Japan doesn't have to have one and create Nip sex robots that piss off whores.
because that's what backs the dollar
Over half of the US budget is for social security and healthcare
Damn I need a shirt with MachoMan Randy Savage.
Because we defend every single country on Earth excepting Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea
Maybe you """whites"""in Europe should pull your weight or learn Russian.
I admit, the Jews have a fucking cabal of bullshit brewing... but for a post like that, do you ever blame anything outside of Jews?
(((spend money on poverty)))
Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for life.
Go pay for your own fucking health care. I paid for mine. And now I pay more than $12,000 per year for my family's health insurance, up from $3,000 prior to Obamacare for a better plan.
The only reason government exists is for national defense, to keep us from being invaded by a foreign military or "migrant".
Literally the only reason federal government should exist. If states want to try their hand at socialist healthcare, let them. And yes, property taxes pay for local education.
us, you, them, humanity.
Why do exterminators spend so much money on shit that kills vermin, but no money on helping vermin thrive?
Serious question...
Are you retarded?
Our healthcare and pharma industry kills millions of Americans a year. Our education system consists of lies and deep state shooters killing our children. LBJ and the great society made poverty worse and led to much more dependence, which is also a kind of death. So really all we do is spend money on shit that kills us.
>spend 28% on healthcare
>bongs think we spend 0
>absolute state of bong propaganda
Well having an advanced and powerful military means losing less lives if a war breaks out. Thousands of years of warfare and blitzkriegs and Euros still don't prepare themselves for surprise attacks
>spend no money on healthcare, education and poverty
They already spend too much on all those things, and it's not working.
>but spend no money on healthcare, education and poverty
White Americans haven't had the need for those things because they were able to supply themselves with it. Now that the family unit is fucked beyond repair the state is inching into every aspect of our lives. The state is too busy picking up after people that they fail to understand why everyone is falling apart.
Things like public works were the only things we really wanted our taxes going to. Building infrastructure, maintaining military force, going to space, etc. Anything else fundamentally is a form of redistribution of wealth.
They probably spend more on healthcate than britain, there is simply more hospitals, more hospital workers and more sick people (just look at pharma industry), they also spend tons on wars. Given usa ability to print free dollar they can afford it.
Why don't any countries ever attack America? Why don't any countries ever attack American allies? Consider the US backs pretty much every decent country in the world, foreigners really shouldn't be too concerned with our military spending. If we weren't here, the entire eurasia continent would be glass right now.
We see how the mutt plague hurts us and it leads us to kill anything that could make the problem worse.
We like to kill people. We are the true offspring of the UK. No matter how much you guys try to deflect or claim the USA is not your heir, we prove it every day. The new empire. We learned from the best.
He's falling to Earf? So Earth is hell?
Pray with me user. So save my soul for I am guided by a self that has been created and not built. Sin and temptation is rampant, and Peace cannot be found. Help me Christ, for you died for my sins, and wish to guide me to Salvation, which is so simply Faith in (You). Nothing is to be found without you dear Lord, nor would it be the will of God without you in it.
Why are you communist? Do you live in California?
that is the price of maintaining peace and stability
without that, you won't have hospitals, education and loads more poverty
however there does seem to be a high level of waste, some things could be done more efficiently
social security/unemployment
medicare/medicaid are all separate taxes.
>spending money on poverty
democrats spend quite a bit of money to keep people poor
>Why do Americunts spend so much money on shit that kills people, but spend no money on healthcare, education and poverty?
Because killing people is cheaper than allowing the trash to come here and having to spend money on their health care, education, and laziness. Also, large amounts of money is spent on health care, education, and lazy people in the America.
You can't "disallow" trash from coming into your country when it's already there and it's mixing with your residents.
You can "disallow" any new trash coming in. Also, pic related.
Because you niggers don't deserve it, and whites work. White people have been going to war for thousands of years, keep pushing mohammed. Went we chimp out shit hits the fan
Because America had to deal with the red menace(both of them for that matter.) while you were busy selling off your empire and importing muslim wiener into your women.
The American war machine is controlled by Israel, used to combat their enemies. The Jews do not care for the American citizen, his culture, or his ethnicity. He is merely a footsolider for their agenda.