Arab politics

How do we fix the Arab world, Sup Forums?

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First Usrael should stop deposing dictators.

It is in the making.
Iran or Kazakhstan or both.

why do you cherrypick those pics when 99% of arabs mixed with their black slaves and look nothing like that?

Turn it to glass

Nukes worked for Japan...

Get rid of the Arab.

This is the only way.

Arab is such a meme ethnicity. That woman isn't Arab.

Destroy Palestine, abandon Israel, NATO protectionate city-states that keep Christians safe, and make Kurdistan independent.

you dont

What was wrong with Japan before the nukes?

Fuck em.
Let em fix themselves if they wanna have nice shit.


Lebanese people are relatively white, definitely more white than your average 56% spic

99% of Arabs look like this dude.

The whiter Arabs probably account for 20% of the Arabs and are mostly found in the Levant.

kill all the arab and nigger mutts and give Caucasians back their homeland.

Literally don't overthrow their governments when the Ba'ath Gang comes back around and they'll become kings.

The McArthur way


That girl is Lebanese, not Saudi Barbarian.

Go on.

>tfw a based German Jew found the solution a hundred years ago

I am NOT talking about the Haber–Bosch process...

Is Baathism good for the arab world?

If islam never existed the middle east would be more advanced than europe.

We don't. Fuckem let them figure their own shit out.

Unironically let the muslim brotherhood win, they're the least bad faction

Why are you showing a Lebanese person in an Arab topic?

importation of eastern european women is changing the composition of the saudi ruling class. the problems of the arabs can only be changed by altering the biological nature of the arabs themselves

*If Turks

It's how Muslims make their push. Lebanon has multiple groups living there but the real natives are genetically closer to southern Europeans than Peninsular Arabs because it used to be easier to cross the sea than mountains and deserts.

moar alawites!


well what is it then?

That woman is as much Arab as Arab is an ethnicity.

Kill all Jews and white people.

If it was good, it wouldn't be divided into Iraqi and Syrian.

Fuck off Israel.

Remove USA influence and funding of Israel.

The Arabs are so mixed and inbred, you can't fix them. The problem is the genetics. Mixed Arabs = constant fighting and desertification. Wipe the slate clean and start fresh.

TV and the internet made it impossible to deny the superiority of western civilization. There is an understanding that unlike Arabs, Westerners are generally nice and industrious, while Arabs are generally lazy and untrustworthy. For instance, there is a way to denote that something is bad by describing it as “Arab”. Therefore, someone would describe a meeting or an appointment as Arab to signify the lack of punctuality. Or if a person acts in a disrespectful way someone would say “well, that’s Mr.Arab for you”.

What Arabs are deluded about is their past and history. Their Islamic history stands before them as a vision of perfection, especially in contrast with their present state. They view their past as virtuous, humanitarian, and just. “...back then there was justice and we ruled the world, but now we are ruled by dogs who kowtow to the Americans!” this point of view is commonly held by Arabs. And this “back then” doesn’t describe any specific time, but it’s a common vague idea all of them understand, but it's mostly about the Rashidun. Many believe that western science came (or was stolen) from Muslim civilization. Also many are convinced that the Quran is miraculous and relate stories about how “the scientists” were all trying to disprove it but they all failed, or that it contains miraculous scientific knowledge (there are many books about what is called Iijaz, the inconceivable science of the Quran), or that the Jews study the Quran so they can anticipate world events..etc. Such delusions are very common in the Arab world.

Only the jews fuck off nigger.

Bombard entire region, norh africa and arab peninsula with neutron bombs

>When you are a burger and blame the effects of your constant use of depleted Uranium in the Middle East on "inbreeding."


Butcher them until they get tired of dying. The reason we haven't won a significant conflict since WWII is because we pussy foot around. Vietnam, Iraq, and Korea could have been finished if we stopped being pussies. It almost seem as though the powers that be don't want to beat the countries they send us to die for. Really makes me think.

They are also deluded about their potential, they do believe that if all Arabs were united they would be unstoppable, or that if only they followed such and such way (say like Sharia for example), everything will be good and well. There is a story common in the Maghreb about how Qaddafi said that if he had men as manly as Algerians and as intelligent as Tunisians he would rule the world. Such stories are rooted in the belief that if they were united they would stand unmatched. Mass stupidity, ignorance, and their inability to improve their situation causes them to cling to such idiotic delusions.

>shill pic
we don't, it's not our concern, we just need to pull out of this cesspoll and let them sort their shit themselves

... because they're arabs?

and this guy literally looks like el atrocidad

White people are cryto-Jews, they need to be exterminated as well.

That won't do anything. They hate us already and have been trying to destroy the West since the dawn of their religion.

There's always some fucking ignorant idiot. This discussion is old. It's like endlessly explaining that 2+2=4.

Try putting your guns down and sit at the negotiating table.

Pro Tip: You can't.

Kill all of them, burn every trace of their existence

They have the same defects in the UK and the Europe. Inbreeding destoyed the Semites.

The Arab language map shows that it is pretty much a meme ethnicity pushed on various groups mostly via Islam.

bleach their women
except isr*eli women

it is indeed tiring to explain to someone that arabs are arabs, but hey, mutts gonna mutt

Templar bro you're supposed to know better.

by focusing on fixing our own countries first. Why are you people so obsessed with the arab world? Fix home first ffs

Maybe read something you illiterate. I'm not wasting my time on another fool.

lebanon =/= arab

>cites a jewish blog site
Good riddance to you, kike.

If that means bathing and hygiene, then yes

I'm citing Nassim Taleb actually.

Israel completely retreats from West Bank and creates a corridor towards Gaza. Jerusalem is named a joint capital of two states and joint Israel-Arab-International peacekeeping force is created to maintain peace. Pali-Israel conflict solved

Iran is permitted to import nuclear fuel and whatever else they need to harness nuclear energy. All sanctions against them get removed. In return international inspectors are given total freedom to visit every part of the country. Iran agrees to withdraw all their militias from ME countries and cease all funding of political parties and other groups outside Iran. In return USA guarantees the rights of Shia populations in all MENA countries.

Western countries turn a blind eye to human rights violations done by regimes in MENA countries. More pressure is placed on supporters of terrorism, namely KSA, UAE, and Iran to an extent.

Western countries guarantee the rights and autonomy of Kurds in Syria and Iraq in return for their denouncement of separatism.

>i'm not wasting my time
>but i'll keep responding once called on being a jew

Is this a case of the Jew crying out as he stabs?

You know that feeling when you're wrong and you want to run away from it instead of accepting it and learning? You're on an anonymous board, run the fuck into the learning experience you idiot. You've literally got nothing to lose. Learn how to learn instead of making stupid excuses when you're shown to be wrong.


I would say the same goes for you, but you're spreading Jew blogs as "learning experiences" so you're shill as fuck.

Remove Islam. According to Arabs in my area, Islam is evil.

either Christianize them or make them forget about monotheism entirely, its the only way for them to be great again

No, but batism is.

Remove Israel.

Not even joking. Arab self determination cannot exist if they have to live next to an illegitimate, aggresive and hostile enemy. This isn't a one shot cure at fixing th middle east, but true progress can't flourish in the curent environment.

pre-Islam Middle East and North Africa were absolutely GOAT

Because your government keeps fucking things up.

That will help. All you have to do is stop encouraging the diaspora and funding them so much.

Itt: Lebanese diaspora claiming to not be related to Palestinians or Syrians and instead pretend they are Phoenician and not a generic MED/ME hybrid rape babieis.

You know that it wasn't how Middle East looked like in middle ages? It went to shit because of Turkic takeover, Mongol conquest Al-Ghazali's protestant like intellectualism and so called democracy.

Lebensraum for Europeans.

Alternatively all Jews in the world moving there/deported. Something most Israelis would want I think. Deep down vast majority of Jews too I think.

*protestant like anti-intellectualism of course

Crusader rape baby