Sir Integra Hellsing has ordered Alucard to slay you. Your only defense is the protag of the last anime you saw

Sir Integra Hellsing has ordered Alucard to slay you. Your only defense is the protag of the last anime you saw.

Are you fucked?

Well I'd have Alucard, so I guess I'd be fine.

I watched Hellsing Ultimate last.

I wonder if Araragi with Shinobu stand a chance.
If Kokorowatari can instant kill him then maybe.

ok we got this joke out of the way

Last anime I watched was classroom of the elite...obviously 50% man annihilates alucard.

who was the protag in Boku no hero academia, again?

>New Game!
>Make a post on Sup Forums showing Aoba is real and give a timestamp, say how Alucard is going to kill her if she doesn't get help!
>Suddenly I have 100s of Sup Forumsnons as an army protecting Aoba protecting me

Ganbare, Sakura-chan!

Are we talking pre-Schrödinger or post-Schrödinger Alucard here?

They're on different power levels entirely.

He would just find a way to get out of helping you and you'd be dead.

Back to hell with you, demon!

What's the difference?

Post-Schrödinger Alucard is pretty much omnipotent. As long as he recognizes himself he exists.

Pre-Schrödinger Alucard could still be defeated as long as you kill all the souls he absorbed.

>using anons as protection
If you hide behind huge pile of shit I think it isn't too much against Alucard

Sup Forumsnons are pawns meant to beat Alucard with sheer numbers, Aoba is my last line of defense.

I'm dead.

I thought he lost majority of his power after his absorption?

His drill is the drill that make the heaven!

>tfw can't remember

You're fucked no matter what, because Alucard always wins. No matter how contrived it may be.

I think I'm fucked...

I'm sure Yang wouldn't mind if I lived in his house for a while

Easy win.

> Jinrui

I should at least tell Watashi to run the fuck away, so at least she won't be murdered.

You ain't coming into my brick house without an invitation.

I'm alright.

>smartphone Jesus
I'm in safe hands

>SoL protag
Grovel for mercy with the intensity of a thousand suns and hope that I am spared.

Alucards already dead. what's he going to do exactly?


The Death Note only kills mortals.

>Golgo 13
I'm fine.
At any rate, an amazing penis.

I don't think he can do anything against Alucard.

>watched an episode of Non Non Biyori Repeat
I-I´m counting on you Renge

Altair counts as the protagonist from re:creators so i'm fine

I dont think I'll make it so might as well ask Ange for a fuck before dying.

Is not Alucard bullshit Mary Sue Strong with pot armor as thick as the phone catalog?

It is, but it's kinda funny.

Last thing I saw was that smartphone one. I'm probably fine that fucker can do anything plus he literally has god on speed dial.

I'm safe. He'll be treated to a delicious meal he's never had before and be too busy internally monologuing about its different components to kill me.

Probably fucked.

I know where he came from, and I can send him back.
He has to help me.

her pig tails will destroy him. he stands no chance.

He is smarter than you. I am sorry but you're fucked.

I wouldn't be so sure

Would Geass even work on him?

I have sensei with in my debt, and I'm even more intelligent, nihilistic and have a more wicked sense of humor than he does.
I'm even better at pretending to be average.

Chinese Electric Batman.

I don't think I'm gonna have much of a shot here.

I mean, spiral power is pretty bullshit, I think I might be okay.

well fuck, unless his arm gets cut off I am fucked.

It worked on God so yes

Strongest vampire vs strongest vampire
May have a chance...

I'm in safe hands

>I'm even better at pretending to be average.


Only humans can kill monsters my dude

I don't think I'll make it, but considering how fucking broken she is she might be able to put up a fight.


I mean...

Just being close to this guy will make him want to kill himself so I'll be fine

I'm fucked

Would convince Alucard to join his side. I'd be fine.

Watched the OPM.
Does Saitama count as a saviour?
I'll probably be fucked if Alucard attacks me on a Saturday sale because Saitama won't be around.

Her lack of presence renders us both invisible.

I'm in good hands.

R, right?


Welp I guess I'm fucked

Jean Sta0wind.

I sure hope he has caster shells on him.

she could sacred turn undead him r-right?

Well she has yet to fail to befriend.

I'm probably fine.

I guess I'm fucked.


Zaaa... waaa....

fug :DDD

I just finished Shippuuden. That battle would be ridiculous, but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't buy that OAV and make people watch it.

Get in the vampire, Shinji.

>last watched DBS

Hope Alucard is ready for it.

>inb4 muh Schrödinger
Exists everywhere in the universe, but if the universe ceases to exist, he dies with it.

I t was good while it lasted.

Your Name

Yeah I'd say I'm fucked

I think I'll be fine.
Alucard is about to get fucked up by a GOD.

He's fucked, along with whatever town we happen to be in.

D has some crazy-ass feats in the novel, right? Either way it'd be fun to watch.

>Sakura Quest
Hooo, boy.

I believe Nee-san can take him on.

we dead

Probably gonna die, but I at least have a shot.

Well I'm fucked.

If its end of series Alucard the best you can hope for even if you watched Dragonball was that they could delay him enough for you to live your life and die before he came back for you.


i mean, if anyone can do it, it's Trevor right?
i'm good

also fuck netflix, 4 episodes and then literal years of wait until the next 4?
fuckers, the lot o' them.

I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unaware of Loss
Nor aware of gain
Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one's arrival
I have no regrets. This is the only path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works

I'm okay I think

>squid girl vs alucard

Isekai wa Smartphone


Yer ded.

I can't remember the last anime I watched. But I don't care, I welcome Alucard to come murder me.

just how weak to bananas is alucard anyway

>D has some crazy-ass feats in the novel, right?
Slashing throught time and space, moving at the spedd of light and being unrestrained by fate just to name a few, so I think you're safe.

I think I'm safe

Can he survive a tank running over him?
If yes, well, i'm done, i guess.

Knights and magic. I would say that i'm pretty safe if I too get my own mecha