Polish Holocaust bill ISN'T frozen

Since you faggots don't read whole threads I will make this thread just to confirm that thread is fake news and jews are lying as usual.

>Government speaker denies that the bill is frozen. It will come into force at the first of march.
(as planned)
Ministry of justice had also issued a statement in which it confirms that the bill isn't frozen and will come into force as planned.

Other urls found in this thread:



Bump for truth

Bump. I don't like our goverment's playing around and sending the bill to the Constitiutional Court just because other state from desert don't like our new law.

But PolAnon, what about all those wonderful bants from the other team on the old thread, does this cuck them all?

bump hell yeah poland

thanks poland you make my day a little bit better this vacation i will go with my fathers there
i wont put my real flag is a little embarrasing



yep. I really don't know what jews wanted to achieve by making such easily debunkable lie.

Another bump

I have a theory, it's like whoever pulls off saying 6 gorrillian died in public knowing full well it's a right of passage for many. It's true, they don't mind being called anything except a jew

why did my 2 polish parents have to move to the us. one day ill go.



I have had a stressful day, but you make it better.

Tonight, I drink to thee.
To Poland, the bastion of Europe and the soul of the west.

Thank you burger bro.
But I have to tell you that "luksusowa" is at most meh tier vodka, don't you have other polish vodkas in the US?

I live in Rural south, i had to drive to the city to get this.

I will place an order for good stufff sooner or later. You have any suggestions?

is Sobieski good vodka?

Don't worry Polebro. I read the article. Typical Jew bullshit. We know where Poland stands. And we stand with you.

Op here, posting from my phone because mods are fucking fags
"Żubrówka" is great especially the one with bison grass
It's good

you got banned for this mild post?

The amount of people posting
>Poland Yes
Was astonishing, I feel that Sup Forums right now is completely deprived of critical thinking

No, for posting attention grabbing tits in the other thread. Mods must have a very broad definition of pornography because apparently picture of a woman with exposed breasts in non provocative pose is considered pornography.

bumpity bump based Polacks

jews are reporting on all their sites otherwise. they say due to pressure from israel poland won't be signing this.

who's lying?

You are



Poland freezes the 'Holocaust Law' - israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/242362

Poland 'caving to Israeli pressure,' freezes Holocaust law - jpost.com/Israel-News/Poland-caves-to-Israeli-pressure-freezes-controversial-Holocaust-law-543527

i did not say it. the jews did.

so either poland is lying or the jews are.

Fuck yeah, Poland! bump

>who's lying?
Gee I wonder... Polish government that is responsible for the bill and has no legal means to "freeze" a bill already signed by the president or jewish media without a knowledge about polish legal system. Hmmm...


A Polish team is expected to arrive in Jerusalem in the coming days to try and reach an understanding with Israel on the controversial Polish Holocaust law, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Saturday, in a positive sign that a way is being found out of the diplomatic crisis between the countries.

The spokesman said that as a result of Israeli pressure, Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said that the law will not be implemented before Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal reviews the issue.
Ziobro’s comments came during an interview in the Polish media during which Ziobro, who is also Poland’s chief prosecutor, said that the Constitutional Tribunal’s say on the matter is necessary for prosecutors to know how to apply the law.

The deep rift in Polish-Israeli ties was caused by the law, signed earlier this month by the Polish president, making it illegal to say that the Polish state or nation was complicit in the Holocaust. For instance, saying “Polish death camps” to refer to the extermination camps in Poland, rather than saying “Nazi death camps,” could lead to a fine and up to three years in prison.

Before becoming law, however, the legislation must be reviewed by the Constitutional Tribunal. The justice minister’s comments echoed a statement Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz made last week, who said that questions about how to interpret the law will be taken into consideration by the tribunal.

Ambassador to Poland Anna Azari met recently with Ziobro to discuss the law.

>Learn to read faggot. (reddit spacing faggot)
>you have to go back

did you even read it? it says the law will not be implemented. ^^^

that thread tho

*jewish kvetching intensifies*


But does Poland have T-I-G-E-R-S and SPACE?

The law is signed and will enter force in March.
The trick is that Poland no longer has separation of powers, (our judiciary is now under executive), and one prominent politician has already declared that the law "will not be enforced".
So there.

>said that the law will not be implemented before Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal reviews the issue.
Fucking hell you are slow. It simply means they will not enact the thing before the meeting. Its already done. Its the same as saying the POTUS will not sign the completed bill before taking a phone call. Get it now?

neither jews nor you understand what constitutional tribunal stands for - polish one at least

more over neither you nor jews apparently know or are willing to connect it to the purges polish gov made in our judicial system - you were screaming about just few weeks ago

"end of democracy in bolan"
"bolan illiberal now"
"burn bolan"

sending it to (now) /ourguys/ in consitutional tribunal is just a smoke n dance to prolong the 'official verdict'. Normies forget about everything normally in 3-4 weeks, contemplating the newest trends - who is the "best singer now?", "what happened in tibet yesterday?" - a fucking voting block conciousness is a joke

tl:dr - hitler was a pussboi, we hitler now/still

also - thanks op for pic, saved

>The trick is that Poland no longer has separation of powers
KOD please go

well i dont understand it because im not polish? i guess ill trust your word over the jews. either way the jews absolutely destroyed germany over jewish expulsion.

they blamed 'nazis' for killing poles when it was the communist jews who murdered poles.

good luck with your jewish problem though. america is lost.

>it was dey ebbil joos
go clean a toilet you miserable fuck

How else do you call the situation where the head of legislative (Karczewski) says that the judiciary "will not implement the law"?

Some ones jelly their country never thought of this first.

And go back where Polacks hire hohols for cheeper and treat a fellow pole worse than a nigger.

No thx. Me too Id like to live inPL but no way am I working for shit wages or work my ass off for someone.

He is talking about state persecutors you brainlet.

Its not even Polish owned , its fucking french.

/r/ing someone to photoshop this polandball in instead

State prosecutors are part of the judiciary, brainlet.
In a normal country, there is. Because PiS restored a communist system where they are directly under executive control (Ziobro).

So sad for you (((polak)))
How you'll get better, after once more gased
> R.I.P. inb4 6 + 6 + 6 x6 (((polak))) way of saying of gorrilion of exterminated vermin (((rats)))

America is the only place where people still have the right to bear arms. You have way more leverage than anyone else .

What happened I'm too lazy to read it rn

>so either poland is lying or the jews are.


stupid newfag kike

That is a good and effective system and it doesn't affect judges so separation of powers is still there

Not for long, the KRS law is in place.
Judges will be purged in 1 year max.

Did you get 6 gorrilion from germans as reparations yet?

Poolan is stronk

> what is "the holocaust"

I wish we did, theres nothing that fucked us up more then ww2 and commies as a result of it.

americans killing native Americans and taking their land