Operation Inversion - A Primer

Hey faggots, in this thread you'll learn about Operation Inversion and how you can become your own inversion user.
>pic very related

What Is Operation Inversion?
>In #OperationInversion we invert the narrative by using their own content against them
>It combines IRL operations with some digital meme-making
>The goal is to trigger cognitive dissonance

Why Do We Do It?
>We do it for the lulz
>It gets us out of the house
>It lets us interact with REAL people IRL
>It lets us craft a new narrative using their own material against them
>It starts cognitive dissonance in normies - the first step in redpilling

How Do I Do It?
>drag your ass out of bed & grab your phone
>find any shop that sells magazines (like B&N)
>spend a few minutes trying to understand (((their))) narrative
>you need to invert the narrative
>collect new material to craft a new message
>go create your masterpiece IRL (in a high-traffic area)
>autisim helps
>assembly time is less than 2 minutes
>take some pictures
>refine your OC at home & add commentary, then post on Sup Forums
>rinse and repeat

Tips & Tricks
>you can spell "PEPE" using two copies of SHAPE magazine (my favorite) or two copies of PEOPLE magazine
>you DON'T have to invert anything, but inversion does trigger dissonance
>work at eye level in a high-traffic area; make it read left to right in the shape of an arch
>no vandalism! you're just re-arranging stuff, not destroying property
>remember: you're not doing anything wrong
>if someone asks what you're doing, say: "I'm sorry, I'm kinda autistic! I just felt the need to straighten things up!" Then smile
>Trump triggers the left, so incorporate Trump's watchful eye somewhere
>if you're lucky, you'll get to do this right in front of an SJW couple who will have no idea what's going on
>at home, in the basement, keep your meme simple - like: rgb(0,255,0), 1 font + some logos

Good luck, anons!

Other urls found in this thread:


If you don't already know what Cognitive Dissonance is, you can get the basics here:

Here's an example where B&N handed me a gold mine in the form of a magazine called "Alternative History". I used it to frame the narrative that Trump's so-called War Mongering exists only in a fake, alternative reality.
Pepe also make 2 appearances to trigger the left.

Not all inversions are political, either
This one is called:
>Every woman deserves a good man

Here's some OC from the election run-up back in 2016

This one combined "The Walking Dead" with Hillary and Marilyn

During the election "BITCH" magazine came in handy next to magazines with HRC on the cover
>pic related

And here's one of my only Operation Inversion memes that shows a "Before" and "After" collage in the form of an A/B test


useless and gay

Exactly! And our international calling card is the word "PEPE" assembled from 2 overlapping copies of SHAPE or PEOPLE magazine.
It's our way of secretly signaling to each other than "user was here"

i know its actually unironically a step in the right direction, i like it. but you need to add on to it. leave like a note for a secret meet, or a spot, like a coffee house, for debate and discussion, something like that

nobody makes these kinds of associations unless they're autistic OP, you'd be better off printing fake covers and placing them on the rack

Not all inversion have to be made with magazines, either. It can also be done with books, like pic related.
In this one, which I call "101 Reasons - Book Cover from Kek" I was gifted a contextualized book cover that was already upside down.
Praise Kek and his prophet PEPE

Someone needs to do some research on subliminal stimulation and advertising. Here's a starting point for you, user

if you're in the know about pol and not a dumb ass you'll make the association , get gassed you fucking leaf

yea, that makes sense, but then you could do it with newspaper stands or like anything with words or communication

I also do another operation call "Operation Insertion" where I insert actual memes from Sup Forums (without any branding) into actual newspaper boxes
>pic related


Anyway, gotta run. Hope you faggots keep the thread alive long enough so I can post more Inversions and Insertions
>Invert the narrative, one magazine and one newspaper box at a time
>Slow and steady wins the race

Neat. I was thinking of doing something similar at my uni. Only question would be, how to insert without being caught on camera?

thats a good idea for those styles of newspaper stands

Friendly bamp