How does pol feel about the (((desert eagle)))?

Does Pol like the desert eagle? Is it cultural appropriation to own one?

you mean cause its a jew gun?

no based Kahr owns them now

Overrated as fuck, if you want a really iconic pistol that isn't making you look like a massive poseur, get a M1911.

its a stupid meme/ novelty gun, useless.

Manlets can't handle the gun

always boycott israel, user

Useless pointless firearm with bolt that tends to break.

Meme gun sold by jews to video game playing neckbeards and absolute losers.

Yes. I want to know if pol likes Jewish guns.

I own a DE50, Stainless steel, ported. Beautiful firearm but honestly it's just a novelty item. There is virtually no situation I can think of that warrants the use of 50AE, unless you're in grizzly bear country (and then 454 or 500sw would be better)

It's owned by Kahr now.

How could you possibly know this unless you yourself were a 'videogame playing neckbeard and absolute loser'.

Stupid fucking canadian retard, stay on your side of the internet.
Don't come back shit huffing noodle boy.

slash fuckin thread

It's a novelty gun suitable for showing off at the range. For home defense/CCW, it's about as useful as a baseball bat.

It's a pimp's gun. Fuck Israel

even a 44mag will numb your hand after awile. DE must suck to shoot.

The Dessert eagle is ridiculous, poultry as well as most meats should be reserved for savory dishes. Granted there are notable exceptions, say in Marsala, but still not a dessert.

I'm going to offer you dignity of a level headed response because I look down on you;

We have Desert Eagles in Canada.
I've shot Desert Eagles.
I know people who own them.
They consistently tell others not to buy them.

They are notoriously poor firearms.

>not posting your time-stamped DE

Fuck you guy really

It's cool if you just want to have it to show off to your friends. Terrible as an actual weapon for self defense though.

go away FBI

I've heard it's a meme gun.

>single stack

fucking gross get that trash out of here.

i fired a .50 cal desert eagle at a shooting range and it jammed after firing every single round.

Tacky, gaudy, and worthless - Israelis have no taste.

what about the uzi?

.50 cal is for revolvers only

fuck the deagle

What about it?
Its a cheaply made effective 9mm sprayer that fires from an open bolt - so it at least requires the user be slightly aware of his surroundings, lest he pop a cap in Tyrone's ass accidentally.

>limp wrist
It has a massive slow moving action. You cannot limpwris it. I assume your BF had better luck with it.

>implying you ever need more than 7+1 rounds of .45acp

Ruger Super Redhawk/Blackhawk are superior full sized magnum pistols, everything else is overpriced or a meme


>double action
I sure do love an extremely heavy trigger pull every time

Never own a Jewish piece of shit.
Remember the USS Liberty.
LV massacre
Sandy Hook
Boston Bombing
Parkland drill.
Boycott all Jewish shit.

Cheap, compact, effective. The Isrealis naming it the Uzi after its creator (Uziel Gall) specifically told them not to was a giant dick move though.

Literally a toy and the word literally bothers me deeply
I'm pro gun and pro desert eagle for the record

I'd like to shoot a deagle at some point, just for the experience
Though I would never buy one, unless I was hilariously weathly and had a gun collection

if you want an overpriced meme handgun, get a mk23

At least the Mark 23 is a reliable and effective gun.

Very high quality.

I prefer HK or Sig

Nothing shoots better than a 1911, champ.


You can kill a lot of gun grabbing commies with one!

Cool gimmick. Israel is very based on military terms.

I'd rather have a S&W 500 or a BFR though

>Super Blackhawk
>double action
I’ll grant that the Red’s stock trigger is fuddly heavy for a boomer market/ risk aversion, but even in need of gunsmithing NIB, it’s better than having to fight TWD fanboys for the dwindling supply of Colts or Smiths from the 70’s.