Public school or home schooling? Which is better?
Homeschooling Thread
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home schooling makes kids figuratively autistic
>sending ur seed to a marxist indoctrination camp where he will need to show guilt for being a white male and learn to pray to allah while learning 35 genders
Home schooling is the way forward.
The good schools are expensive, you'll pay 40k a year for this one.
My sister went to a public school. She listens to nigger rap music, talks constantly like a nigger on social media, has black friends, smokes weed like a degenerate, wants to go out and party every weekend. That's all she looks forward to.
Mormon cousin was homeschooled, she's married with two kids. Barely goes outside. Cooks and cleans for the family all the time and always invites me to dinner with her husband.
The one which isn't used almost exclusively by inbred white trash
teacher here
I plan on homeschooling my kids, Hope this helps.
With the internet you can basically do anything now. And you can have your kids take advanced classes that they actually enjoy.
homeschool is objectively better.
Is the meme true? Home schooling got a bad reputation when only clueless young earth christcuck stay-at-home mothers did it, it's changed a lot. The tools and the people doing it aren't the same.
Public schools seem to be the only ones getting shot up
Privet school
Charter school
Depends on your income
>advanced classes
You mean like marksmanship, bushcraft, psy ops, explosives making and asymmetrical warfare?
If you cut all the diversity crap out and do it right, you could probably have your kids pass their GED at 16. They might even have the time to read Culture of Critique.
Gen Z here. I'm currently in the process of watching all of my friends who were homeschooled tear themselves apart in college because they have zero social schools and have no idea how to operate in a social setting. One of them addicted to cocaine and the other gets blasted EVERY NIGHT.
Public school exposes your kid to degeneracy, and hopefully they will - with your help - understand they are not destined to be a part of it.
Trust me on this.
t. 12 years of public school and I'm just fine
Wouldn't you have loved to learn this stuff as a kid though?
Ok well autism isn't real. It's just a movement to silence intellectual children by giving them pills that will make them psychotic and have a higher inclination toward heroin use in their late teen to young adult years.
Also if you can afford it, move to a neighborhood with a very gentrified public school, preferably one with IB. However, don't put your kid in IB - DO DUAL ENROLLMENT. I went to an "early college" and at 19 I have two and a half years of college under my belt already.
Yes. It is better to be a warrior walking in a garden than a gardener walking into war.
I want my children to be prepared.
literally every single kid i’ve met that’s been homeschooled has had almost zero social skills, and even less knowledge on how to connect with other kids their age
Your kids are going to have a bad ass child hood.
This, send your kids to charter or private.
>Public School and Just fine
Yes but have you a full rounded education fit only for a free man? Have you been able to read the best books written in English, Latin and Greek? That's what schools use to teach.
Homeschooling is infinitely superior. READ JOHN TAYLOR GATTO.
homeschooling is generally best. most schools are bullshit
if you can find a good one, go with it, but just be careful. some of them that look good on the surface aren't actually
t. homeschool
Back in 80s maybe until mid 90s public schooling was amazing. Now, home schooling is the best way. If you go to a public school now it's just a fucking prison where they brainwash you into leftist politics and make you depressed.
I can't really tell, the only ones I know were single kids that had tutors and never interacted with other kids as a child. They were a little weird but I'd blame the way they were home schooled. You can still send your kids to socialize and have activities with other kids.
I went to private school until 9th grade. Then I left and spent 3 years in public school. The kids in the private high school I went to for a year were snobby cunts and just the shittiest people. But the public school I went to was in a nice town but most of the kids I went to school with were really laid back and chill and were way less cliquey.
> Ain't no parents got time for that
Parents today would rather not deal with their own kids, they hire nannies and send them to teenage kindergarten just not to have them around. No wonder the kids grow up to be a little weird.
Protip: not everyone who was homeschooled will tell you they were. Don't fall for stereotypes like a tool. The research is clear that homeschooled students have better socialization than children tortured in public schools.
While I support homeschooling, this graph may as well show le 56% as public and 100% white as home. If you sampled just public schools that had >95% white kids, it may look more like the homeschool group.
What were the racial demos? I loved my charter school.
Have fun doing that research, but keep in mind that you can't have all white schools in America anymore. They WILL be mixed or the federal government will send in the national guard.
I smoke weed, listen to rap, and homeschool
To be honest, I have a lot of reading that I still need to do. Luckily, I have three and a half more years of university for that.
What Public school really did for me was build social skills, something homeschooling fails over and over again at. I'm 19, run three businesses, and am entirely financially independent. I am able to make mid-five figures while still attending university full time. I'm not a typical example but if I were to have been homeschooled, I simply don't think I would've been confident enough to consistently meet - and sell - to adults in a business setting at this age.
If all u aspire to be is a youtube star or work at mcdonalds you have betrayed your bloodline.
Not even nogs can have their own schools even if they want to. You can have all fag schools but no all black or white schools.
It was a catholic high school. Mostly white with only a handful of black and Spanish kids, and literally no Muslims. But I heard that since I went there, a large Catholic school not far away that was predominantly black closed, so the school got flooded with a bunch of nig-nogs. Fuck 'em.
It's funny, cause you really need literally 0 social skills in college.
well you need self control and you need to understand your limits, which both of these kids - both straight A students, both eagle scouts, both leaders in our church youth group - were so sheltered in high school that when they were introduced to shit they didn't understand, they went way overboard and will likely have absolutely ruined GPAs at the end of the semester.
I went to a public school and hated every minute of it. I promised myself I would not send my kids to a public school. I don't care what some fucking dipshit on the internet says about it.
Private school is expensive so right now I'm thinking I'll probably have my kids home schooled until 5th-7th grade then send them to a private school.
It's basically impossible to find a woman who's willing to homeschool your kids and doesn't fall for the "high power career woman" meme or "sleep around with every Chad in sight once you hit 20" meme. So I'm not sure how to proceed from here.
Lol this guy knows. Kids going to public school are about as socially retarded as homeschoolers from 10 years ago.
I'm in college although slightly older than my peers. No one in college has social skills. They're all stunted from social media use. When I was in high school everyone talked to each other.
Now people just stare at their phones and look at you terrified if you strike up conversation.
>They're all stunted from social media use
This is also true. I'm autistic enough that I saw this issue and used it to my advantage, now my biggest revenue stream is social media management
You only hated it because you got bullied.
Lets face it you got bullied for good reasons.
>you got bullied for good reasons
My childhood best friend was homeschooled. Some of my best memories come from their family; I practically lived with them for a summer. We would make funny movies and choreograph our own lightsaber fights inspired by Ryan vs dorkman and art of the saber. His family were super clean freaks, obsessed with Disney, very Christian, and for punishment their mom would make them write sentences repeatedly. Overall good family, would recommend. Around the beginning of puberty my friend and I experimented some, but looking back I think I was molested. Oh well. His cock was very curved to the side, and he let me lick his balls but he only ever touched mine
I own/operate a business and invest
I was homeschooled and I tell no one if I don't have to. I just hide it because people want to ask a fuckton of retarded questions.
No I wasn't bullied I was bored and sleep deprived and constantly sent to the office for basically any time I didn't act like a soy boy
That's pretty gay
what kinda business user? based on what youve said previously I'm gonna guess SMM or ecom
Just shoot them at home.
Homeschooling is good for some kids, bad for others. I honestly think I received a worse education because I was the first kid my parents homeschooled. I was basically a test subject to see what needed to be corrected for the future. I ended up inadequate in math and science, which fucking sucks now that I'm really learning high school level things for the first time in college. My younger siblings are getting a better education through homeschooling than they would a public school though thanks to corrections of mistakes made teaching me.
Sounds like you molested him.
Homeschooling, it's not even close. You can cover all the information to pass the standard tests as well as all kinds of fun stuff that your kid really wants to learn about in a fraction of the time without having to deal with feral public school kids and retarded as fuck leftoid statist teachers.
Where do you think they made their mistakes teaching you science and math? My mother did the opposite: I had a really good education in math and read enough books about science on my own that I did okay in that when I went to private high school and college. But my education in history and writing was really subpar and I had a lot of catching up to do later. And even that's not so bad, because most of the history I didn't learn when I was supposed to was bluepilled as fuck, and about 3 years of holohoax bullshit.
I intend to have my kids doing pre-college algebra by 9th grade. I'll personally tutor them when I get off work.
No offense but your parents are probably brainlets.
When I got through geometry and algebra 1 they were basically unable to explain anything to me because they didn't know it themselves. In sciences they just taught more conceptual/general info instead of going over the calculations and application. I'm actually not doing bad in college math and science. It just seems like it would be easier had things been done differently.
Not really, that's what makes me angry about it. They were fully capable of teaching me better, and they didn't do it.
By capable I mean they learned the material themselves and are now teaching it to my younger siblings, which is what they should have done for me.
Socializing your kids is necessary to have him not turn into a creepy shut in. Home school turns him into a creepy shut in
It keeps people pure and wholesome and decent.
So one or both of your parents went through a math/physics based degree and couldn't teach you basic bitch high school level pre-calc and physics?
Go easy on your parents. Education is not easy, especially at higher levels.
These days there's youtube and Khan academy for that kind of stuff, but if you grew up when I did there was no internet, books were ordered from catalogs and took 8 weeks for delivery, and if you wanted to hire a tutor you basically had to ask one of your local neighbors or church friends, if you didn't live in a college town. I basically picked my local library clean by the time I was 15, and it wasn't until I got to university that I had a (poor) internet connection and a university library to really expand my horizons. Incidentally that uni library had JOHN TAYLOR GATTO in it, great stuff.
"Wholesome, pure, chaste, reserved" to normies is interpreted as "autistic and weird"
Catholic school
No, you are an idiot. Names. Give me names of these homeschooled shut ins you've met.
We homeschool our kids and they have better social lives than in school. When you don't have niggers, proud mouthy whores, and know it all dumbasses like you, they socialize much better.
Go suck off a foreigner and keep your opinions to yourself, leaf.
You can home school your kids and still allow them to have a prolific social life. You can let them play with kids in the neighborhood. You can take them to social events with other home school parents/students.
Where does this meme come from that if you homeschool a kid, they have to be locked in a basement 24/7?
Better austist than communist
Going to school made me even more antisocial than the opposite
So no
No, they bought textbooks and self-retaught shit they forgot from college (business/accounting) and high school. At least they corrected their mistakes, my siblings won't be retarded like me.
I try not to be a bitch about it, things are the way they are. I didn't have access to hardly any internet or tutors when I was younger though because of where we lived.
I'm sure your parents did their best to teach you and are very caring and loving... But if they weren't business majors and instead were engineer, math, physics majors, you wouldn't have had any problems.
Business majors are brainlets I'm sorry you had to find out this way
No they just only cared about the almighty dollar and wanted the quickest and easiest way to it. They were lazy during college, not stupid. At least if they were stupid there would be an excuse.
>Where does this meme come from that if you homeschool a kid, they have to be locked in a basement 24/7?
Mostly low IQ parents and recent graduates who realize that they're too stupid to educate themselves, but still need something to lord over their high IQ homeschooled peers. They don't come up with the idea themselves, of course, they just spread around a FUD meme that the school puts out to promote government schools. READ JOHN TAYLOR GATTO.
sending your children to a public school is child abuse... you should lose them for even thinking about it.
I'm not disagreeing with you. I poorly worded my thoughts.
High IQ and smart people can get business degrees, but if they had gotten an engr, math, phys degree, they wouldn't have forgotten the material.
The level of calculus and phyiscs you take in college as a business major is a joke. A math, engr, phys major wouldnt have forgotten high school level calc, algebra, physics just like you won't forget your ABCs.
Nines of insight. Yeah but we were just kids exploring naturally. However, looking back he kind of instigated it all, in addition to previously forcing me to kiss him. We only ever went as far as he would decide; he was always in control
Sixes of deception. No, I was younger than him and it always happened at his house. He married an equally Christian girl, I wonder if he's told her about experimenting on/with me.
Yeah the more I think about it, all home school kids are probably like this. Don't do it OP
I was homeschooled for my whole life. The stereotype of anti-social homeschooled kids is true, but only a few are that way. Its not homeschooling that makes them this way, its the parents. I knew a kid who's parents would only allow him to read, and do chores when he wasn't doing school. Naturally this turned this kid into a really akward dude. Homeschooling overall is a much better choice than public schools, you just gotta be careful how you teach your kids. Also make sure to allow them to still do things any regular kid would do, such as hang out with friends, ect.
Edfag here. Depend on your local school district and your skills as an educator. Regardless of whether you homeschool or not, a little bit of education on how education works is valuable, as your kids WILL be learning from you whether you're any good at teaching them or not.
It also helps you call out bullshit from idiotic schools if you understand the plays they're trying.
It means not having to wait for the potato headded retards in the class.
Boy Scouts of America has that, well minus the explosives an asymetrical warfare.
Gato is a blowhard, but he's not wrong about how shitty schools are.
Siblings, church groups, team sports, close friends.
>Boy Scouts of America has that
Didn't they cuck out on fags and trannies? Liberal rabbis were bragging about their role in making the BSA more progressive.
thats why
You guys who got to explore when you were younger are lucky.
I didn't have a guy to play with until like 19...
same i went to school with majority niggers and it just made me hate school and hate people. I wasnt particularity bullied or anything but since i was such a big guy but it really puts down a white kid growing up thinking the world was just life as a nigger.
I went to public schools and it made me hate the idea of socializing. Now I'm as much of a semi hermit as possible.
Private Jesuit education only
homeschooling just make sure they have ways of being social you dont have to leave them at mcdonalds to intermingle with random peoples kids just make sure they can interact with other kids
so they can marry then assassinate future presidents????
Lol same. Public school will put you in settings where you'll have to socially interact... Except you're social interacting with the dreggs of society and anyone with triple digit IQ will sprint home the second they're legally allowed to leave their school-themed prison filled with poor peoples 80 IQ kids and incompetent uncaring teachers doing the bare minumum, and shut themselves inside their rooms where they can finally get away from hell on earth
Theres probably some public schools that are nice but you have to pay out the ass in property taxes, but still they probably bus in poor kids anyway so you may as well just fucking pay the premium for private schooling
>socialising with public school children
No thanks.
Homeschooled since 3rd grade until graduation, biggest problem for me personally is being able to contribute to a conversation or finding something in common to talk about. Talking politics even with people you know can be the equivalent of walking in a mine field.
Teaching your kids the truth about the kikes when they're 12 could be a problem.
I was homeschooled.
I have a bachelor's in economics and play classical music.
I've also fucked 16 women in between long term relationships and have traveled/camped/backpacked a good deal
My parents put a lot into it with private teachers and tutors though for math and all that. Homeschooling is good if you do it right.
Lol I know plenty of guys who went to public school who got hooked to ecstasy, meth, cocaine, etc. and did nothing after high school
I know guys who went to private school and became alcoholic degenerates whos only goal in life is to spend their 20s in clubs and at parties
You really don't know what you're talking about. Its a parenting thing and not a schooling thing. If you suck as a parent then your kid is going to end up an addicted degenerate. Regardless of what school they attended
Dumb fucking Gen Z narcissists dont understand anything as per usual and they their tiny social circle is representative of everyone everywhere, not understanding the underlying issue
You have become the jew congrats
Protip: learn to become a good listener and let them do most of the talking. If you can't do that, or they're just fucking boring, then you shouldn't be talking with them. I've found that even the dumbest people can tell you the most interesting things if you know how to listen and get them talking about stuff that isn't literally what they watched on tv last night.
Many home schooled kids have idiots for teachers.
They need to understand why they need to hide their power level in most situations. This is a difficult judgement for them to make as kids trust other kids far too much.
Teacher-student sex is also much more awkward for homeschool kids.
Homeschooling, it's what I'm planning on doing for my kids once they are school age, public school is an indoctrination center.