"Herbivore" males

Why are so many men these days shunning traditions such as marriage and children and turning to video games and anime instead? What can be done to reverse this troubling trend?

Other urls found in this thread:


You would have to increase the viability of other options.

OP is literally a faggot. Retard.

everyone knows that video games and anime are the most redpilled forms of media. keep watching CNN though you boomer fag

MGTOW livestream is literally going on as we speak:


I don't think that I am in a position to care for women when I have never had a friend before.

>What can be done?

Nothing, the free market has spoken.

The top 1% leave this earth for their orbital, extra dimensional, planetary utopias leaving the resr of the population in childish misery.

This isnt a problem with just males.
The global population has been more and more infantilized to get them more accepting and susceptible of authority, rather than looking to their own strength and self worth. They hand all that shit over to the video games they play the tv they watch and the twitter accounts they follow.

Because Anime is fun and doesn't hate me yet

Video game and anime never disapoint you, and are always avaliable when you need them

No need for bitches anymore

Says you, as you browse Sup Forums.

I could be your no-homo pal.

Y-You can have a happy life too, user!

Can someone explain what's going on here? I know its Japanese, but still.



I have no gf so I can't get married and have children

Tell us how you really feel, user.

because marriage and children are fucking scams

Where is the push toward a functional AI that can make a better conversational partner than the average woman? How would Sup Forums implement it?

I would like to get married but I am far to ugly and also have autism which prevents me from getting a gf. So video games are the only thing for me in life.

Im skelly mode manlet, also socially awkward, have a shit job, broken car, no friends.

Exclude women from military, police, politics and white collar jobs.

Thats cause you watch anime.

>tfw have trad gf who shares conservative views and values
>tfw we exchanged virginity after 6 months of dates and being together
>tfw we planned out our lives, am planning on proposing this year

Being in a relationship isn't all that great sometimes, but the positives outweigh the negatives for sure.

>tfw we exchanged virginity after 6 months of dates and being together
Sounds beta af desu

>Sounds beta af desu

Seconded. Also, she was not a virgin.

Still waiting on those gynoids.

This keeps getting posted, and the answer is always the same.

Removal of incentives.

What my neutral friend said

Testosterone levels are too low, it's all over.
The average men can't handle the stress and confrontation of taking women's rights away any longer.


>What can be done to reverse this troubling trend?

Women will have to make it worth their while. IE, they become submissive, stay thin, and please their men while raising their kids.

Otherwise what is the point. Just get a girlfriend, nod at her stupid libtard ideas, pump and dump her, get a new one when she gets on your nerves about your anime and vidya games.