/EAN/ East Asian Nationalist Thread

A thread for the purpose of East Asian pride and uniting East Asians whether we are Chinese, Korean, Japanese or whatever else.

The world is awed at South Koreas over-performance. washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/sports/pyeongchang-2018-olympic-medal-count/?utm_term=.88420bb85280

East Asian students perform better academically than Western students.


Will Judy Chu run for president and be the first POTUS of East Asian descent?

Other urls found in this thread:


woah bud

Mark Takano hints at possibly running for president.


Will Mark Takano become first Asian-American POTUS?

>check flag
>it's an amerimutt

You sound confused (and retarded)

Fuck this divisive shill thread

>Asian Nationalism
>White Women

What did he mean by this?

I see white pride threads and even black pride threads on here.

But Asian pride is not allowed? lol

hell no

We have always been at war with East Asia.

What do you have to be proud of?

East Asian men, particularly Chinese men, produce the most sperm-dense semen in the world. That's why China and East Asia in general is so populous.

Big Chinese balls producing high sperm counts is said to be instinctively detectable by women according to some scientists.

We've noticed more and more white women are marrying East Asian men. This is not only because they have higher incomes, higher IQ's and are more respectful than any other race's men, but it's also because they're the most healthy and fertile race of males.

One ejaculation is very likely to impregnate a woman while white men typically struggle for weeks to impregnate a woman.

tl;dr white women love the Asian sensation and want our fertile balls.

Disgusting reddit thread
Sage and Hide

Did you know much of Italian cuisine was influenced by Chinese cuisine?

You basically stole our dishes.

Taiwan numbah 1 in IQ

We numbah 1!


China numbah 4!

>Chinese, Korean, Japanese
Will never unite. Too much bad blood.

Pizza was invented in Belarus in 933

All East Asian countries have much higher IQ average than Italy.

It really helped them throught WW2.

There is already a lot of unity between Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

The Winter Olympics have also shown that South Koreans and North Koreans don't hate each other as much as the media likes to make it out.

Source proof?

pizza was invented long before 933 bud

also, when Chinese military men dock in Russian ports, Russian women are stargazed by Chinese seamen (and semen hehehe)

>or whatever else.

explain yourself

being your future masters

>Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

the problem is that they're all amerimutt vassals.

I could understand if you were talking about Canada. But Italy? what?

>Judy Chu
Search her political background and stance find this pic related.
Come back when we are discussing a based Asian not this Comifornian fuck muppet.

Japan is clearly superior to Chiniggers.

>this geopolitically ignorant


I'm sensing you're not East Asian and are just trying to divide East Asians

Your little AMWF porn project backfired quickly so this is what you have to resort to now. Sad!

what's wrong with judy?

did you get upset when you saw that beautiful blonde white woman having eyeball-rolling orgasms from the Asian sensation?

>poast pic of miscegenation

better luck next time

Hapas are accepted in most of East Asia and besides, Hapas look more Asian than white.

An asian american president sounds nice, too bad he'll be a Zionist Puppet just like all the other presidents before him.

valid point

What about Vietnamese?

I've been told Asian diaspora in Brazil is known for attracting the most beautiful Brazilian women and fucking them in their nice rearends. They go kungfu all over those phat asses

This is stupid. If you really are asian, you would know that we all hate each other. There is no "pan-asian identity". Assuming there is a boom in "white identity" they'll just go back to warring with each other like they always have.

Banzai bitch.

>You basically stole our dishes
And you stole it from Switzerland.


d&c shill alert

you're not asian

>you would know that we all hate each other.

Stop with this propaganda. It's not true and it's a Western tactic to try to divide East Asian countries.

Are you two fuck buddies or something?

Yeah, you don't even get what you said.


Goes in all fields

>memeflag says something retarded

>if you really are asians
Why would asians congregate on a white mans basketball coaching forum?

>the problem is that they're all amerimutt vassals.

True. Only country that has hope is China who remains autonomous

Asian nationalism is great. Go back to your homeland and fuck off.

East Asians are good people.

I wanna go to Korea actually.


that woman is a jew retard

I will start discriminating against white people when I become a hiring manager.

Anyone else tired of the catch-all "Asian"? East Asians deserve their own label. Bring back "Oriental". I'd rather that than being grouped with poos, muslims, Filipinos, Samoans, etc.

We have a lot of Nip qts here in são paulo that love white and pardo dick

Sorry, meant for you OPI don't think you're acutally asian though

East Asians hate each other.

>Chinese and Koreans hate Japanese
>Japanese hate Koreans and Chinese
>Koreans hate Japanese and Chinese

None of the groups see themselves as the same people (they are extremely nationalist). The Japanese think interracial dating means dating a Chinese or Korean person and so do the other groups. You guys will never get along.

Looks like shit

fuck off to r/aznidentity you tiny cocked manlet

Oh god this is so pathetic and cringy lol

actually the south Koreans depend on Chinese tourism to survive or they will die. Chinese people hate Koreans though, since Koreans get plastic surgery to look Chinese in reality everyone knows they have blocky heads.

No she's not.


All my Korean friends talk shit about the Chinese. They talk about how they are rude, loud, litter, and hardheaded.

All my Korean, Chinese and Japanese friends get along.

Shut the fuck up and stop trying to divide us you larpers

I'm a white guy but I like Asian people and Asian culture.

You lost WW2 and switched sides you stupid spaghetti munching faggot. I don't think Italy has ever won a single armed conflict in its entire history. You're bigger pussies than the French.

i don't mind if Chinese people think Koreans hate them then they will die cause no tourism money sustaining their shitty economy. they still have the tech industry but once the population ages it's over.

You clearly haven't met any international Chinese students. By far the loudest and most obnoxious group on my college campus.

>16 posts by this id
Is this a retarded hapa from reddit again?


Not LARPing. they don't like them and they told me that they don't. My Chinese friends are a different story though. They seem to be more okay with other Asians. There are not many Japanese where I live so I don't know many or their opinions.

Reminder that Japanese soldiers literally divided Chinese people.

they are but this koreeboo don't realize what he's doing right now will end up killing a lot of his beloved korean waifu's.



Poor koreans dying.

Australia belongs to China.

Put a Right-wing Pro-America, anti-nigger Asian up for President and white people will even vote for him. Put an anti-white globalist cuck up for President and he'll fail every time.

Jesus, are you that friend we all laugh at behind their back, or are you just larping? Chinese are so shit. I get along with some Koreans, as we both hate the Chinese. Except during their independence day when they try to get uppity. Taiwanese is the only other kind of east asian I genuinely get along with.

I really wish Lauren didn't convert to the dark side

oh ok so I should start making threads that white pride is stupid since past wars had Germans dividing Europeans, right?



>uniting Koreans, slapnoodles and chinos

You're clearly none of them. Those slant eyes have been hating and killing each other for as long as they've been yellow

I've introduced a few Chinese girls to "kangaroo meat" if you see what I mean.

Come and take it you slant-eyed gooks.

What is this supposed to prove.

China has 1.379B people. If 5% of their population went to vacation in Korea it would bring in a lot of money just because of their population size alone. But just because someone vacations in a country and brings money in doesn't mean that the citizens of both countries will like each other.

Yeah, I think I know what you mean but that's pretty degenerate.

We all already knew that Australians are degenerates with the highest bestiality rate of any country. Don't teach poor Chinese ppl to have sex with kangaroos like you Aussie twats like to.

You should check out aznidentity if you haven't already, I read it for about an hour, man do they have a victim complex. Lus and Chans!

that fag likes koreans, by turning the Chinese against them it means his precious lil jap waifu's will die.


That was Japan idiot.

Typical kangaroo-fucker education.

I don't care too much for Japanese women, but okay.

It's always hilarious how white people try to make out East Asians as the most racist people.

Meanwhile Black Panther was a huge hit in China.

It must suck being an Asian in America. It's like being a cat in a doghouse or a shrimp in a fish tank.

all those koreans killing themselves cause you said koreans hate chinks.

>Meanwhile Black Panther was a huge hit in China.

It's not even released in China yet you dotard.