Why are (((they))) putting Fluoride even in bottled water now? What is the agenda behind this? I previously thought it was just a few brands, but i just went to the supermarket and couldn't find a single bottled water with no Fluoride in it.
The (((Fluoride))) Question
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It makes people more docile
Also note that it also has chloride
It bonds in the body with the aluminium you are being loaded with, via food, deoderants and pollution etc and forms aluminium fluoride, this breaches the blood-brain barrier and accumulates in your brain.
Increased levels of aluminium compounds in brain tissue have been linked with Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis and many forms of dementia. Hypothyroidism is also heavily linked with fluoride, infact they used to treat hyperthyroidism with fluoride. Can't figure out why you're always tired, can't lose weight?
All coincedence though, user. Don't worry about it. Nothing to see here.
Aluminum in the brain is also linked with facial paralysis and autism, isn't it? I remember reading something about it a couple of months ago. Will post it here if i manage to find.
That's because it's just tap water in a fancy bottle with a picture of a glacier or mountain stream on it.
what do you do if you're loaded with aluminum and fluoride and want to not be? are people able to flush it our of their body and brain? Or is anyone who's ever eaten shitty food and drank nearly anything available just fucked forever?
I would not be at all surprised if were, user. A mother's intake of aluminium affecting foetal brain development is perfectly plausible.
The list of diseases heavy metal toxicity is linked with is alarming. Yet the food supply and many consumer products are riddled with the stuff. Aluminium being the main culprit.
Correlation is not causation, but there is a lot of noise around this issue.
Research goes back to the 80's.
Creates a docile people
To keep the goyim docile and under control.
Good way to turn the brain into a stronger antenna for receiving
just get a zero water filter. Even though they aren't certified to remove fluoride, they give you a little meter that can read it. If your meter reads zero then it's filtering it.
They don't put fluoride in Israel's water supply, I wonder why.
High silicon content water is a good way to remove aluminium from the body. Food-grade diatamaceous-earth in natural spring water is meant to be effective.
There are a couple of retail brands that have high silicon content present.
Best sauce I can find atm.
They’re turning the fucking frogs gay
This other brand owned by Coca-Cola has 3x the amount of Fluoride in it
Its funny as, how is showering in it, and having it absorbed into your system via skin, benefiting your teeth at all?
Jennifer luke from the UK did full studies on it, york university from memory. The pineal gland of people in fluoridated areas (cadavers) were completely crystalized. Pure coincidence.
Also, israel and china have officially stopped fluoridation due to its risks and little supposed rewards. Its only the west that gets the dose now.
I hear Volvic is good?
I worry about this constantly. In fact it's undoubtedly true. However, what are you going to do though, completely ignore the growing correlation between increased levels of aluminium in the environment with increasing levels of dementia?
Just get some iodine it will detox fluoride
cos its good for ya teeth cunt
Volvic is on the list. 12 weeks drinking high silicon content water supposedly reduced aluminium load by upto 70% in trials.
Branded water isn't that cheap if you're on a budget though. The diatamaceous earth is cheaper, but probably gross.
You guys know that fluoride is naturally occurring in many waterways, right?
Yeah, but i doubt i wouldn't be able to find a single one with no Fluoride if they weren't adding it.
Some mention that the fluoride is natural on their websites, but some don't mention anything at all.
.33 mg/L is well within the natural range found in groundwater. I'm not sure why you'd expect 0 mg/L of such a common element.
Indeed, fluoride is quite similar to iodene structurally so it competes for space in the thyroid. Eggs and other iodene rich foods are reported to help combat this. I often wonder how many people are suffering from low lodene and wondering why they feel so shit all the time.
because bottled water is plain or filtered tap water
they dont come from springs or mountains except maybe fiji water
You’re such a faggot.
That’s why I buy only distilled water and drink pure grain alcohol.
What about 0.90s? It's higher than the Fluoride content of my state's tap water.
>What about 0.90s? It's higher than the Fluoride content of my state's tap water.
Half of your tap water is fecal matter
So is arsenic. Naturally occuring fluoride isn't really a problem, not all fluorides are the same though. It doesn't specify which type is present we have to assume it's naturally occuring. The issue for me is how it behaves with aluminium in the body.
No it's isn't. (((Carbs))) are bad for your teeth, try a ketogenic diet and see how this single fact alone can improve not only your teeth, but your body and mind.
At low levels.
Is there such a thing as an aluminum free, paraben free, and phthalate free deodorant that actually works? I've been searching without much luck
Why, because I'm not freaking out that water contains trace amounts of fluoride?
Stop wearing your aluminum foil helmet and you'll be okay.
So now Jews were behind the agriculture revolution so humans would be more populous, have more cavities, and have to go to (((dentists)))?
yes the ADL is all jews, how else do niggers get diamond grills
search herban cowboy
Spotted the compromised shillmod.
>mfw it also has sodium
this is the fluoride thats needed to disinfect your shit water.
US bottled water has no chemicals in it its just all RODI
I would care more about those nitrates
ADL is all jews too
Brazil nuts (2 a day) will chelate the toxic metals in your body so you can expel them. The high selenium content also buffers the brain against neurological damage.
> Shit water
Your water has lead.
> It's inside the Brazilian border, so their mineral/natural water must be shit too
is that from brazil? What brand is that, I would like to research
pic related
Our water doesn't have lead in it and people openly defecate in yours. That's enough out of you.
> People openly defecate in mineral water springs
A paste made of Moringa seeds will clean out any shit you may have in your water.
I picked up a vial of the most disgusting and stinky water I could find in Sao Paulo and used the seed paste in an attempt to see what kind of shit I could remove. Send the water and original shit to an independent lab for testing.
10/10, removes nitrates, heavy metals, bacteria.
don't feed the trolls brazilbro
clearly fake, if this was true then everyone drinking fluoride is used to control people then everyone drinking water contained with fluoride would be controlled
Tea has very high levels of fluoride, both Israel and China drink a lot of tea so they wouldn't benefit from it anyway. It's a micronutrients so you don't need much
makes you docile
0.33 mg/L is 0.33 parts per million
most toothpaste got about 1400 parts per million
it is pretty close to nothing in that water
I've been using this. $12.95 for a two pack on amazon.
docile means to be easily controlled, whats your point? my statement still stands
no, carb excess is bad for you in a lot of ways, not just for your teeth. people have always eaten carbs, they're only recently becoming bad for you and only in certain countries. why don't the chinks have carb issues with all the rice? they're putting something in it, the only way to get sage bread is buy from Amish farmers markets, of grow the wheat and bake it yourself.
wow it really gets third world when they are pitching a SEED PASTE as purifying agent.
and I thought Canadians were retarded, you monkey eaters are really moving on up fast.
Also it's very very difficult to absorb ions through your skin
They are behind the food pyramid. Keep eating carbs and be a good goy.
go watch TV, I am sure you will be fine
soz i dont have tv
They have been putting fluoride in the water for many years. Even bottled water.
So they stream directly to your brain now?
American tech is really advancing
>what do you do
cleanse your body, look it up it works.
no i dont watch tv, what could possibly made you think that? also stay on topic faggot
I've just realized something. If the world is still here in 500 years, people will still be debating the issue of fluoridation. Is it good? Is it bad? Nobody can give a clear answer. It's literally the biggest motherfucking cunt fucking biggest mystery in the fucking universe. Nobody knows! Better just keep drinking the water I guess huh?!?!?!
they get everything 3rd hand so it takes 10-20years for them to catch up
>cos its good for ya teeth cunt
How may teeth do you have in your stomach dumb ass.
Guess again.
why are people on pol such vulgarians?
It seems your fluoride intake is top notch, you pick up bad habits from pol.
Look up fluoride on SIDMUT
case closed
why in gods name are you people drinking water anyway? coffee is the official Sup Forums drink
>The diatamaceous earth is cheaper, but probably gross
It's not as bad as you think, I have done it, just add it to a shake or juice whatever.
Just make sure it's food grade diatamaceous earth. It will also kill parasites in your intestines.
>zero water
My nigga knows what’s up
I beg to differ...semen seems to be the official beverage of /pol.
If you eat rice make sure you rinse it well, it uptakes Fluoride from the earth.
oh they eat rice alright
>brazilfag makes a false claim about you
>you pick up bad habits from pol.
yup you're right on that
That’s CaF2 dumb dumb which chelates far more readily and why they pump you full of Ca for an F overdose
Go to bed Trudeau
Your Indian culinary tips have no power on pol
Get a good charcoal/ceramic water filter.
Thanks for the suggestions. Do they tend to last all day or do you find that you need to reapply every few hours or so?
Makes the goyim more docile and lowers IQ.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
thanks. Looks like the website says the level is natural.:
The fluoride contained in Sferriê is not added, it is part of the natural composition of the water, it is present in the composition due to local geology. Sferriê does not have any physical chemical changes, it is bottled directly from the source in its natural form.
Among the 12 chemical elements naturally present in Sferriê Mineral Water, the fluoride concentration is 0.33 ml / L. According to the Brazilian Mineral Water Code, a concentration equal to or above 0.01 mg / L of fluoride already allows the classification of this water as fluoridated, and Sferriê is classified as Vanadium and Hypothermal Fluoride Mineral Water at the source. Also according to the Code of Mineral Waters, to be marketed as mineral water, it can not be modified and must be packaged in natura.
Just get a RO filter for your mud hut in Brazil.
you seem obsessed with homosexuality.
I think the fluoride has taken its toll. If you start eating soy, you will probably only be capable of posting on /lgbt
>Go to bed Trudeau
Fuck you, I'm just getting started.
Fluoride is nothing. Come back when your government puts dihydrogen monoxide in the water like they do here. Life is hell.
charcoal only removed odor. Ceramic dipped in silver will only remove bacteria.
360 * dominance via 5g, wifi mindcontrol weather warfare full spectrum dominancechem trails sun generator blue beam . basically governemnent is goodand always does whats in your best healh and freedom interest.
im gay so of course im obsessed with homosexuality. i dont even drink water or eat soy so i again i dont know what you mean
That's water, funny guy.
guy fucks dogs, who cares what some1 from the 3rd world thinks
Is this time slot part of your leaf shitpost timeshare?