He's going to quit.
He's going to quit
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Jump off a roof, shill.
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
what makes you say that fellow redditor
Why does he have a dead nigger head in the oval office?
Any day now...
OK kid.
You're right, he will. In 2025 when Pence is inaugurated.
From his first visit to the White House after winning that's Obama's garbage
>He won't get the nomination
>He won't win
>He'll lose the recount
>The electors will defect
>He'll Resign
>He'll be impeached over taxes
>He'll be impeached for collusion
>Comey's testimony will end him
>He'll be impeached for racism
>He'll be committed he's crazy
>He'll be impeached for obstruction
>He'll Quit
Jesus God how have you not literally killed yourself from embarrassment yet? I'm not kidding you look mentally retarded and deranged as fuck it's honestly too pathetic to qualify as sad.
Cry more faggots.
>trump jr. is next
Your fat cheese-filled tears will sustain me thru 2199.
>how have you not literally killed yourself from embarrassment yet?
Because I'm not a fat faggot like you.
lmao they said that after Access Hollywood
so kys, it'll never happen.
Project much, tubbykins? I'd be willing to bet that on top of being grossly overweight you also own at least one cat and have bad skin. You loathe yourself so much that you come here to be punished because your so worthless that you'd rather bask in your feelings of self pity than aim to do better for yourself. Since that is your attitude I see no reason for you not just ending it, if you're that upset. I doubt anyone loves you enough to miss you anyway.
You have to actually do something before you can quit something.
>I doubt anyone loves you enough to miss you anyway.
Trump boy 2.0
Nope, but you will soon.
Na, he is having to much fun fucking over liberal. It's like when you force that friend to do the one thing they are afraid of and watch them scream and freak out, it's good fun :'D
>#pussy grabs burger
the left has basically become like an angry mob of Nostradamus clones screaming the sky if falling and every other bad possibility in unison, then when one or two of them eventually happen they commence their circle jerk and convince themselves they're right about everything.
kinda tiring desu
Trophy hunting.
I wish he would but my guess is no. Could be 4-8 years of this pos. America is completely fucked.
Yeah, no.