I used to be embarassed about it. Now when people ask me what i was doing last night I say "masturbation fuel" and they're like "WHAAAAT" and im like YEAAAAH it's pornography and guess what im CONSERVATIVE
Why Are Conservatives Against Porn?
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Porn is a degenerate, Jewish-backed plague on western society. Next.
When you fap to porn, you wire your brain into appreciating fapping to watching a girl getting plowed by another guy. What does that make you?
>What does this make you?
doesn't make me a meme flagger, thank fucking god
Beating your dick makes you a pathetic cuck.
Not if you watch lesbian porn.
then what am i supposed to do when i feel horny
literally no girl would want me, i am short and ugly.
I masturbate daily and I'm stronger, richer, and more successful than 70% of Sup Forums
You're not a cuck for not fucking a women.
How does this apply for pov porn?
>Beating your dick makes you a pathetic cuck.
I don't jerk off to men fucking women. I jerk off to women getting whipped.
well in that case you are are mentally projecting yourself as one of the women, thus eventually turning you into a transsexual
Op is a generalizing faggot
Whiped by others because youre too beta to dominate a woman
What if you masturbate to the thought of yourself making up fake sexual stories to friends?
>VR porn
what now meme flagger?
Women are not funny. Jew girl tries comedy. You know what to do POL.
Omg, is that a leftypol meme?
Sam hyde had this link in one of his videos. its pretty good on explaining what porn does to you.
Newfag. It's been on the internet for a long time
>be a manlet
>be ugly
>be literally mocked and derided by females for existing
>be scorned every time I attempt to be social
>Sup Forums thinks I should just go out and get laid
you faggots are the reason mass shootings happen
Then limit your fap sessions man. We are about bettering yourself because the future looks grim and masturbation is a form of control over you.
>limit your fap sessions
don't you realize i literally have no other way to sate my sexual urges
i have no other fucking way.
how delusional are you? fucking retard.
just be yourself
i wish i could blow your brains out faggot
But it controls you. It changes your mind, literally, to keep on urging for more and more. You will never be satisfied. You will just feel like a piece of shit even more if you just fucking jack your dick all the time.
>i'm a manlet whaaaa!!!
Doesn't mean you can't be better at other shit in your life faggot. It's weak to always let your urges get the best of you thats why i said limit your fap sessions.
No one is going to fucking save you. This is all up to you to improve yourself.
try speed dating
i want to have sex
that is something that is common between every mammal
i want to stick my dick in something and ejaculate inside of it
the difference is, i cannot stick my dick into something
when i want to stick my dick into something, and am unable to, i masturbate
did that spell it out for you? there's no fucking point in (((bettering))) myself if i can't get the one thing I want.
stupid fucking norman.
Germany had a period of debauchery and degeneracy in the 1920's.
Eventually the period ended.
Yeah, it eventually ended. With a little help.
But what i'm saying is that jerking off isn't going to satisfy you. Its going to make you feel even more like shit. of course its a human urge to fuck, its the most basic primal instinct of humans but we control it because we are better than animals.
If anything user, why don't you buy a whore or something? if you got the money. have you ever tried some of those dating apps or tried to look better to get some girls?
It encourages isolation.
I've tried tinder, have never gotten a single match or reply. ever.
and I can't afford a whore either.
it's ridiculous, people have the audacity to wonder why I hate them.
I sincerely hope all of you normalfags get killed.
How old are you? are you in school? got a good job? if you are young then you got some time to accumulate some wealth and gain a position that is attractive to other females. Sexual market value for men doesn't cap out for men till their 30's or so.
>people have the audacity to wonder why I hate them
No. You have the audacity to think anyone else owes you a fucking thing, you entitled little cunt. You want to get laid? Better yourself. Even if it means making more money so you can afford a whore. Nobody is obligated to fuck a broke ugly fuck who doesn't make the effort to improve.
Have more ads/pictures like this? It looks stunning
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
>implying solo and lesbian scenes don't exist
This pasta is the best.
You are a degenerate faggot.
and nobody is obligated to take what some bogan larper has to say on Sup Forums. go deepthroat an emu's slithery dick you descendent of a prisoner.
nothing about me is attractive to females.
i have money. i can support myself just fine, but women don't fucking care.
I hate women so fucking much, you have no idea. I have fostered nothing but resentment for those little cunts, I literally want to see them executed.
Jesus Christ, women aren't worth it. Fuck it, I'll just continue to fap. Enjoy your parasites and delusions, you dumb queers.
1Pay for a whore
2Go gay
3get rich and have sugar babies
4join a religion and get a wife
>wahhh others have different opinions
Fuck off user. its a pathetic excuse he's using.
Bro just control your desires, it will make you stronger.
>i have money. i can support myself just fine, but women don't fucking care.
You literally just said you can't afford a whore so make up your mind already. You'd have to be dirt fucking broke not to be able to save enough for a couple of hours with an attractive escort.
You hate and blame the world for what an obvious fucking failure you are. Everything has to be someone else's fault. You are fucking pathetic.
you have money but haven't bought a whore then? and your resentment for women seems to underline a deeper problem. Still you seems to be in the shitter. You should work out more then user, go hiking , fishing hangout with some friends or something. Socializing is better for you since it seems you are full of resentment for women anyways.
The problem is that the one thing you want is sex, or to release your urges, but that is all it is. An urge or a desire. Its not something that makes you a better person or a happier version of yourself. Quit blaming the world and reprioritize your life and mind and what you want will come.
Shadilay my brother, your digits do you good.
I'm short so i know it's not an excuse, it's a very valid reason.
yeah you got a point, manlets do get fucked over.
I'm getting shoes that will boost my height by 2 inches. I'll be 6'1 which according to /fit/ is the height at which you will be respected.