Why can't american whites banter properly? England whites can handle a good joke session but seems like whites in the US get upset so fast.
Why can't american whites banter properly...
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Because every time we try to banter with you niggers you dox us, get us fired, attack us unprovoked and actively try to disenfranchise us from the public sphere.
So no more banter. Now it's only hard facts and statistics when dealing with niggers.
>seasoning chicken with water
>good banter
Niggers always lose the negative stereotype game.
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. You have the power to create yourself. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That's very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
Kek this one is funny
Why can't niggers make anything original they even stole memes from whites
This never happened
The only faggots who care about Harry Potter are the ones who want every character in it to be black
Also your thread is garbage and I am saging
Still waiting for the pasta
Both are not real. Both are fuckwitts . When did people become this stupid? All need to get in the oven.
>England whites can handle a good joke session
Nah, it's just that their morale is so broken that they don't bother getting upset anymore
>Why can’t whites banter properly?
Because we have to show dem da wae
White people can't play sports.
White people can't eat spicy foods.
White people can't be cool.
White people can't play music.
White people shoot up schools.
White people fuck their own cousins.
White people have small dicks.
Why are crime statistics out of bounds? Literally anything that makes black people look bad is out of bounds.
niggers are literal subhumans who got their asses kicked so hard theiy're still crying about it
this are also extremely cowardly, they only act brave when they outnumber you, otherwise:
Its funny because black kids shoot up schools more often proportionally speaking
>Also negros cant get doubles.
what am i supposed to season it with?
grape drank?
I wanna believe you but I've literally never heard of a black school shooter.
you can't prove that hogwarts isn't real.
They don't shoot up schools, they shoot up gangs in their neighborhoods but no one cares about niggers killing niggers even if it's the most common
Only the soy boys...
When you have to be pc all the time and deal with peak degeneracy regularly, you forget how to joke.
No, orange soda, obviously. Like come on, cooking 101. Grape doesnt go well on meat.
why do niggers hate chickens so much?
are they jealous?
That's because the stereotypes about niggers are true.
he used to look chad-tier back in the day wow I'm jealous of that nigger
>white people season their chicken with water!!!
wtf is this shit bro for the longest time i always made my chicken breasts with no seasoning, i would always eat it just plain just for the protein and clean calories and plus i wouldnt have to worry about marinading or buying fucking seasoning
then when i joined the army they have me move in with a black dude and the first thing he notices is that im always eating my chicken bland and he makes a big deal about it and puts seasoning and shit on it when im away
i mean it was nice of him i guess but holy shit people take dashing fucking spice on shit seriously like they're some kind of fucking chef for using paprika or pepper
Sup Forums BTFO!
Right, I don’t hear lib shits crying about shitcago or memphrica. Whole lotta fun violence there!
back to your containment board
murrilards, in general lines, can't handle the banter
All of my this. Why do niggers act like seasoning is some magical health serum that transforms fucking yard burd into filet mignon
>I don't know how statistics work
Also, it's 13% of ALL BLACK PEOPLE. That means men, women and children. So in reality, about 5% to 6% of the population commits over half the crimes.
More like
>"Ayo wypipo stomachs be hurtin from salt"
>"Ahaha good one Tyrone. Wouldn't really say that since you black ass can't handle mil-"
>gets knocked out, raped, and has bike stolen
wow really makes you think
Cool you're the stupid cracker strawman for all of their jokes.
You ate boiled flavorless chicken like a fucking mongoloid instead of putting spices on it that add nothing detrimental to the health effects but make it taste like literally anything. You did this, this is your fucking fault.
HA you think the children are innocent
It's true, Americans aren't good at banter.
However, Americans have a "talk shit get hit" policy unless its with friends, it's just part of our culture.
plus some spices add to positive health effects
You're disgusting.
Nah, I'm accounting the "youth" also. It's still baffling how you guys were doing pretty good taming them in the 70's and 80's until the CIA didn't like that.
Yeah saying anything slightly offensive these days is grounds for a social execution. Shadman would be murdered if the public could confirm his identity yet really he hasnt done anything illegal.
Blacks have such a lack of culture that they adopted eating spicy food as a black and anti white thing yet I eat spicy wings like a mofo.
>niggers dont know how to brine a turkey
I'm a math teacher...
I really need to not have Internet access anymore.
The nigger problem is not going to be solved by trying to explain anything to niggers, any more than a termite problem is solved by explaining things to termites. The solution will have to be applied to them against their will.
weak meme, because white people never said we wuz wizurdz and sheit
if you are cooking your chicken plain and it comes out bad you're probably a fucking retard.
tip: stop buying boneless meat
niggers think that dumping spices and butter on food is cooking
you're about to have a very bad day
Russians win gold in hockey
well the elite need a permanent underclass to exploit and niggers be dumb
but they didn't just target blacks it was black women so just like they are doing to whites now they already did with blacks and welfare back then
tip: he's the one that said chicken breasts
fucking retard
>inferiority complex makes you relentlessly desperate to find anything that can make you feel better than whites
>whites get pissed off
>"lol chill out dude it's just a joke"
wow i guess chicken breasts dont have ribs attached to them. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF.
Black school shootings just get lumped in the the gang violence statistics. To be fair, though, black shootings ARE just gang shit.
We don't take shit from niggers because we're not beta faggots like leafs or anglos.
Truth. Plus they have terrible aim and can't plan for shit, so the death tolls are much lower per incident.
>cotton field boy makes an invidious jab at an entire collective of people
>cotton field boy leaves the premises with a smug aura of self-satisfaction and a grin on his face
>cotton field boy returns to the scene of the verbal domination he believes he just administered to his smelly, dumb, gastronomically incompetent white devil opponents
>cotton field boy is aghast
>cotton field boy is met with hundreds of real-world statistics telling him he's a hindrance to society
>cotton field boy for the first time ever has to face the unapologetic honesty of people on the internet
>cotton field boy so outraged by his inadequacy and lack of use to society has to make another shitty black twitter meme to get the upper hand
>cotton field boy's self-esteem is now restored, because not only are niggers 100% incapable of self-reflection and accepting criticism but also the easiest people in the world to please with masturbatory self-aggrandizement
And this is why we dislike you.
False equivalence, also the people that will be criticising groids and their fake black supremacist empire that has never existed in any time in history aren't the same people who give even one millionth of a shred of a fuck about Harry Potter.
Don't start shit if you can't handle the bantz.
Literally no one sells chicken breasts attached to the ribcage lmao holy shit you're a fucking idiot. I was a butcher for 5 years and parted more chickens than you've seen pictures of.
Unless you buy a whole chicken, and chop through the sternum yourself and splinter bone all into the meat, you're not getting that either. Nice attempt at damage control though you dense shit.
>going 'nigger nigger nigger' and posting watermelon photoshops isn't really good bantz though, mate
No such thing.
Britain conquered most of the known world for these spices and niggers are gonna pretend it's their cultural achievement lmao it's too pathetic.
>no such thing as whites
>here's a pie chart showing whites are the majority
>spicy food=shithole
around the world where they use a lot of spices is because they hope it will kill their food again so they don't end up dead by eating it.
also it's always a whitey who wins chili eating contest.
whites cant banter because the slightest offense will be misconstrued as racism or ablism or some other shit.
idk what planet you live on bud. not leaving the house often in your lifetime isn't proof that bone-in chicken breast doesnt exist. shit man fucking kfc has ribs in their chicken, are you an idiot or something? all i was attempting to fucking say before is that cooking chicken is really fucking easy, and the bones are important to the flavor of the meat. you're legit retarded.
That's what happens when they have no refrigerator and or don't know how to conserve food. They end up covering their spoiled meats with spices hoping it doesn't taste like trash.