Women use makeup to sexually attract men and that justifies sexual harassment in the workplace

>women use makeup to sexually attract men and that justifies sexual harassment in the workplace

This man is completely retarded. Terrible interview.

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Not what he said at all. He said make up and high heels are female sexual signals that are being ignored when male sexual signals are being outlawed. He makes an argument for keeping work places free of sexual signals in order to increase productivity and reduce potential for conflict but since you're just an unemployed fuckmonkey, you wouldn't know anything about that.

Make up and high heels are not female sexual signals.

The whole reason women get all dressed up is to attract a mate.

you are dumb enough to work for channel 4

No, it's not, you don't know anything about women.

they are, they give me a boner and make me angry

Next this man will tell us breasts aren't sexual either.

That's your problem, you pervert.

Anybody remember the whore's uniform joke? When you dress like a whore you might not be asking for it but its confusing because your wearing a whores uniform.

Men shave and dye their hair to appear youthful and signal virility, we banning those as well? Of course not, because the while argument is fundamentally retarded at its core.

Make-up should be outlawed. In current situation, a female ''loses'' by not participating in the game of make-up, for looking ''worse'' than women that hide their imperfections. Make-up is a huge waste of time and resources. If no woman was wearing make-up, nobody would have pressure to use it. It'd be great for women's self-confidence in the long run. We must outlaw it.

Partly true, but they do it more to feel better among the females.

Checked but I'm just embracing my toxic masculinity you cuck

Watch the extended version that Vice eventually had to release. Peterson never made such an argument.

Women shave too, nobody is banning shaving. Shaving has other reasons than appearance only. It's hot in the summer. It gets in the way when eating. It doesn't feel good on the face.

Dye is false advertisement (fake blondes etc.) of your genetics so I agree, it should be banned too.

No, you're displaying your toxic virginity.


>muh virgin shaming tactic
nice try, wrong diagnosis though

inb4 peterson crossdresser.jpg

makeup and high heels are literally how whores dress

New game guys! Is user either A. Cuck or B. Chick?!
I'm guessing it's a roastie whore

My money's on you being a degenerate who's glad he's not getting the shit end of the stick for once on pol

women also dye their hair you fucking leaf

I get what he's saying but it's a retarded hill to die on

>you don't know anything about women.
This tips me off that OP is some chick that's infected with the femin virus, only thing I can hope for is that the niggers in my country eventually find her and either do some rapin' or just beat her up so she can come back to reality
Bright side of being in brazil is that there's a higher chance of that happening to her

Your money is worthless you pathetic leaf leftist. I choke the life out of pseudojews like you for pleasure.

Ohh shit! Thems fightin words!

(You) gonna take that?

You don't know and females nor have ever had sex then.

Never said it justifies sexual harassment, fuck off

Women want to be pretty to feel pretty and to show off to other women.


Why does everyone this board have to talk facetiously?


low iq soyboy

Peterson got too much exposure too fast.

Yes, show off their status as desirable potential mates for males.

of course- to a hue monkey.
makeup and high heels are merely " tools of the trade"

Damn....so sexualized....look at those fuck me eyes

g-g-guys-- we've took this bait
> Brasilia master troll at work

No. There are men who don't like women and women who like women. People want to feel pretty mainly because they like to be pretty.

That's so true that women don't ask men for opinion in beauty issues.

The clothes are about social status. The paleness is a cultural signal of femininity and status, it means she doesn't work outside and accentuates the red lips.

>because they like to be pretty.
No one is arguing against that, the point is why and the answer is obvious if you know anything about evolution or psychology. Like you said even lesbians and asexuals have urges to be perceived as desirable potential mates.

OP confirmed for strawmanning faggot

What other purpose do they serve?

I shave to look presentable not youthful. Also no man dyes unless they're wildly insecure or an actor

To feel good when you look at the mirror, to be accepted and admired by people you like, because it's trendy and fashionable and you like to wear nice things to express yourself.

You guys really have now idea how the world works.

Not wearing makeup and wearing flats looks unprofessional and like you are a gross slob that just rolled out of bed.

I’d be happy if it was outlawed in the workplace so I could sleep in more.

Again why is it trendy? Why does wearing makeup trigger admiration and acceptance from your peers?

imagine all the capital that gets freed up in that case as well

Just because some things have a sexual level it doesn't mean it's all about sex.

You can say our whole live is about sex then, people get rich to show status and therefore, sex.

That's silly and only dumb people pretending to be smart think like that.

We have a different concept to cover that, social status. In the case of lipstick, the example given is more than a symbol of social status it amplifies biological sexual signals that for millions of years was used to attract males. To point out that we don't know what the rules are about makeup and other sexual signal amplifiers in the workplace is just empirically true with examples given by peterson. Companies worldwide today have widely differing, confused policies on makeup.

Wow you are sucked right into normiedom, or your a women in which there is not hope for you to see things another way.

Things that are literally used to mimic the signs of sexual arousal (rouge, lipstick) ARE sexual symbols. The only reason they give a women status among here peers is because it makes her sexual desirable to men. This is all self-worth is made of to a women.

Guys im not saying you took this bait but you really took this bait.

>High heels hurt to wear all day and fuck up posture
>Makeup is a constant expense
>They do all of this to be trendy
>Has a sexual level =/= it being about sex
Yes, when a woman desires a mate she goes out of her way to make herself unattractive, this is why heels make asses look more impressive and makeup creates an illusion of clear skin, youth, and facial symmetry.
Because it isn't about sex
Its fun to do all that just because mirrors exist
Fuck right out of here

What exactly is a male sexual symbol?

I sometimes just like to swallow them whole as if there's not even a hint of irony behind them.

i probably fapped to your mom/sis on pornhub at some point

>To feel good when you look at the mirror

You aim to make yourself more sexually competitive whether that is conscious or not.

People make up and dress well for social reasons, basically.
No old lady puts lipstick on to show she is sexually aroused, but

1st: it's cultural and part of the fashion world and social convention
2nd: red lips is actually a sign of good health

You stupid fucking cunt. Of course high heals and makeup are sexual signals. Would you fucking dare go to the bar without your makeup on? You broads are so fucking dumb. If you had to pick clothes from a 80's thrift store and couldn't wear makeup, not one single guy would even buy you a drink. But it takes a man to tell you that eh? stunned bitch

Jesus christ you guys really don't know NOTHING about female sexuality.
First of all, sex is the least important thing for a woman in a relationship.

Second, we live in a cultural world, pretty much a virtual world, people do things because it's cultural. You can argue it has "unconscious sexual intentions" but that's bullshit. Maybe it was in the past, but doesn't matter now. Beauty patttern change, now skinny women are more attractive than what it was back then and that has nothing to do with sex.

>tfw you just learned that you jerk off because of cultural influences

Impossible because my mom is dead longtime ago and she was from high tier Gdansk/Danzig are you mediteran mutt but i fucked once greek expat. There are many greek crypto comunist greeks with no sex morale after they fled from your shithole country when they lost civil war.

Culture is largely the product of biological drives. I.E. evolutionary psychology.

Second after money. And big cocks is what they're after. Any chick that says dick size doesn't matter is a liar. i've got a big dick and I know it when women swoon over it. All that shit about women don't care is bullshit. And they're dirtier when their fucking around on their beta cuck boyfriend. But you're right, sex isn't the most important, it's if he can support her. She'll use that sex she's been holding out on for the Chad.

Human beings exist and operate in infinite levels of consciousness.
The social and supernatural level is built over the most basic natural impulses.
That means they all coexist, that's so true we can feel aroused by someone's personality, job, etc..

Fetishes pretty much show that it's not all about sex, it's more complex than that.

Women sexuality is all in their imagination. All.

The old lady wants to look more youthful because that confers more social status because that implies she's a better potential mate. If you think most of your urges aren't about social status and therefore your status as a potential mate reality will catch up with you hard eventually. As civilised educated people the idea is to not give in to urges but consider our actions. I personally lose respect for anyone wearing makeup, tattoos or any of these blatant and transparent signals for social status. Even someone talking with the attitude I am right now in real life. I'm allowed to be full of myself because this is anonymous.

>play with fire
>get burned

1. Thing X is targeted with men.
2. Of the categories thing X is in, one of those categories is "sex signal."
3. Therefore male sex signals are being targeted.
4. Thus, to be consistent, target female sex signals.

Line 3 is technically correct, but misleading (exercise: why?). Line 4 is invalid (exercise: why?).

No, there are more good things about being young than sex, stop being retarded.

Flamboyance for one. I.e. Pea cocking

He's not saying it justifies it. He say women wear sexual make up at work.

Yeah right nothing is sexual


You are a retard and th reason why we can't have nice things.

I can safely say that you are a retard on many levels of consciousness

They are only "good" from the point of view of the genes that cause the behaviour if they lead to offspring. Social status is directly related to ability to produce offspring. Females signal health and youth, males signal strength and virility. The motivation doesn't change the fact that red lips are evolved specifically to signal sexual arousal, no other reason.

I wouldn't said he made an argument for it, he said maybe, as in maybe we should have a discussion about what the precise rules for engagement in the workplace are. He also went on to say that sexuality in workplace might not be a bad thing, but we're too immature as a society to have a discussion about it.

you subhuman monkey IQ braziltard
>being too low IQ for JBP
lmao coming to Sup Forums to discuss this...
that's like whining that you can't afford a BMW in an actual luxury car thread (i.e. bugatti, lamborghini, alfa romeo)

JBP is not a smart man. And IQ doesn't mean anything.

I think it's false to say "good"="sexually competitive" just because we being evolved and not animalistic have to make ourselves more artificial in a certain way, so many of these conventions like shaving, keeping "neat" and "clean", and in the way of makeup "concealing" imperfections (as to not display something like acne, which is considered distasteful/gross/disgusting) ...My point is that there is a fair amount of work/preparation done to the human body (deodorant, clean clothes, exercise) to attain this UN-animalistic quality, I feel if sex was soley the aim then we would have reverted to these things that are obviously sexual, like lack of bras, etc.

but the truth is that in a society there are places of interest that go beyond "finding a mate" and so the people need to make these places appealing and modern, civilized, sterile almost. Like when you go into a bank, or a grocery store. the point is not sex in those places, and so the workers just seek to represent that aesthetic by being "unoffensive", and overt sexuality can actually be offensive in the wrong consequence.

Make-up can be seen as a kind of equalizer just like a hair cut, the "clone" quality is almost desired for a service industry for example. uniform, perfect, conforming, no "defects" from "natural causes"

*in the wrong context

It's like fitness + high protein diet for us males. A friend of mine, who never had muscles, can cheat and get a nice body.
It has nothing to do with your genes and woman pick betas with alpha bodys just because he had time to be in a room with weights every second day and is eating only egg powder. Wtf is this? A strong healthy man body is lokking nothing alike as this plastic shit what you get in the gym.

>high heals
+50 hp
>low heals
+10 hp

>Human beings exist and operate in infinite levels of consciousness.

Retard detected.

What are "come-fuck-me heels"?

Stilettos and more modern stripper heels, with 1-3" platforms