Holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did.
Holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it did
This is a jewish catch phrase to discredit Holocaust Revisionism.
I literally just said Holocaust didn't happen.
Ok, rabbi.
How many times does /his/ have to btfo you drooling retards before you get it? Like three times day isn't enough?
We all agree.
But it did happen. But not the way the big joo tells it.
It didn't.
holocaust happened only because it didnt
Holohoax happened only to hide Holodomor.
It did happened! Our American grandfathers died an fought to liberate our Jewish brothers and sisters!
why do keep making 'oven' jokes?
It did
>It did happened
JIDF learn english at least.
the Holocaust legitimately didn't happen. Jewish newspapers were saying 6 million jews had been killed in Europe during WW1, too, but it didn't catch on that time. They chose the 6 million number for religious reasons; apparently there's some kind of prophecy about 6 million jews being killed, and they think if they can fool history into thinking it's already happened, it won't have to happen for real. It's crazy. Probably lots of jews died from starvation and disease when the Allies bombed the railways, but the gas chambers and electro-plates and ovens and masturbation machines are all false.
hol up so wh*tes be saying the hall of cost fake now? i thought wh*te pigs loved sucking jewish cock and fondling their balls and anus?