Admit it. Your hatred of blacks has no basis

>Be Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
>"I love Trump"
>"He speaks to Africans frankly"
>"It is the fault of the Africans that they are weak. They have this huge continent"
>"If you look at Africa, Africa is 12 times the size of India, in terms of land area, lots of resources, and the population is growing now. Why can't we make Africa strong?”
Post pics of YFW you realise Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is more based than you ever will be, even if you live in Kansas and save money on eggs.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Lesson of Haiti

>I love trump

MFW your reply has nothing to do with Yoweri Museveni

Cheddar man's face when "big brain" white nationalists get upset that Museveni loves Trump too.

>>"It is the fault of the Africans that they are weak. They have this huge continent"

well he's right. Not all negroes are completely stupid.

I don't really hate most niggers, they're just dumb as fuck and would be better off if they were all moved to and then left alone in africa forever.

also Cheddar Man's face when white nationalists say he isn't real.
Mentioning Cheddar Man gives him more power.

Cheddar Man is based af. If more than .0000001% of their population was like him they would have a real Wakanda in tge making.

You realize that a majority of Trumpsters virtue signal about low black unemployment incessantly right?


They do this because if Trump can flip just a few percentage points of the nigger vote in certain states, he wins re-election easily.

Chances are he'll be far better than whatever jewified POC muttress the dems put up so eh

Because he wants whites to come back to Africa to protect them from the Chinese because Mugabe done goofed and ruined the country to the point said Chinese could perform a mass culling one day if they gain enough land and power.

>Unironically doesn't realize that Trump is a Zionist shill.
KYS faggot.

Black culture is terrible and regressive. Black people are sick and commit crime and live in filth and poverty even with all the tools available to deal with it given to them.

filthy niggers need to get enslaved

>hurr durr trump is a zionist shill xDDD

Ok so out of the two choices you'll have in 2020, will you rather have Trump or whatever literal handpicked jew shill the dems put up?

A man once told me “I’m not really racist, but it’s a lot of damn fun to hate some people, especially when they’re so dumb and ugly”. That was during the speech of telling me the different between niggers and blacks.

Fast forward 22 years and I now know what he meant. I’m not racist at all but occasionally I see something so dumb and ugly that I just can’t stand it.

The same can be said about many whites in america.

But Trump already has a beard, her name is Melania.

Red favored jew vs blue favored jew. I won't vote because I already know Trump will win. It's rare that a POTUS doesn't serve 2 terms.

Slavery is a net loss for businesses. It's better to hire based on merit. I'd rather hire a black engineer to design my product than a white methhead.

I don't hate them. I just don't want to be anywhere near them.
Racism != hate. I want to go to war because I love my people, not because I hate my enemies.

This thread is not about Trump
This thread is about BASED MUSEVENI
Pic-related. MFW white nationalists revert to a discussion about whether Trump is in league with the J00z, because they can't handle the fact that Based Museveni, a proud black man, is smarter and better than them.

wtf i love niggers now


Yes! I did it.

Museveni will bend the knee. It is known.

You sound like a jew yourself.

If you don't realize that Trump will be infinitely better on immigration than any other candidate, then you are a fucking jew who doesn't give a shit about preserving and saving this country and white people. Stopping the brown hordes is the number one priority.

Da president! He knos de wey! De we to kake UGANDA great!

>blacks = / = africans
Take off the strayan proxy, NZ.

assmad mods need to fuck off back to their safespace