American ethnostate clarified better

Other urls found in this thread:,28804,1881770_1881787_1881780,00.html,_Ohio#2000_census

Good luck dealing with white liberals. The ethnostate is just a meme

The White Liberal chimpout will be glorious

>not the entire north american continent

Yea, good luck dealing with the EU states and the worlds stopping you.

>doesnt even use vermont as an example
clear sign of a retard

baby steps user.
>good luck dealing with communist sitting in a starbucks
will do

eh im not sure anyone really wants to risk going to war with America.

>baby steps
non-white hotspots could be overtaken easily by the surrounding sea of pissed off rural americans

this post is satire

Dream on
North Dakota has an oil boom right now
We're lucky if we get rural Oregon + a sliver of seafront

Stopping us from overwhelming those states with White immigration, changing the laws to allow freedom of association in place of affirmative action, and coaxing the military to join our side?
They won't know until it's too late lol.
Furthermore, they won't be able to do shit.
We will cuck them harder than any bull could.

You do know you would be branded as traitors and the military would destroy you guys right? You really think the military would back you guys up?

1/3 of America is aware that Whites are under attack.
1/3 of the country moving there will be more than enough to make our dream come true.
The military is redpilled.,28804,1881770_1881787_1881780,00.html

Dream on, it won’t happen. Anyone spending time and effort on this is just stupid. Why not get a great job, and marry a great white girl?

Okay.... if you think that.

Because I never want to see another nonwhite in my life.

there's a good chance the jews and blacks will call for a second civil war. of course there will always be risk. but we need to secure our land and future no matter what the cost.

Yet I am promoting whites to breed. Who is the Jew now?

The whites are in the same situation as the natives were. We all know the outcome of that.

The whites only hope is that a virus can wipe out a vast majority of non whites.

~1% of whites are probably willing to fight for an ethnostate right now
Less than 1% are prepared for it, and they're not organized at all

Most people don't understand the ethno state.
It isn't about creating another country, it is about going to locations easily securable demographically that we can use to our advantage. Once we get a few states working in our interest, it will only get easier.

No one wants to fight in America, we have to good. Now if a major crash happens that could change this.

making more white babies will only slow the efforts to replace us. we need to secure a homeland for whites to stop it completely

This is a better idea then what people were promoting a month ago but you need to do away with the civil rights act In order to accomplish this. Or have really high property tax to keep away minority’s.

Places like Oregon and Vermont are extremely white, and given their history and demographics, are probably the easiest to make into ethno states

The whole point of the ethnostate argument is to break away peacefully before things crash and go to hell

Once things crash the whole continental US could become a white ethnostate for all we know

Fight for the ethnostate?
No we're doing this legally.
All we have to do there is move there en masse and form the ethnostate by forming parties in every state and then winning the vote.
I already have a wife and kids, it's essential if you're going to move with us to the ethnostate.

1/3 of America is aware that Whites are under attack, the ethnostate is an escape from this.
No one wants to ruin their vibe by going to an sjw college anymore, it's fucking gay.

I don’t believe there will be a white ethnostate. If things crash it would break down into community subsection of America.

isn't that avatar

This is the dumbest fucking video

Everyone is getting tired of sjws in America. Including minority’s

That's because you're a kike shill.
Yeah but there are no options to escape them, that's why we are forming the ethnostate.

It’s low budget and won’t draw any dimes.



Okay, and I believe you are live in a fantasy world.

Blame your ancestors for bringing blacks to the Americas and not fully killing all natives.

i made it with a lot of love though

Wow! Great argument! You Shoah me

>you are live in a fantasy world goy
>keep funding israel and forget about this nonsense

But I hate Israel....

The fire kingdom did nothing wrong.

What about whites moving to an area that's already becoming more white as a proportion of their population? Take Holmes County, Ohio for instance:,_Ohio#2000_census

This county has gone from 42 percent amish in 2000 to 79 percent amish in 2017.

I have always been fascinated by the "nucleus" option of white community growth, in which a surging community creates more space for whites to live and prosper.

quit ruining the thread

Good idea.
We'll form the White ethnostate by pretending we're amish while hiding our tendies and internet in our basements.

I can’t wait till Ryan Dawson destroys Richard cuckser pertaining to the ethnostate state.

I’ll leave you to your circle jerk and laugh at your guys comments.


North Dakota is an old wives tale user

You don't have to pretend to be amish to live in holmes county. Also, making the population of the county larger while still maintaining it's overwhelming white majority would create a starting point for a serious white area that's actually populated. Theres already nearly 50,000 people in the county and it's almost 99 percent white.

Or you could fuck off to some remote stand of trees in the middle of oregon and basically become a hermit while thinking you've solved the problem of white genocide.

Nigga Columbus has the highest somali immigration rate in America

Yup I am a Jew and I support Ryan Dawson. Wow you are smart.....

Those are two completely unrelated issues, user.

>I'll leave you to your circle jerk and laugh at you guys in the comments
Get going lying jew

not going to be a lone hermit if others come with me.

Columbus is one hundred miles away from holmes county.

That's not enough.

When I can’t make an argument I call them a Jew. Please try to make this ethnostate. I really want to see some funny live streams if autistic skinny/fat white guys trying to solve muh white genocide.

>i-it's hopeless goys just let your country be destroyed forever in a sea of third world trash

these are both correct. unfortunately the civil rights act restricts our freedom of association greatly. that's why all we can really do is use as much demographic and cultural soft power as we can to realize an american ethnostate. we have to foist white-only spaces into public spheres and political spheres and just fan the flames.

alt hype's recent videos on this subject are pretty good:

>make Oregon into an ethnostate
>in reality you're just a regular area majority white that is 100% at the whim of the feds
>every very qualified new citizen of this "ethnostate" is one less conservative in a real position of power like at Amazon or Google and one more liberal in that spot
>those are actually the real moves of influence and sway which you are actively giving more and more to the liberals when you make this larp colony with absolutely no power

ethnostate is a larp.

You'll laugh from the 'safety' of your brazil-tier shit hole I assume? Because that's what America will be this century without balkanization.

Dude thats the same distance from new york city to maryland.

The Saxons in our Government will allow us freedom of association upon humbly viewing Mt. Rushmore
I don't talk flatlander BOI

Makes sense considering God led us to Oregon originally.

Listen I'm not knocking your plan, but you shouldn't discount mine either. There is power in numbers, and when you already know the demographics are on your side (Holmes County also has an average fertility rate of 4-try finding a county in oregon or anywhere else with that rate that isn't on the border) it's a good feeling.

>Amazon or Google being turned conservative
dream on. the best you can hope for is doing something outrageous that gets good publicity, a la trump and richard spencer. what would "getting" amazon or google even do for us? they're private entities. we're not concerned with their internal politics but the politics that govern the entire country. even if you used google as a megaphone you would only look crazy and orwellian. we want to accelerate white nationalism through organic means, like provoking the real crazies who are against us into revealing themselves for what they are


This is mental illness. Seek a counselor please, for your own sake

>wanting to exist in peace with your own people is a mental illness!!!

Would love to live in Oregon

it's literally 10/10 safe prepper homesteading lands. safe from yellowstone. safe from earthquakes. safe from rising sea levels. lots of mountains etc

Keep Waco in mind. White liberals would absolutely demand that the government drop sarin gas bombs on any peaceful isolated white nationalist enclave that popped up. They would furiously masturbate to the pictures of blonde children contorted in silent death and post snarky tweets about it.

Time to rip the bong with Jared Taylor

I unironically believe they would do exactly this.

and you think we would just sit down and take it? we arnt the cucks dude, they are.

My word FBI, if that isn't a terrifying looking pipe like device than I don't know what is.

you do realize slam guns are legal in the usa right?

we wouldn't have a fucking shootout with them, we would let them in to see our guns, or in my case, the greatsword
then they'd see how nice our ethnostate is and join
they'd start the initiation by taking a bong rip with Jared Taylor and talking about race realism.

Just taking precaution I don't know every fucking weapon off the top of my head.

What a retarded idea.

>unironically you

What are they going to do? Fight the US military when they can't even pay shit for NATO?

White people are the biggest enemies of the white race.

iDubbbz and Logan Paul will come to our defense.