Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction and comics, play video games...

Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction and comics, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
How does modern politicians explain it?

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society is trash so people turn to other mediums of interaction.

Haven't seen war or experienced any real strife so they're stunted in a way. Infantilized by school, media, government, corporations. Peel off all the warning labels on every product and more than half these fuckers would die within the year

>be me
>hate society with a passion
>play video games
>watch anime
>build my career
>lift in the gym
>some faggot who hates my interests calls me a manchild on a Bolivian Ice Skating forum
>mfw I don’t care

Just leave them be faggot. They're already doing you the favor of breeding themselves out of existence, the least you can do is let them enjoy their shitty lifestyle.

We are heading straight to the wall, you might as well stop pedaling and enjoy the landscape.

It's extremely easy and today's culture has people being raised to worship the activities that lead you straight to that lifestyle. Unlimited escapism is at everyone's fingertips with streaming videos, video games, and the whole of the internet to connect with every type of person they can think of.

*blocks your path

No wars to right, no real enemy to defeat, no lands to conquer and explore, no factories with jobs, little use for blue collar trade jobs and hand skills, women allowed into space at lowered standards and quotas. Things men are built to be good at.

Don't Russians love Anime and Cosplay?

The answer is sosach pidor. Go back there.

because life is too good right now
there is no active threat or challenge to overcome

Jokes on you. Little do you know that as you fight your insipid little wars against people that have greater clout than yourself due to their random birth as a non white or a female, we are creating new worlds through imagination alone. Like those little rats that dreamed of becoming like the massive creatures that fed off them we are hidden and ultimately immune to the calamity that will befall your kind before long. Just like those ancient rats, we will create the new breed.

I dont care about the topic
just posting to ask what the fuck is going on with this fag's spine?

Look up the mouse utopia experiment



>I don’t care! I don’t care!!!

>raise the working age, no more jobs for teens
>raise the drinking age
>Hollywood and MSM glorifying adolescence
>Boomers lamenting about their high school days as the high point of their lives
>Helicopter parents who want to protect them from every consequence
>Participation trophies for all
>Coleges acting like boarding high schools, with safe spaces for all
Yeah, we have a society that pushes perpetual adolescence, and then we act all surprised when we get exactly that

Lord, what's wrong with their eyes? Are they Finnish?


There are 2 types of manchildren. Ones who choose to be like this, and ones who don't have a choice. Your picture represents the latter.

My point is people need to stop getting neckbeard/manchild mixed together.

Push for a nanny state where it takes care of every aspect of an individual's life - wonder why everyone is acting up like a child.

Meh who cares just more pussy for us lol



Laziness and lack of actual hardship in life.

Had they gone and fought a war or at least had some bullying done to them to whip the retard out of them they'd be fine.

We see you JIDF. Why have you become so lazy?

Look, its fun stuff. To much of a good thing and it becomes you.

Then you get a gps node hidden on you.

The autistic and schizoid guys who have gone through heavy bullying and ostracism often end up NEET for years. The bullying drove them to seek aloneness. These people often say they are NEETs because they hate people and don't want to deal with them.

It's moskovites, mate.

Abc) How would you rate recent episodes of existential hope and dreams?

) What were you thinking immediately before the last 3 episodes of said lack of hope?

) Do you think traps are gay?

8) Has the thought ever crossed your mind that the various forms of hell and wrath crashing hither and thither across the minds of men will ultimately result in a new dark age or even the destruction of their/our species?

9) What is the air-speed emanation in terms of a carrier pigeon carrying a mobile mesh-net transponder on its back if the transponder is broadcasting at (802.11ah)?

)Do you ever dream of GTK/RWN?


People are just giving up. Being grow up is no longer desirable.

this has to be a joke

They always were man children. Back in the old days they'd be playing card games or something. They just would have dressed nicer. Laughing at unfunny jokes and so on, being fake as fuck, as they do.

An escape from the real world that they were either ostracized from or cannot relate too.

That being said. Fiction is still a great art form for getting ideas or ones philosophy across (1984, Call of the Wild, The Alchemist, etc) but now most media is just a proxy for losers to imagine themselves as heroes. Especially the majority of video games.

It is entertainment without the risk of failure which losers love. They get that fake adreneline rush without actually taking a real risk. These people need to be introduced to mountain biking or some kind of individual sport where they can learn that real failure is a learning process and helps you get better. Maybe they will finally risk leaving their moms basement.

because adult hood is fucking boring. who in their right mind wants to grow up?

because millenials are cancer anime is forbraindead faggots

Because why should they grow up?
Western women are a joke, their countries are being destroyed by politicians, and automation is taking most entry level jobs.

Why try when everything that humans used to strive to do has been lost?

society isn't worth investing in better to just stay home and play video games all day

Kill yourself

A-user, did you mean to say p-peoplechildren?

No u.


No role model.


I say men. Women don’t do nerd things as we know.

>go to work
>marry whoever
>let politicians fuck your income
>also faggots think you're the enemy
>and niggers might take your things
>assuming they don't kill you
>or anyone else really
Reality sucks ass, the NEETS are just honest.

I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for.

You live in fucking UK. Start your music band or whatever.

eбaть ты дoлбoёб бpaтишкa

But then, everything changes


I'm more repulsed that the vast majority of them are obese.