They are fighting against the scum against the oppressors.
America needs ANTIFA to keep the balance in the society.

congrats, no one cares cuck


m2 fuck authority

Antifa is considered a terrorist organization. People are required to defend the country from threat both foreign and domestic. Guess what that means for Antifa.

Antifa is for people who do nothing but display empty heroics and chase their own made up boogie men. They want to feel like they're making a difference but end up assaulting garbage cans and store windows. There really is nothing more pathetic.


>burns down local business
>destroys random guys car
>hits by-standard with bikelock
>fights BLM rivals
>destroy sociology classroom
>"Lol we're keeping society balanced"

Sage bait thread

Keep up the good fight...


It goes in all fields against the shills, against the faggots.
Sup Forums needs sage to keep the balance in the catalog.

wasn't America and American soldiers who were fighting against the Fascists of Germany under Hitlers leadership during WWII?
fascist is a fascist, yesterday or today it's a fascist, and needs to be eliminated.

Go Antifa go!!

so brave


>Antifa is a communist front group
>Communists killed over 100,000,000 people
>Communism is a totalitarian system: state terrorism, secret police, one party, etc.
>They want to bring this to america and europe
>Antifa is somehow the """good guys""" because they say so and tell you the other people are bad.
>There are people who believe them.
You can't make this shit up.

That is what the second amendment is for. Not a bunch of leotard wearing kids who beat people up because they have the attention span of a nat, and the brains of one as well. Antifa are the brown shirts of Germany, only much more retarded and narrow sighted.

No thanks.

Kill yourself and your commie buddies, literally everybody who isn't a communist hates you faggots.

Reporting to duty.

Fascism brings only dictatorship, war and destruction.

Protect freedom and peace! Join anti fa

Join Antifa today - it only takes a quick lobotomy and you will qualify for your free black bandana.

Jesus, if you can't see Antifa are just the useful idiots then well... I guess you enjoy being an idiot.

there are no oppressers, its a sklavmoral lie that the unworthy tell themselves. the oppressed are just people who are judged to be insufficient.

same argument goes against Fascists, we all heard of Hitler, yes?
that killer was not only killing innocent single people but also the whole races.
At least Communist had some plan and humanitarian approach in spreading their propaganda but Fascists under Hitler were only concerned with mass brutal killing of people.

Can we not reply to bait threads for once?

so if the thread's topic is not to your likening you called it 'a bait thread'
how cowardly of you.


OP sucks cocks.


i support shooting ANTIFA

I’m only here to laugh at your pathetic group
I hope that sometime in the future when your pathetic excuse of a movement aren’t making any money you will all fucking kill yourselves

What happens when the balance is reached and they no longer have anything to fight?

They just gonna drop the 2x4s and work at Starbucks again?

You get the helicopter too, memeflagger.