Would you date a trans girl if she was:
>conservative values
>willing to have kids through experimental gene editing and surrogacy
Would there be any reason not to other than baseless insecurities?
Would you date a trans girl if she was:
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>Would you date a trans-
I fear god.
i dont even know what you're trying to say
I would plow the asspussy for fun but not date because I want to have kids some day and your last point is nonsense babble
I would do it short term purely so I would have someone to clean my house and maybe cook for me on occasion. I value that far more than romantic love or female genitalia at this point with the kind of hours I work living alone.
No, but I'd fuck a trap that was all these things. Except the last one, you fucking lunatic
>conservative values
Yeah, that can only end badly when the bitch kills himself - not to mention that men aren't motherly even if they think they are.
I found a tranny on okcupid that had Evola in her favorite books.
There are lots of trans girls who want to be a traditional housewife and want a nice conservative husband.
Fuck you degenerate, S to spit on grave.
Bad habit from my lefty days
LARPing as a trad wife is still not conservativee if youre not a woman
hey bro so youre gay, thats ok, but srsly don't have kids
Well that's too bad for them then. They're mentally ill and should be treated as such.
Traps are gay. End of discussion already.
No OEM vagina, no deal
listen to the swede, he is an expert in that matter
>tfw already have a trans gf
>feminine penis instead of disgusting roastie
>not obsessed with bbc like all white women
>not embarrassing to be out in public with like a gook
Yes and since boys make better gf's and i could marry her in germany
>Would you date a trans
Just because they’re mentally ill doesn’t mean you shouldn’t date them. You should take pity on them and protect them and get married to them and love them with all your heart.
You're all sick. You've been corrupted by modernity. You have no place in modern society, you have no place in a western revivalist movement, you have no place in a community seeking to preserve their heritage and people. You're abominations.
There are no chicks with dicks
No. I like my men confident and healthy.
You need to sort yourself out
For the like, year or two while he's like 16?
Still no.
no , that stupid & gay
Would I be gay? No, cause I'm straight. Have no illusions, of you fuck a tranny you are gay as fuck.
fuck off vladimir
I dont like anal, so no.
No, I shouldn't. What any sane society would do with mentally ill people who spread STIs and corrupt children would be to publicly execute them, but unfortunately we live in a time where that is no longer a reality so the best I can do is tell them they should hang themselves.
Yeah. I was talking to her about it and she said that transitioning was the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria though, which I guess makes sense if it's a real thing and she wants to end up not suiciding.
I didn't meet up with her. I was actually grilling her a bit.
We all know the reality differs greatly from the 2d version
several things would have to become possible for me to consider this:
1. Would have to pass for an 8/10+
2. S/he would have to lose the penis
3. science would have to be able to develop the ability to transplant female reproductive system into the male body, and do so successfully.
4. Somehow the operation would have to result in a full 100% irreversible conversion from male to female, which requires no lifetime supply of medication to stop the body rejecting the transplant.
5. Would have to have a non-fucked up tranniepussy.
If that can be done, then I'll consider it.
just shove a latex cocksleeve up his bootyhole as foreplay
porn is ruining all of you
>trans girl
>conservative values
Pick one!
You make a very compelling case user. But I simply cannot. The best of luck to you.
You wouldn't be the one taking it
I'm all of those things, but I'm also a fucking TRANSBIAN kek. I wish I liked guys, the trad life sounds so nice.
If you want to kill trans girls for just being themselves and not being ashamed of what they are you really are a bad person.
Trans girls are beautiful inside and out
But is she a virgin?
>Would you date a mentally ill man
obviously since theres no hymen to break
Nah I'm a great person. I would be a bad person if I thought it was commendable to let unstable maniacs loose in society.
>2. S/he would have to lose the penis
Enjoy fucking a pus and hairball filled gash.
Fuck off
You are a failure
>Conservative values
>Pick one.
OP, if you want to fuck dilated skin flaps, then by all means go for it, it's your dick, but keep that to yourself and don't post it on /pol, we don't like these sage threads
i abhor your choices but
>not embarrassing to be out in public with like a gook
is totally true. glad im not dealing with that shit anymore
So you’re a bad person with no moral compass?
Fuck off retard. You're the one who knows nothing about modern society. You're the kind we'll have to watch in the future because your pursuit of ideological purity will ultimately cause more harm than good.
No, I do believe I typed "great" person.
>sticking dick in pretty things is gay
Is she cute?
Yeah it's fucking disgusting. They're men and should act like it.
The big divide in the Trans debate is between Realism Vs Postmodern Constructivism. Realism being grounded in that there are REAL things being facts to shape the world and our worlds reflect that. Using etymology Woman comes from Womb-Man, identifying a person with a womb, which is universally common across cultures and time. Look at other current languages or even dead ones and they have the same bases,
The new fad tells people that what ever is in their mind is real and words are pure social constructs, so go ahead an change them. So they call invoke the claim that anybody can be anything. This logic is appealing to people who feel powerless and/ or want it to be true, but they always have the nagging feeling that reality exists. It is also a spectrum so it goes from people thinking they can switch genders to 50 year old men claiming to be an age fluid girl, to a woman who says she is married to a ghost pirate while her Ex is fucking the tail pipe of a car dressed as a Hedgehog.
>sticking dick in mutilated men isn't gay
Funny you say that because the dude in the pic you posted looks very jewish.
Transretards are abominations that wouldn't even exist in the first place if not for modernity.
>but what if someone had ""gender dysphoria"" in the old days?
Then they were deemed mentally ill. Society is not supposed to adapt for the comfort of the rotten. You cut that limb and burn it to the ground.
A fucking leaf
uncut traps a best
no, i wouldn't even give it a proper burial
Agreed. Always crazy retards destroying movements
plenty of them want to be unicorns too, doesn't mean its possible.
Sure but only if by "trans girl" you mean a girl who's trans (i.e. FtM)
Thank you based brazilian
don’t be an asshole
>pun intended
>all of his arguments consist of "you're mean!"
>Would you date a trans girl
I tolerate trans people so long as they are binary (male OR female, nothing else) but I will not accept them for who they are and what they want to accomplish.
Cuck. You should be repulsed by trannies because their disgusting, not because you'll get in trouble with sky daddy
You know what to do OP
thats not how you use that word
Transwomen have existed forever, especially in Eastern societies.
>Black and White thinking
No ew
>this is the average mentally-stable Sup Forums user
I've dated several Trans women and after I got aids I realized real women were better.
Is it possible to be conservative and trans at the same time?
>Transwomen have existed forever, especially in Eastern societies.
Do you mean Eunuchs? Because that is about as close as you are going to get. This aint Animorphs son, people dont grow WOMBS or get them from surgery.
Yeah they didn’t have hormones back then so all you could really do was cut off your balls and western historians in the past fee hundred years just grouped everyone who was castrated together.
>willing to have kids through experimental gene editing and surrogacy
it's like a 1 in a million chance of actually happening in our lifetime