Why do liberals still think they are anti-establishment?

Every liberal I know still thinks it's 2005/1965 and they are rebelling against the conservative Christian establishment.

They are all still talking about Bill O' Reilly like he is relevent, or some of the more aware ones might acknowledge Tucker Carlson as being the leading republican commentator.

I don't think any of them even know what nationalism means or why Trump won the presidency. I hear people saying "Trump won because he was a celebrity and people like reality tv celebrities" like 100 times. I think they learn everything about the political landscape from AJ+ videos on facebook.

Why are normies so fucking retarded?

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It's a plague. They're the real low information voters. They talk about the Christian Right like it's the 90s. The Christian Right barely exists now. They are just incredibly uninformed/illinformed. Most of the barely have a basic grasp of what right wing beliefs are.

>my cousin freaking out because Trump told nigger apes to stand for the anthem
>cousins says "HAHA trump doesn't even know what he's doing! he's so stupid! he has no plan or goal or vision!"
>tell him he's a civic nationalist
>"w-what's a civic nationalist?"
>explain what civic nationalism is to him
>he looks confused
>changes the subject

this guy is a fucking engineer

It's funny because they eat up media propaganda now and think they are "anti-establishment". Blows my mind.

It's the most confusing thing I have ever seen in my life

The establishment CORPORATE media is acting like they are anti-establishment, and telling democrats that they are the anti-establishment

Meanwhile they mock alt-media or are completely ignorant to it's existence altogether.

I know people who unironically shared Eminem's video acting like he just destroyed drumpf. These are educated people with high paying jobs.

AJ+ is literally Qatari propaganda intended to destabilize the social fabric of the US. Anyone who watches that shit, but still parrots the Russia intereference meme needs to wake the fuck up, and fast.

>qatari? what is that?
>lmao what are you islamaphoic? wow even foreigners are smart enough to know that DRUMPF is bad

They need their perfect enemy as a strawman for their narrative. They can't deal with politics more complicated than plot of Harry Potter.

Yeah, dude. Well, if it makes you feel any better I know a 45 year old psychologist who's never heard of 1984 or George Orwell. A woman, of course.