Can we get to the bottom of weev

is he kike counter-psy op agent or genuine prophet for the white cause?

White cause is a jewish psy op

it seems more likely that calling white cause a jewish psy op is the jewish psy op

if anyone really knew what that lil' shitlord was up to then this whole thing would become boring overinght . . kind of like weed will do once it's fully legalized

how bout you just speak plainly faggot. if you know more than us than spill it. if you're gonna talk all cryptic like then fuck off

Throw him in the pile with the other counter-op kikes.

For someone who's working for the Jews they sure go after him hard

Explain how this “psyop” is supposed to work? Embolden and promote kike-hatred and white pride, this is a Jew psyop, how and why? Genuinely asking.

You only know what he shows you. I hear he lives quite comfortably when not operating in character.

no i don't know, . . i'm saying thats what keeps it kind of interesting for me

weev is a good egg
however i believe he is growing mentally ill, partly because of the pressure he is under, but mostly because he is not exercising his body

collecting ips or whatever from the stormer bbs would be one theory . . or just fomenting hate so the jews can keep their victim-status fresh would be another theory

yeah he sounds fucking crazy on some of his youtubes . . those are the times when i think hes for real though . . would they let their actor be that unhinged?

of course not, weev
i genuinely love you and i know you are pure
just do bodyweight exercises or something. just get the poison out and it will lower all your stress

The kikery never ends...

weev is an attention seeking, lying manlet who is into drugs, prostitutes and other vices, he's a do as i say not as i do kind of guy, he's so full of shit with his claims he has to keep on the move because the jews are after him when in reality he has to move around europe because they spot him for the jew that he is and chase him out of town.

the guy is liable to go out in a ball of flames if he thinks it will garner him a lot of media attention, which is what he loves, because he is a narcissistic jew, the guy even lists quotes made by media about him etc, he lives to create as much drama as possible because his mom picked pet niggers over him so i guess to that end it is understandable.

i like the guy, but dont trust him and would never associate with him on that basis


Imagine being a talented mischling, having the ability to argue and scheme brilliantly
and consequently recognize the same when it's being done by "them". Knowing the evil perfectly, because it's part of you, too.
Now imagine that it's all being done to benefit those who are not too different from you, but not you. It's possible the resentment is real, but who knows at the end of the day?


don't forget TRS forums too, they let him set their servers up whch is just asking to be hax0r3d, there is zero chance weev would pass up an opportunity to collect information on his friends or enemies, the guy is a 1 man army which loyalty to noone but himself and the lolz

>don't forget TRS forums too, they let him set their servers up whch is just asking to be hax0r3d, there is zero chance weev would pass up an opportunity to collect information on his friends or enemies, the guy is a 1 man army which loyalty to noone but himself and the lolz

Who are you ? What do you do ?

its really fuckin hard to reconcile desu. I mean just look at these people. Weev, sam hyde, mike enoch...if you saw them a mile away on the street you'd peg them as kikes. And I'm really not trying to sow discord by pointing this out because I love these guys for what they've done to point out the problems with our sick anti-white society. It's just, like I said, hard to reconcile.

>hard to reconcile
digits confirm thats the best synopsis

The bottom of weave is a zitty hairy joo ass, much like that of his fbinigger handler. When they get together irl, they rub bums together.
>hi weave
>quit poasting about yourself fagget

The government fucked him and he went a little crazy (understandable). I still remember when mainstream media would interview him and shit. He even got a techie award in like 2012, well after he was doing blatantly "racist" shit. The hypocrisy of the media is hilarious. 2012: Give him awards. 2018: Fire liberal dykes who talk to him.

>is he kike counter-psy op agent
He can't be, because the vast majority of them are on 8 pol and this thread.




I feel the same way... It's impossible not to look at these people and not realize they all look like fucking kikes.

he's a good guy that does a little too much meth
