This is Peanuts...

This is Peanuts. A staple of American 1950s - 1960s culture and a generational reference point for the ideal childhood experience.

Notice anything?

They are all white and autistic.

No blacks.

soupy can play the guitar

The musicians are a homeless kid, a child prodigy, and a dog.

No niggy nogs

don't pretend like there wasnt a black kid, his name was franklin

>pig pen

He was the first Somali in Minnesota.

Yeah and he certainly had a great time

Pretty hard to miss that you are mentally ill.

I'm thrilled that this is real

They're autsitic?

That one girl in the purple shirt was just copypasted and flipped

to be fair they're twins

While watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie as a kid, I remember noticing that Franklin was sitting by himself on one side of the table while four people sat on the opposite side. I always thought that was pretty interesting.

Cannot unsee

Hes also in a cheap folding lawn chair while the others have proper dining table seats.

he's covered in dirt, nigger

redhead is hot

As you do.


>dog culture really went to shit since then

there's no adults doing anything of note

You just know.

Never change, Sup Forums. Never change.



Didn’t his chair fold up and snap him in half too?

Just searched for this, and IT'S REAL!

Token black kid showed up long after the strip was firmly established.

The one in green looks like an Asian. Schulz is a yellow fever faggot confirmed.

Based Shroeder

They didn’t introduce that nigger Franklin yet

>dragon ball thread gets deleted
>this one doesn't
both are cartoons so why one's getting deleted and the other stays?

another great classic ruined by niggers

The only reason the nigger one isn't in that picture is because he's stealing all of the the white kids shit while they're lost deep in the groove. I'm pretty sure it's nigger name is Franklin, which is indeed of the negro nomenclature

>naturally curly

