Sup Forums homosexuality is okay I can prove it

Anecdotal evidence does not imply a trend.

Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness? take this Sup Forums and admit your love to christ and admit your self to being gay if not I will find you and rape you anf hopefully kick you out for not accepting you gotta be progressive you fucking dipshits everytime you do something I feel looked down upon and I felt depressed and having the urge to kill myself so why don't you stop doing this to me.... I hate most of you fuckers on this board.

Other urls found in this thread:


Again take it in the ass motherfucker I am one with the facts and you aren't and to bad for you you cannot debunk any of this shit. hahahahahahahahabahahaha

Shameless self bump.
So can we finally admit that muslims are the problem.

I bet none of you are posting because you are a bunch of fucking cowards and know I am right.

Sup Forums Is always wrong on homosexuality.

discord gg/wAwGRr

add a .

Hahahahah Sup Forums isn't responding deep down they know were right I won!


The only rebuttal you should expect is something along the lines of "that's what (((they))) want you to believe)

Homosexuality as a problem is most of the time not even raised on Sup Forums. Maybe there is a board I don't know about where that would be the case, maybe that board is called /islam/ or /isis/.

Fuck you you homophobe and fuck everything about you! I wish we were the ones throwing you througj the roof.

Who the fuck is ((they))
The joos DE JOOOOS hah you don't have evidence supporting this or this conspiracy of yours.

Yes it was they show evidence on pol that homosexuality is bad and shit I fucking hate them for it.

Fuck wrong pic

These are a bunch of lies with nothing to support it you fucking homophobe why don't you accept homosexuality is true love hih? How long is it gonna fucking take? Huh? Till were all gone! Fuck you!

You left huh? Huh fucking coward. I was right you are all wrong... Hahahabahahaha

This kills the fag

This is fake... You have no evidence just admit your a homophobe because your a disgusting backward motherfucker.... This is an insane conspiracy.

Evidence is cited at the bottom dipshit.

You can't bump your own threads, newfag
>look AIDS went down since bunch of strait white males payed to find cure so fags can continue to fuck each other without dying of AIDS
Also I think everyone who was interviewed in this video has already died of some disease

These are clearly from the alt right you stupid homophobe.

Fuck off with all your faggot pseudoscience you fat poofter. Being gay is not now and never has been ok. Kill yourself.

You are disgusting I hope you get killed bu ebola.

That is because you still stuck on the past you fu king insane bitch.

So no argument you filthy subhuman, I though you wanted to argue.

Also is not psuedo science your and evidence are psuedo science you are to scared to catch the gay.

Then debunk my links.
Protip:you can't.

You worthless sack of shit this thread was on the 10th page and was about to get archived when you fucking bumped it, your father should've pulled out.
Typical faggot behavior, if you think only AIDS will bother these freaks you are wrong
I already did, the only reason why AIDS has fallen down is because strait white men payed for treatment of you freaks, but its not long before new disease is going to develop, it always does


This is an information that everyone on Sup Forums should learn you fucking homophobe just admit it you are wrong and I am right because gays are against thr kikes.

What your showing me here is propaganda okay can you debunk the study that homosexuals being pedophiles.
Bet you can't.

Already dropping the AIDS shit? If you knew it was shit argument why bring it up? Because you though you could info dumb and none would be the wiser?

>implying the mere passage of time makes homosexuality less degenerate
>implying the relation of the past to the present has any impact on faggot assfucking being suddenly more acceptable

I ain't dropping aids anx I don't have a fucking mental illness you fucking scum don't you realize how we have been treaten throughout history I am not willing to go through it again.

I ain't dropping aids anx I don't have a fucking mental illness you fucking scum don't you realize how we have been treaten throughout history I am not willing to go through it again. This is why we had pride.

Why the fuck cannot we do it? You ass fuck woman in the anuses all the fucking time why are we labeled as the sodomites you double labeled scum fucking bitch.

English motherfucker. Do you speak it?

>gays arent mental
>22posts by this ID, mostly talking to himself
what did he mean by this?

If you are not dropping AIDS argument then I guess you admit that the reason why AIDS dropping is because we pay for the treatment? We pay for gluing your asses together after they go inside out, we pay when you get ass parasites from rimming. You freaks are literally faggot-medical industrial complex

That's not an argument homophobe.

I wasn't talking I was showing how superior our intellect are as you can see homosexuals tend to more intelligent.

Stop spewing shit that is how the alt right wants you to think for being such a god fucking damn homophobe please go kill your self and stop trying to make our society goes back wards not most of us are pedophiles that' a minority and we are harmless to society.

Lmao you dumbass

>tfw too dumb to get AIDS and die

Youe the dumbass you cannot even make a argument.

Because men are meant to have sex with women. Not other men.

That is you look at some of the biggest inventions and they are from homosexuals. Take that!

But this shit happens to animals and if that was true how come nature allows this?

pick one

Eat excrement flaggot.
This post alone is enough for me to want homosexual marriage outlawed

Eat excrement flaggot.
This threads very existence is enough reason alone for me to want homosexual marriage outlawed

>But this shit happens to animals and if that was true how come nature allows this?
If fags are natural then why is my and other men natural reaction is of disgust? Makes you think huh?

Same reason nature allows you to stick a double barrel shotgun up your rectum

Look homosexual inventions you dumbass we are superior than straight in every aspect and you fucking know this. We also tend to be good looking and strong we are the evolution of man not some stupid homophobes who can't even get a gf.

Fuck you faggot we fought for our rights you cis straight white fucking males do not know what is like being ridiculed I fucking hate this board and the false information it has lead to other people about homosexuality.

>Fags are not pedophi-

Because you are not accepting progressivism you just need to get used to it nature has no control on how you feel.

I dont care what faggots started this shit, but fuck you. Get ass cancer, AIDS and die. No one likes a cock juggling eunuch walking about with his cock in hand and spraying his feces-covered STD-riddled blank shots about.

The good news is you all will burn in hell once you sodomites learn faggotry is a mental disease.

Animals eat their own shit too. You gonna use them as a rolemodel?

Wtf is this suppose to be prove is just a kid who accepted his sexual orientation.

Same can be said about you dumb fucker you fuck woman on anuses and that ain't wrong? Fuck you.

Does homosexuality cause schizophrenia now?
>nature has no control on how you feel
Lel, this statement is so wrong in so many ways.
>how your brain functions has no control on how you feel
>faggot intellectuals

Are you really this fucking daft? What does homosexuality have to do with their inventions?

Animals eat their own shit? Hah you have no proof of this.

>10 years ago
>we won't make kids participate
top lel

Look it up on google on why homosexuals tend to be more smarter than straights we are superior to you dipshits.




What the fuck are you blabbering about?

We aren't forcing children you sack of shit that was their choice not ours.

Lol get bent. That is some Cenk Ugyur level shit. "GOOGLE IT!!!11"
Homosexuals are not dumber than straight men. Straight men are not dumber than homosexuals. Quit sucking your own dick.

You are disgusting you stupid muslim you want to kill innocents and for what so we don't get to exist anymore? Fuck you we are harmless as a fly.

>faggot intellectual
>heh we did not force him to participate in our disgusting acts, he did it himself

Here you go faggot. Here's your proof. Now are you going to continue to use animals as a role model for human behaviour to justify faggotry?

Forgot proof

>quit sucking your own dick.
Admit it user you want to fuck men as bad as I do.

>everytime you do something I feel looked down upon and I felt depressed and having the urge to kill myself
Then fucking do it already.

>You dont like spiders because they gross you out
>You secretly just want to fuck spiders
The mind of a sodomite is truly a fucked up thing.

Then blame the parents not us.

In all honesty, do whatever you want, man. You've nothing to prove to anyone. If you like sucking dick, well, then you like sucking dick. No one gives a single fuck, lol.

So what it can be fixed but not all animals do this you fucking retard.

Your fucked up you have no opinion cause your flag is a leaf at least that is what I learned from pol.

Okay, this has nothing to do with you being gay, but you're stupid as shit. Go be productive, FFS. Get the fuck out of here.

You obviously do because you are mentioning sexual acts you are afraid to catch the gay.

I am sending these links as redpills since they are redpills and useful information you homophone mother fucker the moment you talk I wish I was drowning you while showing you what ai am made of.

Guys done talking huh I WON the argument.

I'm homophobic? Are you retarded? I said it's okay and I don't have a problem with it. All I'm saying is that you're a dumbass and you should shut the fuck up. You're wasting your time for nothing.

Since you admit that Sup Forums shapes your opinions on things, why not also admit that Sup Forums is making you question your perverse sexuality? Follow the biological imperative like a normal creature. You cant reproduce with another mans shit covered asshole. Its time to grow up now, son.

Lmao you're so fucking fragile

Man the fuck up

So are you for fucking a woman anus as well.

Animals can be trained not to be faggots too. Whats your point?

Shut the hell up you dipshit we have been tormented by you idiots so far for long the people that hate us usually come from Sup Forums dumb bitch.


I get the feeling you're a 13 year old troll.

Shut up! Just let me love another human being for fuck shakes!

Tormented?? I couldn't give a flying fuck about what you like to stick your dick in!

This is next level of schizoposting

I dont fuck womens asses. Thats a gateway to being a faggot imo. An asshole is an asshole, silly little poofter. Your false equivalences are pretty laughable. You must be trolling because you come across like a teenage girl throwing a temper tantrum. Take some testosterone and realize what being a man is supposed to feel like, for the first time in your sad life. Be gay if youd like, but be gay in silence. Nobody should be forced to respect a group of people that dont propagate more life.

You can suppress them idiot doesn't change the fact they are homosexuals too.