Canada's trendy liberal PM proved again how utterly unqualified he is to lead a country, dancing around in bollywood clothes like a clueless idiot while dodging questions about his appeasement of religious radicals. His hand-picked gender/ethnicity neutral entourage, which didn't even include the trade minister, hopped from photo-op to photo-op taking pictures with would-be assassins of Indian government officials and didn't get a single thing done except a trade deal that looks more like a money laundering scheme.
Will he ever recover from this?
Logan Ward
Connor Young
Jaxon Stewart
Send help
Blake Brown
the thing about leafs, is that you can rake the lawn one day... and they'll be back the next
Julian Foster
I would say cut down all the trees- but then you’ll just end up being on the same level as Aus shitposters since their abo niggers burnt down their forests.
Colton Campbell
I suggest that we associate him with the liberal opinions and ideas of which he is so fond.
Every time someone posts a liberal opinion, post a picture of Trudeau.
Julian Walker
Wait i'm confused, why is the Quran on the ground? Isn't that sacrilegious?
>This says trump doesn't respect them
Ethan Butler
>Putting the Holy Qu''ran on the ground
Matthew Peterson
Oh whoops I meant Trudeau not trump
Ian Diaz