Weiss Schnee vs Lancelot

Who wins?

Arondight GG


first off, Lancelot because of KoH and Arondight.
second, fuck off to >>Sup Forums or >>/trash/ for posting that shit

>famous knight who lost his mind but all his skills have been amplified
>a little girl
Gee, I wonder who would win.

It's half Sup Forums related, so I'll bite (even if I'm going to be talking about the non-Sup Forums one)

Weiss as she is now is utter trash when it comes to fighting. Her summoning ability is unreliable and without that she's by far the worst fighter in team RWBY. Hell, at this point I'd say Jaune could beat her 1v1 if her summoning didn't work.

RWBY is anime.Japan regards it as such because Monty is Japanese.

Lancelot would take down every student and teacher in their academy by himself.
Might even take care of Salem's gang while he's at it.

Lanceshit died to a little girl so i guess this one will do the trick too

While we are on the subject, anyone watch the jap dub of RWBY? They somehow made the show a lot worse

>I'd say Jaune could beat her 1v1 if her summoning didn't work

>glyphs can control gravity, time, propulsion, and can be used to walk on air
>ice powers
>has access to more dust than she knows what to do with

Even without her summons she's OP as fuck. I still say Lancelot would win because her technique is shit but she can bullshit her way through a fight

Weiss has all those abilities on paper but everytime we've seen her fight she fails to use them effectively. She lost to a fucking faceless nameless henchman with a chainsaw at the end of season 2. She can't fight. She's better at support, but 1v1 she's completely useless. She just buckles under any amount of real pressure.


Ice waifu for life.

I'm a weissfag but come on son

Weiss has no right to win, but she'll win simply because Lancelot is a perennial fuckup and will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

My girl Weiss. She's starting to become kind of OP honestly.

In terms of raw power Weiss has always been OP. Before being able to summon she was close to Yang in terms of raw power, and after she is much more powerful than Yang. It's just that she can't fight well. She has all of this power, and she knows the theory of using it, but when she actually has to fight she falls flat on her face and loses or has to be saved by deus ex machina.

Once Weiss can reliably put up a good fight she'll be pretty hard to stop, but until this she's a bottom-tier character in terms of actual fighting ability.

This thread is exactly the kind of thing I would expect to see on neo-Sup Forums. Up for 3 hours too, nice job mods.

I'll take some of the blame for that. I sort threads in the catalog by creation date, so sometimes I'll accidentally necro a thread without realizing it.


You should type "sage" without quotes into the options field from now on when you post

Servants can't be hurt by common physical weapons. Is this chick a magic user?

>Most op power is gated behind her either summoning a shitty boar or maybe half a giant knight
>Shit at using self buffs and only good when someone else tells her what to cast

Assuming it gets that far wiess summons something, Lance goes crazy, realizes he could beat a fool with another fool, Knight of own, beets her to death with her own summon.

It involves an anime and a pseudo-anime, this thread belongs on Sup Forums.

>this thread is still here
Mods are men of good taste.

Insofar as RWBY uses fake science to replicate magic. It's a bit closer to Nen than actual magic but it's much less creative so it sits somewhere in-between.

I remember there was a Death Battle with Yang that classed her above Tifa, which Sup Forums can take as it will. If this thread is putting Weiss above Yang then I could see her beating Lancelot, but I also really doubt it.

Weiss could at least survive long enough to make the fight enjoyable to watch.

>If this thread is putting Weiss above Yang
In terms of raw power. When it comes to fighting ability Yang wins hands down. Weiss has the power but is incapable of using it effectively.

She's a god-tier support but a shit-tier fighter.

Why such a random match-up? Why not something more relevant?

Shit match-up
Lancelot is on a whole different tier. He gave Gilgamesh a hard time, what's ice whore gonna do to him?


What's RWBY's speed tier? They need to be at least hypersonic not to get speedblitzed by servants. And Lancelot is fast as fuck compared to your average servant.

Gil got his ass whooped by a slightly boosted Emiya, he doesn't exactly have a great track record. As long as Lancelot can't get a hold of something stupid like a Fighter Jet Weiss stands a realistic chance against him by spamming Glyphs and Dust attacks.

Ruby is the only one who stands a chance in a battle of speed. Weiss is fast but only in certain instances. Yang is a slow tank that can hit back with twice the power she's hit with. Blake is a cat who can make a shadow clone.

None of them stand a chance against a servant unless Yang can keep from passing out/dying long enough to hit them back, and even then she sucks at hitting fast targets.


>He gave Gilgamesh a hard time
Read the LN. Gil was toying with him.
He didn't even fire 20 NPs at him. If he were to open the gate as much as he did against Heracles or Shirou it's stated that he would have killed him.

>implying TRISTAN isn't BEYOND GEOTIA level
Stop sucking on kekacock

Ruby is the gang's fastest, but even the Deathbattle didn't list specific speed feats. Ruby is at least faster than a human eye can track since her movements are pretty much teleporting.

Weiss comes second if she uses speed enhancing glyphs, but until that point she may actually be the slowest in the group. It's better for her to Haste to someone like Ruby or Yang than it is herself.
That said, Yang can apparently tank 1400 tons of force. The girls are nothing if not durable, and their Auras provide defense boosts and light regeneration. A tag-team of Ruby and Weiss would be a clean-cut victory in my opinion, but Weiss alone seems a bit sketch.

I dropped this shit after season 3 and have since convinced myself to believe season 4 doesn't exist. Did I make the right choice?

Season 4 is a definite shift in the show. The quality is better and so is the characterization, but they spent too much of season 4 giving us exposition dumps, so it's not all better.


>The quality is better
Really, tho?

Most of the improvements in season 4 revolve around animation quality and improved backgrounds/settings.

Helps that they moved from Poser to Maya.

Season 3 except for the finale was possibly the worst one, but thinking on it I don't remember anything happening in Season 2. S4 has the best characterizations so far, the acting isn't quite as cringey (except Weiss trying to be anything but frosty), and the fights have are better spaced and more entertaining.

>Season 3 except for the finale was possibly the worst one
Seasons 1 and 2 are both p terrible. Season 2 had a shit finale and nothing will ever be worse than the Jaune bullying arc.

I guess the finale of S3 kind of made up for the rest of its runtime being uninteresting filler fights. I feel like they bit off more than they could chew with a tournament arc followed by the sequence where everything changes.

Penny and Phyrra were both of my favorite characters. That arc was a gut punch.

Yang was mine. I feel you.

Still haven't gotten over Pyrrha's death. Doesn't help that only recently got into the series.

It went to shitter after Monty

That reminds me. O MY SILVER EYES

I still can't accept that Roman Torchwick is dead.