Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind, in the United States?
Even white people marrying each other, even Asian people marrying each other, is not nearly as successful. Black male / white female is quite unsuccessful.
But a white male / black female marriage is by FAR the most successful union there is in the US. It's bizarre. Outright
Why are black female / white male marriages 64% more successful than ANY other racial marriage union of any kind...
I don't know? I need a nigfu though.
black girls' pussies look like they caught fire and were put out with a broom. fucking disgusting
Because 5he white guy settles for the best black chick and knows he can't get better and the black chick gets a white guy to treat her properly and knows no black man will ever treat her as such.
Sauce on these statistics?
Skin colour doesn't always indicate Noggery. Some of them are actually great and based.
Isn't this evidence that the black woman (sexual selector) knows that she's trading up and the white male has settled for trading down
Black women treat their boyfriends unironically like kings. I dated a couple black chicks and I've never been so pampered. It's hilarious to me.
this is worth 100 white roastoids easily
black pussy is the biggest red pill
Nnnnnghhh, cute black girls are my kryptonite
Selection bias.
Black female / white male marriages are very rare and already defying odds.
Also keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of divorces, not matter the race, are initiated by women. It is rather hard for a black woman to land a white man, so when they do they are not as likely to call it quits for someone better.
>black female live knowing black males are shitty fathers, so they respect males that are not
>white males are good fathers, and if a black female gets in a serios relationship she will worship the white male because he won't leave.
because the white guys who engage in it have a fetish for black women, meaning they won't get tired of their wife, and the women know they're incredibly lucky so they don't cheat.
Do you want your children to look like pic related?
Then go ahead.
Black females are more likely than not to have STDs and be overweight. No thanks
good taste, here is the other part of it. Thanks for your part friend I needed more of her.
>look mom i posted it again
ez bleach
some of them are hot but you'd have to be especially dumb to create children with one
Cuz the negress knows it's the best she can get, having grown up with niggers, she intimately knows their profound faults.
>not being a coloniser like your ancestors
cuck detected
Is that a Swedish althelete?
fuck it white men should just date black women.... stop trying to stop white women from dating blacks
Yeah she signed the papers so she's just as much a Swede as the millions of white who have had ancestors who have fought and died in the wars there.
yeah and it will also enrage nog men, it's a win win. It's the best way to combat white women going for the BBC because they will see this and understand what they've lost when we go around with our nigfu's.
Because the only reason to marry a niggress is if you are being blackmailed. Can't back out of that shit.
who is she, I have some of her but I don't know her insta
Look at these shills pretending to love these shit-colored baboons! Pretending traditional white women aren't superior in every.single.way.
Pic related . These virtue signaling cucks love people that are literally retarded lmaooo!!
Shut the fuck, you degenerates.
they fucked them and tossed them like real men. its only you dumb ass millenials that actually wanna not only marry but raise these chimpanzees half niglet children
this is a natural from of eugenics. only a dumb person would ever even think of such a thing
Several reasons, if a black woman is dating a white man, it shows that she is probably far more attractive and intelligent than others in her race, both in her ability and desire to pursue a more stable mate. Second, if they can land a white guy that will actually be employed and treat her well, unlike her own race, her only option is to leave for another white male who would do the same thing, not quite so easy for a black woman. Third, the white male is probably going to be successful and stable mate, not some racist welfare redneck. It's a match that can really only happen with select types of people within both races, and those type of people would be less likely to divorce anyways.
think about it white men turning there backs on white women fuck the black mans girls and it will make the black women look desirable again and piss of the black man and trust a black girl will choose a white man over a black man
Itsjustajlove on ig and tumblr
t. Angry roastie.
because black men are so shit a black woman counts her fucking blessings to get a white man and behaves
That's a nigger - not a Swede. You fucking cucks!!!
The darker and more African women get, the more crypto-racist they are, the more they're looking to upgrade to white cock as much and as soon as possible. Black women at least by perception are the "lowest tier" statistically in society (they're not, but they think they are and so does everyone else). They want white boy cock for the "good hair genetics" and the fact their own men are fucking busted and won't raise their kids. I wish I wasn't racist and wish I was attracted to black women because I'd like to steal a qt and be a good boyfriend to her but the problem is most of them are ghetto as fuck.
It's the same with ginger people, those who marry redheads usually have a huge preference for it and everyone else doesn't like it which means the relationships which do start last. Also I've been with a black girl for the past 12 years and can basically confirm what you're saying.
Thats the kind of post roastie would make
a white man can put a black women in here place thats why it works black man dont know how to tame a black woman and let these white girls rebel dont take them back under no curcomstances
its not even true. the study that oil drillers cites only used a few hundred couples. they did a restudy with 20k couple and every couple that involved niggers had ridiculously high divorce rates
black people cant even assimilate into society idont know why people think they could assimiliate into a family home. cant take the jungle from the animal
Lmao sauce?
yours is the kind of post a negress would make
but i bet it was a male partner that was black the women has to be black for it to work
this is the updated study
Cuz she's afraid to leave
I'd probably waif an Ethiopian if I had the chance
They aren’t wigger
the study accounts for every couple type
she's full swedish phenotype, you must not be white if you can't tell that.
no you absolute retard. that is the original study that user 300 participants
lol why are you trying to trick white men into ruining their life with nigger women.
Kek at yellow/black couples.
Nice bait Australia. That’s the old one.
why are you trying to force your will unto others?
>Because they only surveyed 1000 couples the first time and was rightfully criticized for it
The most recent one that surveyed 24,000 says different
>1606 men/4070 women
Maybe I'm retarded but shouldn't they be the same number?
yea but name how many white men and black women couples you've seen
He and his reviews are overrated, so I think you should reconsider.
im trying to save white men from ruining their life
they earn less, they cheat more, they end up in divorce more, your children will be more likely to be criminals and sluts.
marrying black is a one way ticket to black hole depression
I’m guessing they asked divorced women the race of their ex.
They may have only spoken to one person per couple. Would make sense since they are measuring divorce rates that the partner would not always be around/available post-divorce.
its a small sample size and largely composed of evangelicals
Why aren’t you busting drinking petrol with abo women?
fuck it jus fuck who you want stop trying to save people the human race is hopless
Very dark, slim, bubble-butt, shaved pussy that is purple.
I like it when her labia is almost shiny.
>gotta be shaved though blackgirlbush is inpenitrable and causes severe scarring of the male's lower belly. Also a cutting hazard to your pudenda and known to house many african predators inside, including jackals and gnus.
name how many times you've seen a group of black people create even a town you would want to live in?
and these are the same people you wanna invite in to your home
This makes the most sense
>marrying is a one way ticket to black hole depression
>tfw found an outlier nigress with high IQ and gonna make muttbabies with her
heh, nothing personnel white race
abo's are disgusting
>gonna make mullato babys
oh shit you really showed me hahahahaha
>abo's are disgusting
The irony...
>cutting hazard
That explains their HIV rates!
Holy Fuck I seriously gotta rethink the whole asian waifu thing
It took me a second to realize that was bare skin and not black leggings.
>t. Angry white woman who's fucked purple nigger cock
Angry that white men have totally abandoned your disgusting loose roast beef pussy? You're done, finished. Asian/nigress women are the future you created because your lack of loyalty to your tribe. Get fucked you 30 something single mom with a tyrone half breed baby
Go fot it. Just don't go back to asian after you've gone black. Hygeine reasons, you understand.
Careful man, they're real fertile. You think you pulled out fast enough . . . but, you didn't.
you realize more than half those states are mostly spics right? Black women will be bleached when we take over don't stay mad roastie