Your Future Gun Rights

Reminder. Real Americans support guns. If you aren't a member of gun rights organizations like NRA (National Rifle Association) and GOA (Gun Owners of America), you are not a Real American. The only time you should utter the communist-perverted term "gun control" is in context of training yourself and your family. There's no excuse. Do not wait until it's too late. The time is now.

Sup Forums, have you joined NRA and GOA yet?

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I stopped supporting the NRA when they flip flopped on open carry

I was pretty neutral about open carry. For it on principal but against on practicality, but the NRA was adamantly for it then did a complete 180 and said it was evil.

I’m part of the TSRA (Texas State Rifle Assoc.) now

The NRA and their ilk can lick my balls for being candy ass weather vanes.

I'm a member of my local SRA

Join all gun rights orgs. Nothing is perfect but it helps to spread out support so there's no dependence on just one. The NRA is vital among them. Concealed carry is the most necessary to protect oneself properly from criminals.

if you had to choose, would it be GOA or NRA?

do you have to pay to join?

Damn the Czech Ak looks fucking sexy.

I do both. Honestly. It's unwise to just put eggs into one basket. I used to just be NRA but once GOA came on the scene I was happy to help it grow. If you really must pick, then it's still the NRA. The only thing that speaks in Washington DC is large numbers.

in the the year 2050
ya --- i lost my right to keep and bear arms due to the 3 strikes rule. first strike was 62 in a 55; 2nd strike was failure to signal lane change; 3rd strike was a burnt out brake lamp. i'm tired of the erosion of constitutional rights but what ya gonna do?

/k/ here, dont forget to join the Civilian Marksmanship Program as well, friendos

I'm a member of both, and I'm in the process of starting a constitutionalist militia.

Anons, list gun orgs to join.

>NRA -
>GOA -
>CMP -
>TSRA (Texas) -
What else?

Good, sir.

What we need to do more than buy a membership to a group is to join or create a militia chapter and start tackling matters of national security like food, agriculture and violent criminals

Yes, but just to emphasize, large numbers for advocacy are needed in DC otherwise rights are lost and none of the other stuff exists. Both. National politics and local community.

Does anyone have a list of anti-American cuck brands to avoid (with reasons listed)?

buy your wife a CCW today

Along with proper methods to conceal. There's excellent CC apparel especially for women.







To Americans awake or waking up, you are needed. Thank you if you join.

I've been avoiding it for the simple reason that anti-gunners think I'm "one of the good ones" since I'm a gun enthusiast who isn't in the NRA. That allows me to actually talk to them and get some of them to learn. But if the NRA is in serious trouble, I'll join to support it.

Heard this is one of the best kind of holsters for a conceal carry

Never cuck yourself to crazy authoritarian Leftists. Ever. You give them an inch and they will take your whole life and freedom every time. Standing up for what's right and being a Real American is the only action that will save the world in the end.

Pic: another option of that without the chest band. It's great for serious action where running is involved but it requires compatible outer clothing. I prefer waist holsters on the side or back like for a normal routine and stealth access.

And he STILL believe in this...

That is not an AK.

I have a better idea: death penalty for anti-Semites and holocaust deniers.

> Go to the NRA website
> It costs 40 bucks to join
yes goyim gun orgs are your greatest ally sign up today discounts for long term memberships!

All of those are compact guns. Those fit in pockets, no need for holsters.

>be american
>support 2nd amendment cos muh freedom
>own a gun for protection
>have a kid
>be responsible gun owner and keep gun locked up so kid can’t get to it
>someone breaks into my house
>shit better grab the gun
>fuck where is the key
>can’t open gun case
>get shot

Can you donate if you're not a burger? I am a firm believer in and supporter of the 2nd amendment.

"A republic, if you can keep it"

>"A republic, if you can keep it"
Wy would anyone want to preserve a republic? A republic is one of the most useless type of state systems there is.

Most clothing doesn't have adequate pocket space. Waistband holsters are more practical. They aren't dependent on specific types of pants.

Well they are using that dough to lobby to politishits and they are doing a great job at that.
I'd say it's money well spent if you aren't literally a homeless bum.

Why don't the gun manufacturers stock holders fork over the cash?
Why pass the bill to the average joe?

Don't let them tell you it wouldn't happen here too. 70 years, 1 generation later, the Communist Party of China is doing whatever the hell it wants, because they took all the guns from the get-go.

>The Chinese Communist Party's leadership has called for the removal of presidential term limits, opening the door for China's most powerful leader in decades, Xi Jinping, to remain in office beyond 2023.

>The party's Central Committee has deleted from the constitution the stipulation that a president "shall serve no more than two consecutive terms" of five years, the official Xinhua news agency said Sunday.

Who can protest it? not one little chink in the armour of the communist regime. Why? No gunz. Even Mao is famously quoted as saying "power comes from the end of a loaded gun". He understood, as well as any leader does, that it throws a monkey wrench into their plans of waltzing in and doing whatever the hell they want to if the people are able to defend themselves.

When they said that, they didn't mean what the US has become now.

First, it isn't smart to live in an anti-gun state like that.
Second, people who value gun freedom and safety need to teach their kids gun safety or they aren't good parents.
Third, you can keep mags separate and hidden nearby in a baby/toddler-proof box (not a key lock) if extra safety is wanted.

Don't they? Do you have a citation for that?
Isn't the NRA donation data public?

You don't understand the importance of people-powered advocacy groups?

Dumb question but is it possible those clothes holsters could accidentally make the gun go off or no?

>need to teach their kids gun safety or they aren't good parents.
Kids can still do stupid shit regardless or you might just have shitty parents, not to mention other kids who might come over, etc.

>you can keep mags separate and hidden nearby in a baby/toddler-proof box
Just adding more time for the intruder to get in and shoot you.

being so poor you don't buy the 5yr membership for $140

>cucked mind
6 year old Americans are more capable of defending themselves and their homes than you. Literally. I'm reminded everyday of why 1776 was so important because of people like you. Stay where you are.

kids are trained to use the shotgun on their bedroom wall if dad is killed. I have a .45 in arms reach right now and the AR is only 4 feet away. Neither is locked, both are loaded. Kids are well trained and respect them.

>Why pass the bill to the average joe?
because that is who they represent.

I went to join the NRA, and looked at their join gifts. Was disappointed that the knife was made in China. Nothing against the Chinese, but they should have a USA buck knife, or the same hat that Trump uses.

I know it might cost a little more for USA made products, but it would have a more positive message. I hope the NRA checks out this post.

On the plus side, I joined anyway, didn't take the gift, and purchased a nice Coco-bola handled USA made pocket knife.

Trigger on finger, I guess is ok here because she is kind of aiming.

You're right. You should write to them. At the end of the day, they're "free" gifts to promote the brand. But they should sell merchandise Made in the USA and I'd be more proud to buy and wear it for a premium. The "free" bags are unexpectedly very handy, but it takes a couple months to receive one.

It's an action/acting shot so it's appropriate.

But I have actually converted a ton of them, and continue to do so. That's more than my $40 would do. Nothing stops me from donating, either.

>not using a fingerscan/combo lock safe

What kind of fucking moron owns a gun safe with a key? Oh right, no one. Only a noguns would say something that stupid.

Then do they come to understand the NRA is good? Mainstream media brainwashes people to hate the NRA and gun rights.

I would never (ever, under any circumstance) put my gun in a box that requires biometrics and electronic chips that can fail, let alone a box with a key. Biometrics in a life and death situation is extra lunacy to me.

>joining the NRA
cuck lol

>UKuck certified.

>giving money to a corporate lobby org
thank mr shekelstein

Your shilling wakes people up.

I do... sort of.
my bedroom is my armory and I put a lock with a key on it; it's the best of both worlds--I don't have to worry about my kids or their friends playing with my guns (I taught them not to, but their still stupid kids.) and I don't have to waste seconds in the event of an emergency (carry during the day and right by my bed at night).

I'm in the nra with an annual membership.

The goa or nagr are more legit, tho.

>giving your daughter magpul furniture.

jeez it's like you want her to mudshark.

Daily reminder that only slaves can't own gun, guess who wants to see you all unarmed?

lol is that a grenade launcher the girl on the right has?

wait...does that family have two grenade launchers?

those are like 30k a piece or some stupid shit like that.

They are cheaper than you think and easy to make. Give me any gun and I'll make one for it

Oh yes!

I live alone w/ my dog in my house. there are guns just laying about. right now I"ve got a loaded ar leaning against my computer desk. loaded shotgun (bolt it not fully engaged) in my bathroom closet, loaded and holstered pistol still in my bed. I just find bullets in random places. just pulled a round of 5.56 out of my drier the other day.

I love being American.

SA vz. 58. Better than AK -lighter, more reliable, and accurate./OT
But your opinion is correct, more people in gun-rights movement means much more.

George Orwell said something about "In true democracy you can have rifle on the wall. It is a duty for all real democrats that it should stay there"
(not exact words, but you can get the picture)

I got you covered.

Thank you.





Have to fortify their schools like Alcatraz....




Are you saying you want to disarm Americans and don't value liberty? Shocking. I like BASED Indians who love America but retards like you are drag India down.

shitty poos are just jelly

Not an argumemt

The evidence is all there.

You shouldn't stop supporting the NRA. If you want to support alternatives you definitely should but do not stop supporting the NRA because they're still the only group that's still actively blocking any major gun control from passing even if they're still allowing the gradual push for restrictions to continue.

GOA. NRA is a fucking spamwhore.

>can't even poo in the loo


>in arms reach

kek. And a lot of places in the US (high white regions) have as many guns as they want and they're safer than anywhere in England. The UK is a small place and it's already circling the 1984 drain. It's sad.

>NRA is a fucking spamwhore
True but it's ok. Membership numbers matter.

Americans have the right and advantage of being armed - unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.

- James Madison

>amerimutts live in such a crime-ridden nightmare world that they need fully automatic military weapons to protect themselves

The most crime plagued areas in the world are the ones with the most anti-gun laws. Crime is 99% demographics. Liberty is 99% demographics. The two overlap.

You guys have convinced yourselves that's it the blacks, but 20 African nations have a lower murder rate. I'm sure it's not a mentality were you spend more time at war than peace, or a need to be as deadly as possible because everyone is going to kill you so you have to kill them first. I'm sure that's not completely retarded

Go fuck yourself, I'm a gun owner and I'm not going to be bullied into getting a membership, I'm more American than you will ever be leftist shitter.

Im a life member

Europeans were totally not getting killed by the millions by governments twice in the last 104 years

This is a woman posting

What are you talking about? Which nations? Defense of my family trumps your whining like a bitch. Protecting my family against thugs matters. Want us to ship all the thugs to Australia so you can see what reality is like?

Only Real Americans stand up for civil rights and gun ownership politically not just in ownership.

The NRA has absolutely nothing to do with "gun rights" and the second amendment and everything to do with profits for the gun industry.

>all girls
Poor bastard.

Yes, good. Gun industry profiting also keeps rights upheld. It's the best relationship. NRA members are actually grateful for it. Your commie talking point is as low IQ as it gets.

>implying the security device makes much of a difference

If someone breaks into your house with intent to kill, you don’t want to be fucking about. You want to grab the gun and shoot.

I was thinking of joining the NRA but I hear they are fucking PERSISTENT about calling you and trying to get you to do shit.
GOA is something I hadn't heard of before yesterday, but I don't know much about them.