White Album 2

how did Sup Forums feel about this betrayal scene?

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>betrayal scene
>trick dude into "loving" you
>be surprised when he follows his actual feelings and fucks his hot broad so hard she can't walk properly the next day
Hang your life OP.


Nabatabe Hitomi says she still hasn't given up hope of an anime sequel. I want a CC anime so that Kazusa fags can feel like shit for a few years because it will inevitably end with a Setsuna end because that's the only way we'll ever get to Coda.

pretty hot

>Setsuna end

The game is split into 3 parts. Kazusa is completely absent from part 2 except for one small scene. The only way for the story to progress into part 3 is for Setsuna to win part 2 which means no matter what, Kazusa ends up a homewrecker.

Nah.. it was ok, he explained everything to setsuna on the next day. So it's not like they continued to cheat on her behind her back after thisthey will in the VN, haha

Didn't the anime sell quite poorly?

>there are people on Sup Forums right now that consider this show better than Toradora

I personally don't think a sequel is possible at this point. You don't normally wait this long for sequels. The anime did it's job. It did a fantastic job adapting the part of the game that has the highest chance of hooking people into the source material. WA2 according to erogamescape is still considered the best VN to date with the highest weighted median score.

>I want a CC anime
I don't think there is a point in CC without Coda, even though CC is the longest part of the VN.

That's why there's no way they'll get both CC and Coda done in a single season. So if the anime does get a sequel it will inevitably end with CC's Setsuna's end, prompting years of Kazusafag tears.

Why would Kazusafags cry if she is not even present in the 'competition'? We don't hate Setsuna, you know?

Exactly, they'll cry because Kazusa is completely irrelevant in CC.

But she is relevant, even though not present. And I still love CC, even though Kazusa wasn't in it. So I don't get your point, really.

What ending is canon?

There is no such thing. Most people consider Kazusa True as one, but that's a matter of preferences + slight hints (like her route ED called 'closing').

Kazusa true, ofc.

Has anyone ever been more BTFO? even as a kazusafag i felt sad for her.

There is no canon ending. There are people who try way too hard reading shit that isn't there. Maruto specifically said in the final episode of the radio show that he didn't intend for any one route to be canon.

White album 3 when

>trick dude into "loving" you
>be surprised when he follows his actual feelings and fucks his hot broad so hard she can't walk properly the next day

Nothing that she did excuses what he did. His choices weren't a trick they were his choices. MC accepted her advances, pursued someone else behind her back because he was too pussy to break up the relationship, and finally cheated on the girl he chose to commit to. That's all on him.

Haruki is a shit.

I just don't understand why you would want to create a work of fiction that ends with every single notable character in misery. What's the point, to teach you a lesson that things don't always end nicely in life? At least make your anime about something with high stakes like a war if you want to convey that.
And also, the anime is a little bit too on-the-nose with the suffering. It shows a part of the final episode in episode 1 so we know they were always going to have this ending in mind. It didn't end that way because they had to rush things, it was always going to have this conclusion. And what is the final scene we see? The final concert song when everything was still alright and the three were living a nice life. The last day this truly was the case is how the anime ends.
Honestly, I'd say this show is malicious. I never thought an anime could be malicious but they try so hard to fuck you, the viewer, up at every corner that I just can't call it everything else. Like what the hell man.

? i thought both girls get a good ending in the vn

Best end.

Some WA2 staff trivia

1) Haruki's VA, Mizushima Takahiro favors Setsuna over Kazusa albeit according to him the ratio is 51:49 in Setsuna's favor.
2) Nabatabe Hitomi never got the full script for Closing chapter and only got lines for THAT concert scene hence for the longest time she had no idea what happened in CC.
3) Yonezawa Madoka, Setsuna's VA seems to be genuinely depressed that so many of the players seem to favor Kazusa over Setsuna (from fan mail, a large majority of the players seem to be Kazusafags)
4) According to the VAs during one of the radio shows, the majority of the staff who work on the anime favor Setsuna.
5) For the longest time the 3 VAs thought Maruto was biased towards Setsuna until the very last few episodes of the radio show where Maruto clarified that he doesn't favor either and never intended for either to be seen as the "correct choice". It was always meant to be 50/50.
6) During the recordings for the Coda's cheating route, Maruto noted that Haruki's VA was so completely into his role that he genuinely looked like crap at the end of the recordings. Maruto stated that he wrote the extra episode in the PS3 and Vita versions as a way to lighten up the ending of the cheating route and as an apology to Haruki's VA for putting him through that.
7) The game director actually gave Haruki's VA a choice on the order of recording Coda's routes. Initially he wanted to go Setsuna > Cheating > Kazusa but the director shot it down since he didn't want to end the recordings on the most depressing ending so in the end they went Cheating > Kazusa > Setsuna.

You can get the radio shows here

Kazusa's ending is more depressing than cheating? what happens in the cheating route?


First comment chain perfectly encapsulates what happens. The song is played at the end of the cheating route.

You are an extremely rare species of Kazusafag. Go to pretty any playthrough of CC and you'll see Kazusafags screaming and raging "Where's Kazusa? WHERE'S MUH KAZUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" and completely fucking ignoring everything happening in CC.

>Go to pretty any playthrough of CC
>reading comments on Youtube
Sorry, but I'm not an autist.

Ok forget about that. Real talk. As a Kazusafag, do you think Kazusa's route in Coda completely invalidates what happens in CC? Because that's the impression I got. How on earth is the Haruki in CC Setsuna end and Coda Kazusa end even the same person? Why did he go through so much shit to win over Setsuna in CC if he was just going to drop her the moment he sees Kazusa again?

They add a bunch of extra girls in CC right? are any of them good?

Don't reply to streamfag threads.

But it was not 'the moment he saw Kazusa'. He really had a hard time dealing with those reborn feelings. He struggles with them every time in every route. And it is absolutely in Haruki's character.

>Why did he go through so much shit to win over Setsuna in CC if he was just going to drop her the moment he sees Kazusa again?
Because he thought he would never meet Kazusa again?

All of them are good. They are slightly worse than main girls in my opinion, but still all of them are great characters.

>Because he thought he would never meet Kazusa again?
That's bull. If he really wanted to he would have pursued her wherever she went. The fact that he played Setsuna for 5 years just makes playing Kazusa's route pure unadulterated molten anger for me. It ultimately came down to this:
Kazusa's mother is dying and she is completely incapable of taking care of herself vs Setsuna has a loving family and caring friends. Kazusa needs Haruki more than Setsuna does.

>If he really wanted to he would have pursued her wherever she went.
We are talking about a good story here, not some young girl's dreams, you know.

>It ultimately came down to this:
I think we've already discussed this. You just deny the possibility that Haruki's feelings for Kazusa were strong enough. I can't persuade you because you just deny the story.

I really wish someone uploaded the White Album 2 manga somewhere. All I can find are chink scans of it and even those aren't complete.

That's exactly what Haruki did in Kazusa's route. He dropped everything to go to Europe with her. He couldn't do that 5 years ago but he could after destroying Setsuna's heart and burning every bridge he had?

Of course he couldn't. He was just a high school boy without any real skills or money. How would he survive there? Ask Youko for money or something?

Man, this scene. It was to damn glorious.

But it's so miserable.

im still hoping

should I watch the series only or play the VN as well? Any series that generates much discussions are bound to be worthwhile.

I don't see it happening. For me wa2 is music anime along with romantic. And if i'm not mistaken in CC we don't have any music related stuff. It's not the same, at least for me.

It's easy. If you like the series - try the VN. Though it's not fully translated.

>in CC we don't have any music related stuff
We have. Not as much, but still.

Dude, he was like 18 years old. WA2 is not some romanticized shoujo, he wouldn't fucking go with her to Wien. Maruto explores already how hard it was for Haruki to drop everything in Kazusa's route in Coda, and he was a mentally stable adult already. In IC he's just a mentally destroyed teenager. See how a couple of months influenced him so much to three years after IC.
I don't know why you're trying so hard to discredit Kazusa's route, her character and Haruki in her route. I think it's completely plausible that he'd do what he did after CC.

>if i'm not mistaken in CC we don't have any music related stuff

WA2 is not a music anime m8

CC Setsuna was about her getting over her trauma of singing.

Interesting stuff. Thanks!

>You will never become a director and use your scheduling powers to mindbreak a hardworking VA

I liked it.

I honestly just started laughing when that happened. The fact that they just kiss right in front of her and she starts crying is too fucking hilarious.
