Why do jews want to get rid of whites?

It makes NO sense to me! Why in the world would the jews want to get rid of the whites, even though the whites are the only race willing to give up their own lives for them and die for multiculturalism happily? Why would they risk the brown slave race not giving a fuck about them and revolting? SSure I get the low IQ thing, but whites are smart, hard-working, and would love to die for shitskins and jews and be their slaves, so why would they want to get rid of the only race that is willing to suck jew dick to the end of time, while protecting them by completely destroying any threat to their feelings? If whites are gone, their protection is gone.

YEa I get that the goal is one slave race, but getting rid of whites first is a bad idea in my opinion.

Other urls found in this thread:


-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal Baby sacrificing Moloch worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Spirituality above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

Yea but why get rid of the only race that is actually willing to suck kike cock? They literally have a smart, rich, and powerful race at their disposal but they choose to get rid of them?

Its not about getting rid of whites, the goal is to assimilate the goyim

It's all about control. That's why the Nazis were vilified, is because they wouldn't allow what's happening in the US right now.

Thtat's the thing though, they already have (seemingly) complete control over whitey, but they are trying to wipeout the whites, while making them pay for their own replacement, and 99% of whites don't care at all, lots of them love it, but yet the jews want to eradicate them completely.

Because they hate us you dumb fucking cattle

Why do they hate whites when they protect them and obey them? Seems like a pretty dumbass thing to get rid of the race that keeps shitskins from kicking your asses, and all the whites that speak out against the kikes, the majority of cuck whites shut them down without the jews having to move a finger

Because we tried and almost suceedding in getting rid of them. Or this too much of a cliche?

The medieval """""persecutions""""", the """""pogroms""""", the holohoax basically for every """""wrong""""" whitey gotta pay

Sane reason I want to subvert and destroy the Jew, nature for our owns survival.

The Jewish nation has been destroyed before and only came back with Judaism lite Christianity, we exterminate Christianity we return to being our own people, and tge Jew will have to declare war on our tribe to try to dominate, do not tolerate any foreigners as your own.

Those cuckholds for Israel are a minority of a minority, those who declare are not always truthful.

The Jew only has the power that you give them, all the exchange currency means nothing if we decide to give them nothing, tge Jew cant take anything from us.

Because they have been kicked out of 109 countries a total of 359 times.

we're the only thing standing in their way of world domination.

we do everything better, and first ;)
they've even gone out f their way to look like us.


basically jealousy
they would DOMINATE the entire world with their inhumanity and nepotism if it wasn't for us always exposing it

also, they know christians are the chosen now

If I could manipulate someone to act against their own interests at every turn and then have them have them thank me for it, I'd hate them just for having so little self-respect. Doesn't mean by itself, but just something to consider.

>Never our fault, goy. It's you who has the problem



they want a race of low IQ mud people to rule over

i don't get why they jew up the UK and the USA, especially after WW2, should have left the bastards in those camps

>rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
>they desperately want a race war.
doesn't compute. races tend to band together in times of distress, yet their goal is a global monorace

>inb4 kike shill

With no history, no culture, no traditions, nothing that makes them a unified body.

paternalism is a rare trait, exclusive to finer races and more sophisticated cultures
expecting affection in the face of our submission and weakness is the sociopolitical equivalent of /r9k/'s gentle femdom fantasy

Why would they want that when they already have a hard working and intelligent wealthy race that they have on a leash (whites). Plus most whites don't care when they find this shit out, it actually makes them prouder to be some kike's bitch to fight and die for niggers

>It makes NO sense to me!
Then you haven't been paying attention.

Thats my first sentence, read the rest to find out the part of the plan of theirs that doesnt make sense and break it down for me since I haven't been paying attention

thats compltelty wrong. If the holocaust was proven fake or never happened they wouldnt have a drop of the power they have now no white man would stand for it. Brown people dont give too shits about corruption, as long as they get handouts they couldnt care less. Just look at any major south american country, that is their end goal.

>It makes NO sense to me!
put yourself in a Kike's shoes. they grow up learning about not only the holohoax, but throughout all of European histories we've had pogroms from time to time. by the time the kike has reached adulthood he has internalized that he is different from whites, and because of that, feels he is an ally of PoC. this is what drives him to supporting the destruction of the West. he doesn't even realize what he is doing is evil, he thinks it is morally justifiable.

the only way to have avoided this mess was if the Western countries (UK, US, etc) made an active effort to get rid of their Jews to Israel. instead this victim mentality has infected Jews while they've been able to infiltrate positions of influence to push their narratives.

That makes sense. Vut you dont think the shitskins would get tired of kikes running their governments and ruling over them, even if they get all the handouts? Plus, without whites, who is going to be paying for their handouts? It sure as hell wont be the kike rulers.

Oh shit the fuck up already, you know why

Totalitarianism, the end goal for (((them))) is 1 world government where everything is controlled and taxed and it's impossible for anyone at the bottom to climb to the top so they want to make 1 big mixed race that share the same points of views idk how to explain it but do you get what I'm sayin??


just because someone has power, doesn't mean they're wise enough to use it. sadly we must defeat the jew or more than us and jews would lost

Yea I understand but they are pretty much already at the top right? I mean they seriously whistle and whites go kill whole cities full of sandniggers for them, and the next nuke that goes off will probably be launched from the USA onto some poor sandnigger country that Israel wants gone

It's going to be easier for them to control us if we are all the same race & all share the same culture, they only have to deal with one point of view to control and manipulate

>The Jew is a one person
You fell into anti-Semitic meme. Jews is a win-win situation for the USA. Look how much influence, tax money and jobs brought fagbook, jewgle and jintel into the USA.


>According to the review, the abusers were mainly "not white but came from a diverse range of backgrounds including Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, Iranian, Iraqi, Kurdish, Turkish, Albanian and Eastern European".

No Jews and Russians. And yet Russians are "undermining the western democracy" and Jews are "destroying British civilisation". Go back to Pakistan, Ahmed.

Maybe actually pay attention to this thread. The answer was already given

There are many different answers and most of them are just the same thing, the only ones that actually address the rest of my original question are the ones that say they just do it out of spite. If they just want to get rid of us for "revenge" or whatever, then they must be way more fucking dumb than everyone thinks, since it destroys their protection and potentially their place at the top of the pyramid.
What do you think it is?

They have nukes, strong military and dumb enemies
They will be fine, its us that are fucked

>Why in the world would the jews want to get rid of the whites

Why not ? Youre racist and antisemetic. We are in 2018. So we decided its time to just replace you. Bye.

Why do jews fear Europeans? Let me ex-lain with this picture...

lol that fucking OP image is from the Pirates CSG game.

I suspect they want to turn whites into a stateless wandering people like they were out of revenge fantasies.

Exactly this.

Jews don't see themselves as white and they hate white people for former persecution (conveniently forgetting that they were foreigners in Europe and that shitskins have treated them just as bad).
Consequently, they want to exterminate us.

You have rightly noticed that such behaviour is going to harm them tremendously.
It will be 15 million Jews without white protection against 2 billion Muslims.
Jews are dead.

because we're superior and always have been