Don't tell me you wouldn't want a turkish girl.
You think there would be a little more meat on that roach with all the crumbs I drop at the fridge with my midnight snack runs.
Oh good lord, I'll fuck any girl fat skinny black white. I don't care.
have a sage fag
Prefer a qt Kurd over a cockroach
user? Why do yo call me a roach? That's so rude!
user-kun will you teach me ingilizce? Pretty please?
A wild challenger appears.
I wouldn't want a Turkish girl.
Hey user? Will you visit me in Turkey?
Yea cumming is pretty great.
Ive fucked a lot of turkish guys. A lot of closet fags sucking on more than sheesha in istanbul
Theres a lot of fags in the muslim world
Hey user why aren't you drinking your tea? Why are you staring at my boobs? Stop being so akward....
of course
Do you know about our traditions user?
They need to be persecuted more. Give these people any leeway and they'll make an 8 year old boy twerk un public surrounded by burly men and obez shemales
all too well sadly
He thinks we're dirty and evil OMG Merve, can you believe this guy? Hahahahaha
If she took a DNA test and turned out to be at least 80% from the Balkans
I'd think about it.
god dang i love freckled girls
>user you're being weird? Why do you care about DNA? Are you some kind of weirdo?
>Hey user, do you want some Baklava with your juice?
Turkish history in a nutshell
Yes, also id like to know if she or anyone in her direct line has any Erdogan syndrome...
>"Ah, we're finally going talk about the JQ. Ok, let me start with all the infographics of Jewish control in the media and after that we can discuss the work of Kevin MacDonald and then..."
Choosing Beggar
literally laughed out loud. loves it.
Aren't you muslim?
>Hey user I brought you some Köfte :3
Wanna go on a date with me user-kun?
>tfw my turkish gf is asleep next to me while I burgerpost
>Hihi I think he's a Turkaboo
Half Turkish girls are pretty
>bushy eyebrows
>weird eyecolours
>noses that only french males would usually have
I would genocide all female roaches without batting an eyelid.
Germans are disgusting looking because they have no eyebrows
Turkish girls are beautiful. Period.
you know these girls are the descendants of european slaves the turks took with them after invading european countries?
yeah and its time to claim them back.
You realize that Anatolians were Europeans and didn't just vanish into nothingsness when 10.000 Ottomans with local merceneraries from Anatolia overthrew the Romans?
Reconquista 2018
All this cherry picking, the only good roach is a dead roach.
Also, gtfo out of Syria
>tfw asked out a Turkish girl once
>thought she was Italian
>she said no
She was into getting tickled by old men though, so whatever.
And no that’s not a euphism for something else.
So when others post nordic girls they never cherrypick?
>>Have superior Iranian-Armenian wife
why would i downgrade?
Eyes brown
Hair brown
Your flag and this statment don't mix
Thierry is that you?
turks are too hairy
Turkish girls do not show their hair anymore. Erdogan made sure of that in the last years. Radical Islam has taken over in Turkey and there is no way to reverse this. In 10 years, Turkey will be like Saudi Arabia, women will all be wearing the niqab, not do any sport and get fat.
Are you cossak or smth? Cuz back then to Empire only them breeded with roaches.
the only female roaches I would date are the ones that have obvious European ancestry like the blond girl at "80-85" in pic related
Not funny
>Radical Islam has taken over in Turkey and there is no way to reverse this
Dead Wrong. It has happend before, specifically the government before Erdogan was a reaction to a fundementalist gonverment which cracked down on Islam. Then Erdogan was a reaction to that. Soon there will be a reaction to Erdogan etc....
I don't want a Turkish Girl
>I mean the government before erdogan cracked down on islam, banning headscarfs from public buildings etc..
Turks are worse than niggers and even below arabs in rank. At least niggers have some sense of humour.
No thank you
They all look the same, are hairy as fuck, make weird cockroach noises and are too small
Lol youre not aware of recent turkish politics, arent you..?
Are you that chilean faggot from int?
Trips pls
Where can I find qt roach girls who want to move to America?
Iranians are probably closer to Aryan roots than some of the german tribes. Look up some of the work the Ahnenerbe did. Armenians are from Caucuses, they are original whites.
>Yes hello I am a wizard and I can see into the future
A Canadian coal burner isn't much of a challenger, especially when her Jewish stick is to pander to thirsty faggots who subscribe to the alt-right branding
And do think Turks are? They are a mix of Anatolian-Persian-Caucasus-Levant and Balkan people
Is this some new Ottoman tactic to reconquer the Caliphate?
If you think about it, white people are not white actually
>>so much mongoloid
just spit in my coffee hippie
You think?
I hate this fucking faggot
And what is wrong with Mongolians? Mongols, Chinese and Japanese have the highest IQ scores on the planet after jews
I would fuck any girl as long as she's not obese
depends on what you mean, the OG indo-aryan race doesn't exist anymore (probably atlantis/hyperborea).
>after jews
>israel's average IQ is 95
So you were saying?