What are your favorite romance scenes in anime and manga, which stand out to you as being among the best...

What are your favorite romance scenes in anime and manga, which stand out to you as being among the best? They can be subtly romantic, or the playful kind or at the other end of the scale they could be a sex scene that conveys the romance well.

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as funny as it is, these two killed the entire the series because their chemistry was that retarded.

>sound of insertion


Deneb, Altair, Vega.

>ズブ! Zubu! 、or
>ぬぼちゅ Nubochu, or
>ぬぷぬぷ nupu nupu, or
>グブグブ Gubu gubu — the mysterious "Inital Penetration" sound, useable on any hole, which is usually followed by the "sex-having" sounds.

SFX is serious business

This show was shit. Just a bland harem, but for females.

Probably one of the only good scenes in the series.

Granted their was a lot of teasing and tension thrown all over the place, but I wouldn't call it a harem since it was only the two of them that developed a romantic relationship.

That haircut scene in Full Metal Panic: TSR



Where this is from?






Uuuuhhhooooooooooooooooo Beatriceeeeeeeeeeeeeee. How my kokoro went brokoro at this scene. This is the denouement of series, ship, (literal sinking) of said ship, and journey.



I dedicate this tale to my beloved witch, BT - RO7

Well its certainly romantic (onesided of course), I can't deny that.


My fucking nigger.

What's this?
Seems shit

What manga is that, OP?


Emma, A Victorian Romance.
Top notch research and accurate setting, sexy english maids and decent story, I'd say.



This. MC has better chemistry with any of the other girls.





Isn't that...ShindoL's?

They animated that?





especially good because she tried to kill him like 30 minutes earlier.

My nigga, that's a great scene.

Mizuryu Kei

She writes excellent settings.

This entire scene always makes my chest tight and my eyes water to the point of tears actually falling out.

Just, everything about it. The build up, the flashbacks, the music, it all led to the most cathartic scene I've ever witnessed.

The constant cuts from both protagonists' viewpoint, never being in the same scene until finally, the music stops, their eyes met, the name was called, and the most poignant piece slowly plays as they finally touched each other and all sorts of emotions spill out before they could even think.

I've watched this movie so many times in theaters and it still gets me every time.

Oh, right, that's what I meant. The one with "that" park.

Only thing I knew about this show before was the OP dance.

I honestly still think this scene from the 06 anime as amazing. Pretty sure La Sola being as good as it is is half the reason.



In my humble opinion one of the best scenes from 0079

Brotherly love in GunGrave was the best.

I remember how I cried at that scene. Say what you want about Ryukishi but the romance was top notch. Still hate how the manga placed this scene before the start of their games though. It's perfect as the end of their relationship, not the beginning.
