against Zionists, Liberals and Muslims.
Is it possible for both Pagans and Christians to unite under one race
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Christian normies and church administration loves jews and muslims.
You just need to respect each others boundaries while agreeing to not respect the boundaries of those that defile both of your societies.
No. Christianity is a weak religion and was only strong because the people were. Now that the people are weak and pathetic, the church is at the forefront of destroying the West.
maybe jews but definently not muslims
c*Tholixs aren't Christian
And protestants are even worse. The Greek-Catholics at least have something left, but then again it's because the people aren't as suicidal as in the west.
They do. Christians are a huge driving force in importing muslims and shilling for accepting them in Europe. Churches literally even shelter them.
Not when you have a Pagan leader like Varg constantly stabbing other European groups in the back
he's always quick to criticize Christianity but too pussy to say anything bad about Muslims
From what I've seen it's always pagans who are dividing the race with religion.
You're so full of shit. Europeans love to talk about how atheistic they are. You're telling me some churches nobody goes to are dictating refugee policy?
>Is it possible for both Pagans and Christians to unite
Christianity presents two barriers to that
>Manichean dualism
>recruitment is central to their dogma
They're all for it since they try to appeal to youth. They try to attract the liberal crowd. They're not dictating refugee policy (they use their resources to support it though), but they will certainly never do anything to resist it to any extent.
Christianity seeks to unite the races under the spiritually authority of the Jewish Messiah. There can't be any race or nationhood in Christianity.
In your garbage country, here priests talk of european genocide and elites and jews.
Recruitment only while they stay where god put them.
Staht marrying yo children off to white Muslims. It is fah preferable to some shitskin chr*Stian Greek oh Italian
Me no like Hobbit it innacurate
no. christcucks are a religion of race traitors and shabbos goyim. with that said, most 'decent' christcucks are actually just european pagans and are ignorant of that fact.
Pagans were wiped out by the (((Christians))).
No. Pagans are gay.
>Recruitment only while they stay where god put them.
It makes it difficult to form an alliance. Pagans accept that other tribes have other gods and don't push theirs on others as universal. They can trust people who don't have the same metaphysical beliefs as they do. Christians don't reciprocate this.
I would not mind cooperating in principle.
As it stands, though, Christianity nowadays is just ur-liberalism.
>shills against christians wanting monoculture
Meanwhile Islam is planting its seed up your anus and inside your women's wombs.
That is because christians believe 101% that they know the truth and they need to share it to save as many as possible. It is completely understandable if you can understand this simple fact. In paganism they dont bother with such things which is also kinda understandable as its all so undefined, atleast from what we know. Best source is from romans i guess, since they had a writing system and they bothered to write their expiriences and thoughts down.
>Pagans accept that other tribes have other gods
Unless those tribes are christian.
Europe is dead. It can stay fedora and LARPagan until Islam eats it.
Stay out of America. Mutts or not, we're not mudslimes and we never will be.
Hail bruder
I've no problem with any Christian who says "I've got my gods and you've got yours; we're cool".
I was calling out pagans who preach respect for other beliefs and then shill against christians in the same breath in that post.
I would rather die here than live there.
hes a christcuck, dont expect him to be even remotely sentient.
If you paid attention, I was shitposting. My image was agreeing with your statement.
Swarthy Snowniggers should be deported back to Germonistan.
Same could be applied to larpagans, but the point is we should set aside the religious differences as they are literally not relevant to our problem, do what you wish with your spirituality, but look the actual problem at hand and try to work against it. Its not worth fighting over memes.
Right. Problem is that Varg and his followers seem to disagree.
Zionists and liberals are the same thing. It's everyone vs the kikes.
>but look the actual problem at hand
is jews and shabbos goyim
>and try to work against it
christcuckery = shabbos goyim
I assume you have no knowledge of khazars and talmudism based on your post. They are not even semites.
Paganism is our roots, Christianity our history and strength.
Heretical protestants that dare legitimize those that disregard and deny the trinity are heretical blasphemers and should not represent Christianity, Jesus would flip their tables and whip them from their temples.
>ignores synagogue of satan
Snowniggers should chopped in half just like their trees.
>the 'muh based jews' theory
oy vey goy, its just those evil khazars, nevermind that the khazar kikes are the slave caste in kike society
Could Old pagan Prussians unite with Teutons?? No, since the Pope ordered to kill and enslave all pagans. Even the mudshits, jews and muslims were treated better in mid-east crusades than pagans in northern crusades. End of story, never forget Judeo-Christian crimes.
>yet another shill thread trying to promote the Jewish Yeshua cult
Piss off, you goddamn kikes!!
>its the r/chirstcuck shill who spams all of these threads like clockwork
probably a bot 2bh
>it's the 8gag shill that hates "cuckchan" but can't stay off of it to suck off Odin and spam "christcuck"
Are you a personal friend of Smiley?
I though you were just misled, but you dont seem to be very intelligent. I'll try to elaborate on what you wrote but thats it.
>muh based jews
Literally dont understand it, there are no living jews, what we call jews are talmudic khazars, listen to
as a christian I would be ok with it, but judging from the thread pagan larpers are too butthurt to put differences aside and fix out earthly problems
>r/christcuck shill is mad that he got banned and is projecting it irrelevantly
>Christianity our history and strength.
There is nothing strong about christianity
There is nothing strong about Europe.
It's the christc*cuk seeking validation thread #9473
Just fuck off already Jew worshiper, why don't you send a donation to the chosen people of your god instead?
We aren't all liberal cucks you know, some of us will fight for our ancestry.
I'm glad you show your true face kike, who else would shit on European heritage so furiously?
i know about the khazars, im saying no jews were ever based. christcuckery has been in near absolute power for what, 1500 years? notice how kikes are still all over the fucking place and more powerful than ever? notice how the (((christcucks))) didnt destroy them, when they easily could have? its almost like you christcuck shabbos goyim have been manipulated by kikes since the beginning of your very 'religion'.
>yes goyim, start infighting because of your religion
>pagans are heretics who worship trees and drink cum
>christians are traitors who worship a jew
My ancestry were colonists here that fought for independence. You snownigger newbloods can go suck off each other in Sweden and go back to your roots.
My heritage is distinctly American. Fuck Europe.
Islam isn't compatible with the west but we need to have Muslim allies in the Middle east to fight the Zionists. They deserve a homeland too.
We don't need infighting, we need to save our ancestral homeland from the dindu invasion and the cuckery.
Fuck Europe. They hate God. They hate guns. They love faggotry. They love atheism. They hate America. Fuck Europe.
christianity is a meme religion right now
>son (god-man)
>holy spirit
>Mary (Catholics only)
Buzz words and you repeatingly showing you dont know what im talking about does not make it a good argument. I'll give it a one more go. There is no connection between khazar jews and jews of the bible. There are no jews of the bible anymore, they would be palestinians basicly. Jew was also not a term used in the bible until 200 years ago or so. Its judean, simply a term for someone who was living in the roman province of judea. Thats basicly it. Khazarian talmudists took judeism upon them selves and said we are the lost tribe to have easier time infiltrating european christian lands.
>ywn see Constantinople rightfully returned
>Hagia sophia will forever be desecrated
I don't know if I can go on.
I will say Whites should stop infighting and unite and against our enemies
we are the Byzantines bickering over little shit whilst the Seljuks march upon us
Should have unite Pagans and Muslims instead
it's the future
>My heritage is distinctly American
>mfw the founders of america were pagans who wouldve lynched your kike ass
Early Christianity was a synthesis in many ways. Though it certainly favoured the Roman return.
I didn't expect honesty or consistency from a snownigger. I never will. All LARPagans can fuck off back to 8gag, because that's all where they plan their shill raids.
>following sand religion
Although current state of western paganism is quite cringe worthy, although I would support them over sand religion
There's more left to respect in Islam than modern Christianity which is left entirely at the whim of democratic opinion.
>jews undermine christianity
Thank you, Oblivious Snownigger.
mind explaining why the christcucks never exterminated the jews, yet attacked white europeans constantly?
>western paganism is quite cringe worthy
I agree to some degree. Do you know anything about Rodneverje, the Slavic pagan tradition? It's like the Germanic one without cuckoldry, feminism and all that shit
you understand they were masons, right? their christianity isnt what you think it is lmao
>every colonist was a mason
Oblivious Snownigger is still oblivious.
The Abrahamic religions, also referred to collectively as Abrahamism, are a group of Semitic-originated religious communities of faith that claim descent from the practices of the ancient Israelites and the worship of the God of Abraham. The term derives from a figure from the Bible known as Abraham.[1] Abrahamic religion was able to spread globally through Christianity being adopted by the Roman Empire in the 4th century and the Islamic Empire from the 7th century onward. As a consequence, today the Abrahamic religions are one of the major divisions in comparative religion (along with Indian, Iranian, and East Asian religions).[2] Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the largest Abrahamic religions in terms of numbers of adherents.[3][4][5]
The major Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism in the 7th century BCE,[6] Christianity in the 1st century CE, and Islam in the 7th century CE.
the man in that quote was, to whom i was referring. you goofball mormons werent even considered americans.
Watch his prison anectdotes video, he criticizes islam
Disingenuous snowniggers are the allies of the jews they claim to be against. They are the controlled opposition.
It should be obvious to anyone who studies history.
Kill yourself, snownigger, so I won't have to.
mind explaining this one, shill?