Will there ever be a bigger happening than 9/11?

Will there ever be a bigger happening than 9/11?

Yeah. Exposing all the lies that the Jews have told.



lol yeah.

wait for autumn


who else here watched the second plane hit live on CNN?
post yfw.

Hope not. This country hasn't been the same since.

You forgot the part where Jews expose it themselves when we are offically on the verge of going Zimbabwe world wide

Yes, the inevitable false flag "alien" attack

Not really sure, that was a really big happening. I can't think of a bigger one other than a new World War or Civil War.

The coming civil war.



Yeah, when the collapse inevitably comes. Could very well happen in the next 30 years.

9/11 times a hundred.

The next big economic collapse. Migrant crisis in Europe intensifying due to climate change. Food and resource shortages, particularly of water in developing nations causing mass migrations / war / strife over resources.

Humans are using resources on Earth like they're unlimited. The Earth's resources are finite. It's been around for 4.6 billion years now. Humans are using resources at such an unsustainable rate. We are il-prepared for the future. SLR, more intense storms / hurricanes / heat waves, etc. are all coming and will effect us all. NA won't be spared either, expect migrants from Central and South America to increase dramatically in the near future due to droughts and crop failures.

There is another happening brewing, it will simply play out over decades rather than a singular event like 9/11. We're living right now in the biggest happening of human history, we just don't know it yet. Our civilization, everything we built could collapse. Nations will rise and fall because of our lack of action. Demographics will change forever. Millions, maybe billions will die.





This is what I've been saying. I think it will be so significant, so earth shattering that it will change even how we document the passage of time. It won't be 2XXXAD, instead we will just say it is X amount of years after the collapse.

The second coming

12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?



9/11 was fucking huge.
its insane to think that so many civilians died in lower manhattan, literally worse than pearl harbor, and it happened in america in fucking 2001.

Eventually someone is going to detonate a nuclear weapon by surprise. Could be a State, a terrorist, or maybe an accident, but on a long enough time line, the probability of avoiding a nuclear detonation drops to zero.
Everyone knows it will happen, it's an accepted fact among security experts.
>the biggest happening of all time will be when some Terrorist decides to finally use a nuke and ends up wiping Hoboken, New Jersey off the map.


No, because in the current times of free information flow on the internet, (((they))) are afraid that with a too big of a happening they will be found out.

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.


I was 9 years old and it was the first thing I saw when I rolled out of bed

When the truth about deep state complicity in 9/11 becomes known it will be a bigger happening than the event itself.

The planet is greening with the increase in CO2. If you're going to worry about "climate change", worry about that big nuclear fireball in the sky going quiet for a while.

Literally anudda shoah.

I had just flown home the day before from JFK. Someone woke me up and I thought they were telling me about some movie on TV. I didn't sleep for 3 days.


pic related when that happened.
were you traumatized? I was a full-sized man at the time. Or did you think it was cool and prayed for more habbenings in a child's premonition of Kek?

(((6000000)))% probability there will be a bigger happening sometime

Nuke attack on a major western city or alien landing.

Glad somebody else can see it coming. It's so obvious and it will be their master stroke that finally unites the world under one authority, to fight the "evil aliens that attacked us". But they'll just have been made-made craft.

Spot on

I had a pretty "meh" reaction to it but I've never had any illusions that the world we live in is a nice place. The next year I chose Harry Truman out of all US presidents to write an essay on for school and my stated reason in the essay was that he was a great and courageous man for authorizing the use of the atomic bombs on Japan. So, maybe there was an effect or maybe I was just born a morbid person


>I chose Harry Truman out of all US presidents to write an essay on for school and my stated reason in the essay was that he was a great and courageous man for authorizing the use of the atomic bombs on Japan.
the most woke 9 year old ever

Hopefully 9/11 2: Dirtybomb Boogaloo. Fuck NYC.



Muslims in Europe/Canada chimp out and those true colors come out for the world to see in mass.
>Merkel, Shultz, Trudeu, Whoever the fuck runs Sweden.
>One or all of them get decapitated via livestream
>Sup Forums goes Apeshit and the various Webms + blooper edits appear all across the internet for weeks on end.
>#notallmuzzers for a few weeks
>Faggots change their display images on FB to some gay filter.
>Sup Forums starts #thanksmohhamed for salt.


Let's hope so

Next American election, the assassination of Trump. Mark my words it will happen, democrats will be trying it. Hes gonna get JFKed and (((they))) will take your guns. Civil war from then on.

Liberals attempting to repeal the 2nd amendment and their liberal faggot goons getting blasted at every other house is going to be a big happening.

Its going to be hilarious to see how many are dead when its all said and done and they give up and beg for mercy.

They could send one of every M1 Abrams ever built to go Waco a house and they'd still have millions upon millions of homes to ignite

a nuclear device will be used to kill a lot of people some day, its practically inevitable

>we'll have hundreds if not thousands of videos of it in extremely high quality
silver lining

If Israeli Mossad pulls off another false flag then pin the blame on Iran, North Korea or Assad then yes.

I believe we are one jew naming away.

This. It will be soon.

No one told me what was going. We had just gotten out of Tuesday mass and the teachers made us go pray in front of the cross and sing God Bless America. Did not find out what was happening till Mommy picked me up.

Thought this was Laura Ingram for a second.




i was 31, already skeptical of the bin laden story
the next day at work i was calling bs on the official story, people would just look at their feet and say nothing, like they knew but were afraid to agree with me
it red-pilled me on how lame people are

>9th grade
>Study Hall
>Teacher brought in t.v.
>So everyone could watch

>home sick from school
>dad wakes me up
>says "there's something on TV you should probably see"
bit of an understatement pops

>world war III or any conflict between at least two nuclear or global powers
>civil war in relevant country
>alien invasion
>second coming/judgement day
many other things

why did amerimutts make such a big deal about this?

I was in the shed smoking with my mates, we had a little tv set up and were watching that, we thought some elaborate joke had been played on us. how right we were...

yes. will reveal more soon

Why did we make a big deal out of terrorists crashing planes into two enormous skyscrapers and the pentagon, killing thousands and shattering the peaceful illusion we'd been living in for decades? I just don't rightly know.

finally had an excuse to remove kebab

you know like you should have before they started raping your women after throwing acid on their faces and running down your children in trucks.

I watched live as the Challenger exploded
I watched live when we went into Iraq
I watched live as Waco burned
I watched 9/11 live

t. i watch too much tv

Some muslim faggot will drop a nuke somewhere once sometime in there future. It will happen. Then shits gonna get gud

Shutting down the jewish lead media

The 2nd civil war will make it seem like a kids birthday party.

North Korea
Iraq War


NK bombs Hawaii on August 25th, 2021, resulting in 3,205 deaths

I hope so, I hope it's irrefutably done by Muslims, I hope it's in California, and I hope it's extremely soon. We need the left on defense with muh muzzies instead of offense with muh guns

It would of been the greatest even if it happened at night the fact it happened on a sunny clear morning makes it easily the greatest happening of all time

>first attack on US soil since Pearl Harbor
gee I wonder

Riddley Walker

You are woefully ignorant of marine thermoclines and haloclines.

nah, another 9/11 will wake everyone up and (((they))) know that.

Yes. Jesus will be returning.

Trump's indictment, impeachment and imprisonment.

Mexican Elections, the fried beaners event.

I highly doubt (((they))) can start another war with another country. Next big thing would be a civil war that will last for a decade.

Autumn is sexy. At least my leasing lady named Autumn is sexy. I almost had a date with her, too, then I went full on awkward neet and stopped giving a shit.

only in your dreams

Yellowstone, North Korea, WW3

when the oil runs out

when the walls of Israel prevent the explosion radius from expanding outside it's boarders.

We must all band together and become brown people(except jews) to fight the "aliens" that nobody has ever seen or will be able to see, but they will show on TV.

Nov. 8th It's really really gonna happen this time I swear.


unseen asteroid

Yes when the truth about said 9/11 comes out

>a bigger happening than 9/11?
There's been plenty, before and since.
You blind autistic cunt.

Is the fact 9/11 was many of our first introduction to the Muslim world, is it possible that 9/11 is responsible for creating distrust which leads to persecution against innocent Muslims in the west today?