I have a job offer that would require me to live in Shanghai, China...

I have a job offer that would require me to live in Shanghai, China. They want to pay me twice what I earn now and will provide me with an apartment and good benefits, relocation expenses etc...

Should I do it, Sup Forums?

This might be my only opportunity to emigrate from this sinking ship

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Do you have family?

None who matter really

Just mommy and a brother

What's the job? Do you like the idea of Chinese Intelligence watching you 24/7?

If you don't have kids or a serious relationship, I'd do it. I'd only work for a few years with the intent of saving/investing all my earnings and coming back to the US to put a down payment on a house

very nice city and quality escorts, would move there in a heart beat

The job is with a financial institution primarily focused on asset management

Implying jews dont watch you 24/7

>Should I do it, Sup Forums?
Yes. My principle policy for life has been to use chances, like going overseas and seeing the world. Do it. You can always come back after a year or two.

Also, there is good food in Shanghai, honestly, really good food. Girls are very rigid, so you will have to fish in the ex-pad community rather than indigenous girls.

>just move to a totalitarian society without a functioning legal system bro

Go for it buddy. I would go teach English in Korea but I dont want to be somewhere where I cant have my guns. You dont have that dilemma.

I would prefer Korea but China is where all the opportunity is right now it seems

Enjoy fucking up your lungs with the crazy smog and poisoning your body with all the crap chinks try to sell as "food". Fake eggs, fake rice, frozen meat from the 80's being sold, gutter oil, etc. But hey, atleast you will be swimming in chink pussy. But remember, first force the chink into a shower. Chinks are almost as dirty as indians.

>from china to china
gee, what a change!

I don't know what the fuck you're saying, local girls are great if you at least pretend to understand their culture and be patient instead of hoping to fuck on the first date (which is also highly possible). Expat girls in China and in Asia in general are the worst trash, not even the chinks want them.

I thought China only wanted white guys to sit silently in meetings to add legitimacy. But if you can deal with being spied on hardcore (I don't mean meta data I mean multiple guys working in shifts to follow your every move), plus the zero empathy of the populace, its lit.
Im told the only mistake you can make it saying "Taiwan is independent". They take their territorial claims very personally.

>>just move to a totalitarian society without a functioning legal system bro
You'll be surprised, I would say Shanghai is as free a society as living in Tokyo or New York or Hong Kong. It is by many means less totalitarian to live there than in London or Berlin.

Asia is cool op definitely do it. Try to save a good amount and then you can always bail whenever with a fatter account and cool experiences that you know you could never get anywhere else. It's not like youll be trapped there, unless you start shit talkin commies on weibo or something idk. Get a good vpn and make sure the apartment theyre giving you isnt shit and isnt going to collapse on you. godspeed

You can talk shit about the Taiwan question all you want, they'll aggro deep inside but they will do nothing

>if you at least pretend to understand their culture and be patient instead of hoping to fuck on the first date

I have been seconded to Shanghai for 18 months over a decade ago. I actually dated a Chinese local banker girl for over half a year and we were closed to getting engaged. It did not work out because she had to move away and after 2 months we said we can't see a future in a long term relationship.

Anyway, despite this, I pretty much only saw people dating other expats. My situation only worked out, because she had actually lived in Germany for over 5 years as a teenager (father was a manager who lived in Europe and the US).

China wants you back? I think you should respect CCP and take what they offer.

I heard denying China territorial claims is like going to Israel and holocaust denying times a thousand. Then again, I only heard it, so it could very well be bullshit.

>I will move to the land of chinks
>in order to escape chinks

Is your mental health cost more to you than money? If not, you can move fine but expect to deal with cheating Chinese daily

Don't do it. I implore you read this cautionary tale.
imgur.com/r/Sup Forums/lrNHGbS

this is what I'm afraid of

Lack of regulations and a cutthroat unfamiliar culture.

China is a shit hole of MASSIVE proportions. Don't do it.

>unironically linking to fucking imgur

china is a shithole, most of the "lol china is le greatest countriii" comes from guys who go the very urban centres and think all of china is like that, and what's funny is in those urban centres YOU STILL Get the fucking nongs.

lmao fucking immigrant, you're no better than other immigrants like Muslims or brown people if you take that job.

well, don't say i didn't warn you. good luck

this. main reason i can never go live abroad. i refuse to live as a cuck

Shanghai is great. Very international and modern. Just get a VPN before you go

The cost of living will go down in comparison, thereby allowing you to save even more money in the long-run. China is the future economic powerhouse of the world and being close to Southeast Asia and the developing economies of Vietnam, Indonesia, and India as well as Japan and Korea to the east makes for a economically favourable place for the next few decades to come as these countries try to develop themselves into the first world (referring to the former before Korea and Japan)

I've seen that screencap numerous times already

make sure to talk about your love for japan and how regretful you are for america destroying the beautiful empire and monarchy

>low cost of living

Dunning-Kruger: the post

Yeah, just go for it
If you're lucky you'll get access to Chinese superintelligence gene mods

it all depends on the place. don't generalise an entire land mass as large as the USA as being a "shithole". it's not like every city in China is the equivalent of Detroit...

in korea u wouldnt need a gun

It is similar, but the Chinese being pathetically passive and apologetic is not a meme at all, it's reality. So they'll never really argue.

Are you Chinese? If it pays well it's worth it for a couple years, it'll definitely be something new to get out of a rut

Yeah, do it. The west is finished and u might learn something

If you speak some Chinese you should be okay dating the locals really, because the English they speak is really really shit. But dating the expats is pretty much like staying home which is probably suitable for OP

I have an uncle and aunt who left New York for Shanghai several years ago. Despite making less salary than they did in the States, the overall cost of overhead or expenses are lower by comparison, meaning they have more disposable income.

It also depends on how you live and where you shop. Just because the average cost of things is high statistically doesn't mean you can't live cheaply if you tried.

You live in BC don't you? Your "job opportunity", since it's undefined, is probably a gimmick job.

Also enjoy being called a "ghost" and treated as you would expect as an outsider in an ethnically homogeneous society.

You're moving to Vancouver?

They'll say something like "b-but were friends with Japan now, we l-love their culture, only old people hate Japan now!"

Can we stop talking about 3d women? I really don't give a shit

I live in worst case Ontario

>move out of New York
>reduce cost of living
Imagine my shock

Toronto? Just about everywhere is isn't a shithole.

People called ghosts are those guys who don't interact with the local population. The mainland Chinese are probably the world's most friendly to foreigners nation

OP cant read shit the image is all blurred

I've read through the image numerous times in the past and have it saved anyway. I remember exactly what it says.

yeah but they are now earning less than before in Shanghai and yet can save more. And it was in New York State, not NYC. They were based in Buffalo, which makes a big difference.
>Dunning-Kruger: the post

It's a really pathetic example really, if you're stupid enough to get owned by the chinks you do deserve it


If you use the phrase 3d women unironically I really hope you die on your flight over there. I didn't realize we were giving advice to a straight up incel anime fag.

No brainer. Do it. Free rent and double money. You can save for a house, early retirement, partnership buy in, all that shit. Sucks you’ll be breathing all that shit air though. Go my son. I dub thee a yella chinaman chink chong bing bong.

Chance of doubling wage + Chance to live in new country...

New York state would have much higher taxation than fucking Shanghai in that situation

Rent prices are much higher in Shanghai than fucking buffalo

Please stop posting

This term is only used in the Cantonese community, more specifically Hong Kong and Guangzhou which are the areas where the foreigners first appeared. Usually the chinks call us 老外, which is literally "old foreign"

Well, if I were you I'd go there just for the possibility of cheap travel to Japan.
Shanghai is one of the few good cities, southern China is generally more cultured and better ecologically so that's ok too. What can go wrong?

well I'm only trying to help by giving information from people currently living in Shanghai. They say it's cheaper than living in the States. That's all I'm saying.

>go to Sup Forums
>get mad when someone writes a 10 year old meme

why not? its a new interesting opportunity?
is it a major city with good ex-pat communities?
live life and try new shit.

If you are willing to learn chinese you should do it.

The fact that you are posting memes on Sup Forums tells us that your current life is probably full of depression so any chance to remedy that is good.

It's cheaper and more convenient due to the nice public transportation system, but the actual modem city part is very small and outside it's just an average Chinese city

Of course you should go fucking leaf. Gain experience , they will be watching you but if you know that before then its not an issue.

Beware of all the fucking chink scammers.

wew lad

>living in China
>less depressing

>The fact that you are posting memes on Sup Forums tells us that your current life is probably full of depression so any chance to remedy that is good.
I found Sup Forums when I was hitting rock bottom. I had lost my job, dropped out of college and I was just sitting at home all day contemplating suicide since I felt all was lost. But thanks to Sup Forums I managed to overcome the defeatism and to take whatever I could grab as a starting point. I'm a seafarer finishing my last year of (online, but it isn't written on the degree in El Salvador) college now.

Read a book/audiobook called "Poorly made in china", it's about manufacturing but anyone who works in china should read it.

nobody fucking cares

You're not white