It's not enough for the white man to steal Africa's resources for himself, now he wants his skin colour too
Cultural Appropriation
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eli’s obsession with body modification started from a young age after his uncle came back from Spain with a huge tribal tattoo.
>‘I’ve always been blown away by art itself. Picasso is a huge childhood inspiration to me, especially abstract art, but I do like all forms of art. Body art was just the next local step for me growing up.’
>'I wanted to look like an abstract character in one of Picasso’s paintings. I love the abstract look, no thought , just pure expression,' he said.
>Dating doesn't seem to be difficult though as he has a girlfriend Holly, who is also part of the body-mod scene and they are madly in love.
He even has a gf. He will never have to work again. Maybe he is on to something
Le 0% face on the right
He turned himself into a nigger. This is too funny.
What a fucking div.
Stuck looking like a jungle man for the next 40 plus years
What ultimately happens to people like this? Don't they all just end up killing themselves?
She'll leave his ass once she loses some weight
He looks better with the body mods tbqh. More like a retard, but less like an ape I guess.
Le greatest artist of the 20thC
this level of degeneracy is unacceptable
>Eli said the negative reactions don’t bother him anymore.
>‘The best is always nice compliments, that’s always nice to hear, either from tattoo collectors or just passers-by, the worst is always older generation looking down on you and making you feel worthless.’
that's fuckin spoopy, serious serial killer vibes from that shot
>I'm here for the job interview
Anti matter of Michael Jackson
do bongs even have freedom of expression? sounds like a bill of rights thing
>Eli Ink, a 27-year-old tattoo artist from Brighton, England
Maybe Pewdiepie gets his tattoos from this guy
You're free to do it, I'm free to call you a dipshit for doing it.
pic related pulled up beside me at a red light in his barina in melbourne one day.
small brain : whites are whites and blacks are blacks
giant brain : whites are whites and blacks are whites
mungo brain : everyone is black
kill it with fire
He will of had any benefit she has to offer by then
I'd like to see his passport or drivers license.
Yeah there's something about this guy that rubs me the wrong way. Imagine walking through a parking garage late at night, just going to your car like any other day. All of a sudden he blocks your path smiles and starts doing a pageant wave as you scream in terror
>not tattooing under your fingernails
It's gotta fade like crazy
It just doesn't seem like his mouth or nose would be functional
Gonna be funny when conservative generation z takes over and this guy will be a homeless dumb-looking fag
Or nipples
He looks like the type of fish you'd find at the bottom of the ocean
You bigots should be more understanding of what it's like to be black trans
Kek wtf
>literally just squiggly lines
wtf I love abstract art now
Naughty Nigger Made A No-No
I've come to the conclusion that he's full of shit and he's just trying to cover up all the mistakes he's made because good god he's a terrible artist
Why he looks like monkey?
I agree. He claims he drew pic and I believe him because it's terrible, but the other stuff he claims is his looks copied.
For example he claims this as his work but he has copied it, then he will trace it on to a client.
That's a good idea
wtf? that's a swastika
>Our degenerate?
better pic of swastika from 2016
Now I'm starting to wonder what this guy was covering up exactly
I want to get off this timeline
yfw whites are better at being niggers than niggers
gain muscle = sagat
lose weight = dhalsim
We need to nuke Brighton
>not angled
>second pic has those four dots
it's the dumb hindi thing
religious people are disgusting
tattoos are bad for the immune system
also trashy and degen
Student at Sussex, Brighton here. Can confirm he is not the only mad cunt fuckwit to destroy his body. This place needs to be purged.
la creatura
Good god he is the fucking worst. I do hope he hasn't mutilated anyone but himself with this unlikely lack of talent.
>Tattoo collectors.
Sounds like cunts who go around cutting tattoos off dickheads and framing the skin.
The memes are becoming real
La Luz Extinguido
Chupacabra, no?
Veganism body mods
I hope he develops skin cancer from all that bullshit.
Ear gauging is African btw
No they just live of the welfare state that the left created.
No it's not, it's the last stand of implicit whiteness.
La Creature De La Alternativo Derecho!! AY YAY YAY!
Gas em'
Picasso admitted in later life that all his work and fame was a fraud, these folk are making a fraud of themselves out of a fraud, how postmodern.
shut up jew
she’s not half bad looking either wtf is wrong with the world