Am I white, Sup Forums?
Am I white, Sup Forums?
if you have to ask, you are not white
Looks huwyte to me.
Castizos > White
They are Aryans to the mayan mutts
They are latin lovers to the whites
Castizos are the most beautiful race, the golden race. Irishmen will never know the soft touch of a fair creamy golden skin of the castiza.
They don't call you Spic Fuentes for nothing, kid.
White enough mate.
Well then
He blocked me
mutt cant meme
Not everyone is a mutt some are just ugly.
like me
Pure white but I have a disfigured jaw.
I like this guy! Nice to know others enjoy him too. Any of you also got hfa? (High functioning autism) im new here trying to see if there any others !
Yes, but in this case he literally is a 56% see
White enough for America at this point.
79.1% - European
- Southern European - 63.7%
- Northwestern European - 13.2%
- Broadly European - 2.3%
14.8% - East Asian and Native American
2.3% - Middle Eastern and North African
1.3% - Sub-Saharan African
2.6% - Unassigned
I can tolerate the Native and even MENA genes. But 1.3% SSA? Not white sorry.
Yes Nick. Keep gassing those kikes will ya?
"Fuentes" can be Spanish.
Spaniards are White
I like you leaf. I'll rake you last.
Honorary enough for me
Not white, see:
Ben Franklin - "And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased."
I don't know about white or not, but you seem like a fake christian and a huge, colossal, douchebag
more white than Sup Forums and the altright yea
When will they ever learn
He likes to larp as a white guy but he isn't even going to bleach his genes he has a shit skin gf.
why didn't he eat his veggies? :•(
Why are the beginnings of your videos 20 minutes of a 40 second music clip?